
Tuesday, March 22, 2011

the cigarette smoking man.


there's a guy who works in my office building
for some other company on the first floor

who smokes under the stairwell for a living.

spy cam, hip shot.

you guys, i hate him.  he's my all time arch nemesis and he doesn't even know it.

but everyday, on my way in and out of the office - and all the meetings i go to in between, he's there.  smoking.  sometimes flirting with the indian girl who works on the second floor.... but he's always there.

he's real sleezy:

slick hair - uses dep, most def
khaki dockers with pleats
black square-toed shoes
a bluetooth in his earand a
phone holster clipped to his belt
talking on the phone

i can't believe i haven't ranted about him before. ask any of my co-workers... my blood's been simmering for at least a year now, but today it cranked itself up to a full rapid boil.

 he was there when i came in this morning, still there when i left for a meeting 20 minutes later, and still there when i came back.  he was there when i left for a construction site visit, and he was there when i came back.  and he was STILL there when i left for lunch.

i passed through the parking garage six times before noon and he was outside smoking every single time.

i honestly, physically bite my tongue every time i roll the window down to swipe my card for access to the basement.  i want to yell at him. or tell him to work for once. or have a frank discussion with him about the details of his job description.  and i've been thisclose to asking his co-workers about the "cigarette smoking man" every time we ride the elevator together.

.... and then just the other day, he started winking at me with a mischevious grin.


i have legitimate harbored anger towards him, all the while he thinks he's being real smooth.

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