
Thursday, July 31, 2008


Today we took Harry’s family to Disneyland. We arrived about 10.30 am. The first thing we did was ride the Jungle Cruise. Leonhard really enjoy this, next was the Tarzan Treehouse, that was a lot of fun but Leonhard didn’t like the animal sounds, as he thought they were real. We then checked out Tom Sawyer’s island (or whatever new name it has) that was a lot of fun though Harry’s nephew didn’t like the dark caves and after going through one of them decided it was safer not to do it again. From there we went to Splash Mountain. There was a long waited for this ride… about an hour but it really took about 80 minutes. Harry’s mom stayed behind as she didn’t want to stand with us in line for so long and she didn’t want to ride any of the more “wild” rides. I guess it had been a while since I had road that ride, as I didn’t remember getting soooo wet on it. Everyone got soaked but everyone seemed to really enjoy it including Leonhard. Next we went over to Big Thunder, but it was closed. We moved on to the Matterhorn and the Finding Nemo’s Submarine ride, but the lines were too long for Harry’s sisters taste so Harry and I decided to grabbed a bite to eat, while the rest of his family took the Train ride around the entire park. While eating we got to watch the new Jedi Academy Training show…that was a lot of fun

After lunch we met up again and rode Autotopia and Leonhard really loved that ride. After that we tried Space mountain, but after we stood in line for about 20 minutes, we were told that they had issues with the ride and was going to be shut down until further notice. So we walked over to FantasyLand and one ride caught Leonhard’s eye.. it was the Circus Train, Harry’s family rode that while Harry and I sat down and relaxed. After they train ride, while heading over to Toontown, the Parade started and Harry’s family decided to watch the Parade instead. His nephew really loved the parade, which was cool since he had never seen a Disney movie and didn’t really know the characters. We decided to ride Big Thunder since it was working again. So we left Harry’s mom and nephew with another ride on the circus train ride and Bernd, Gerda, Harry and I went over to Big Thunder. We had the fast pass so it only took about 15 minutes to get on the ride and everyone really enjoyed it. Everyone was tired but Gerda wanted to take Leonhard on one last ride, the Storybook boat ride. We headed over to Downtown Disney to grab a bite to eat and then we headed back home... all in all it was a really great day. It’s not how I would have spent the day at Disneyland but when you have a five-year-old you tend to change you plans. It was still a lot of fun on the ride we were able to get on.

Cebas Finalrender 渲染參數效能評測

最近在製作CSI犯罪現場系列的主要角色 上圖是隊長Jim Brass用Finalshaders Fast Skin材質球所製作出來的皮膚算圖效果. 雖然3S (Subsurface Scattering)的效果與真實皮膚觸感還沒到達完美 不過目前這樣的水準還可接受. 可是有一個很大問題 就是這一張圖片要花六分多鐘才能算完 對於製作動畫是很不實際的 於是趁這個機會 對Finalrender這套渲染器來做一次參數效能評測 找出最佳化的皮膚算圖參數!

講到效能評測一定會先談到硬體環境. 我是用Panasonic Let's Note R4筆記型電腦在玩3ds Max. 它的配備是:
CPU: Intel Pentium M 1.2GHZ L2
Chip: Intel 915GMS VRAM: 128MB
HDD: 80GB Ultra ATA100

軟體部分是用Autodesk 3ds Max 9 SP1 + Cebas Finalrender Stage-1 R2.0 + Cebas Finalshaders 2.0. 場景設定很簡單 打一個Simple Sky 強度設為0.6, 另外在臉左側約45度角打一盞RecLight強度設為1. 臉材質使用fS-Fast Skin材質球(參考上圖) 分別貼上Surface, Blood, Normal Bump與Refraction貼圖這個折射貼圖可以大大地增加真實性 但也會消耗許多算圖時間.

首先先看到AdaptiveQMC (自適性準蒙地卡羅演算法), Low與High的預設值算圖時間超過一倍 但是最終結果卻沒有明顯差異

Bounces是設定光子反彈的次數 雖然反彈五次沒有比反彈兩次多出多少時間 但是如果只反彈一次 就只要花6m 5s就完成計算.

與傳統的Scanline rendering不同 , Bucket Rendering(水桶算圖法)是把圖像切割成小區塊 每個區塊分別計算 這裡最小區塊尺寸16 與最大區塊尺寸256 算圖時間就差了一半 (五分鐘左右)

幾何體面數對渲染時間的影響如何? 即使面數增加了十五倍 算圖時間也只增加了一倍左右.

fS-Fast Skin是Finalshaders提供的快速設定真實皮膚材質. Subsurface Sample決定次表面散射的品質. 這邊50與1000所消耗的時間相差將近一倍. 但是數值過低算出來的結果會過於灰白沒有立體感

Geomatric Sample決定光線穿透物體產生內部光照的品質 這和光跡追蹤有關. 預設值是Automatic, 但是Relative與Absolute都可以節省將近一半的算圖時間 雖然品質稍微下降 而且皮膚微紅.

輸出大小當然會影響到算圖時間. 幾乎是呈現倍數成長

方形光(Reclight)的陰影採樣數也會影響到算圖時間 預設值是64 如果改為32則可節省30秒的時間.

由上述效能評測 我們可以得到以下最佳參數Optimized Parameters (括號中的數值預設參數):
AdaptiveQMC-->Low (Low)
Bounces--> 1 (2)
Bucket-->256 (64)
Subsurface Sample-->500 (500)
Geomatric Sample-->Relative (Automatic)
Reclight Shadow Sample-->32 (64)

用這樣的參數來算圖可以與預設值相比節省超過一半的時間 也就是說在算動畫的時候如果本來要花一整天的時間才能算完 如果使用最佳化參數可能就只需要花半天就完成了!

Making of Lee Teng-hui 前總統李登輝

Vray的全局照明(Global Illumination)演算法原理與比較

傳統藝術 VS 現代舞者

Online Videos by

By: yufulin Description作者名稱:林朝基團隊名稱: 作品簡介:在一次偶然的機會,見到「龍門舞蹈團」的表演,對接觸藝文活動本來就不多的我而言,著實讓我十分吃驚!原來傳統的廟口陣頭表演,和現代舞蹈結合在一起,竟是那麼令人耳目一新。陳美利老師是一名現代舞者,從小就接受現代舞的教育與薰陶,還曾經是「雲門舞集」的團員,跟著國內知名舞蹈家羅曼菲、林懷民巡迴表演。然而身處知名舞團的光環,並沒有沖淡陳美利要回鄉教舞的想法,終於在家庭的支持下,陳美利回到自己的家鄉—嘉義,圓她人生的另一個夢想。 回到嘉義後,陳美利思索著該如何開創自己的舞蹈藍海,左思右想,發現在身邊最基層的地方—廟口,其實一直存在著傳統陣頭藝術,加上八家將、宋江陣、十二婆姐等等這些表演所運用的技巧,例如刀、槍、棍、棒、空翻、跳躍等等,其實和現代舞蹈的元素頗吻合,於是引起她姑且一試的動機。 囿於對傳統廟口表演的陌生,陳美利不僅到全省各地的廟宇,觀察各式的陣頭表演內容,更是到處訪查教授陣頭表演的老師傅,不過因為老師傅的年歲都已屆高齡,有的甚至已經等不及陳美利的到訪駕鶴西歸,讓陳美利在田野調查上受盡挫折,這也更讓她更決心要將這些傳統的陣頭表演傳承下去。 陳美利現在除了購買大量的書籍來充實基本陣頭知識外,還不定時前往坊間的神壇,請教教授陣頭表演的師傅,並且親身學習陣頭表演的各項技巧,回到舞蹈教室再透過改編,融入現代舞蹈的元素,賦予傳統藝術新生命。 96年9月,陳美利的「龍門舞蹈團」受到「全美台灣同鄉聯誼會」的邀請,前往美國拉斯維加斯、奈利斯空軍基地表演,受到當地華僑的熱烈歡迎,僑胞們對於這項表演既好奇又讚許,紛紛加入玩票表演的行列,在娛樂中對台灣的傳統陣頭表演有另一層不同的感受,也讓國際人士對台灣的印象,不再只停留於原住民文化的刻板印象。

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Sailing the Pacific

Around 10 am Harry’s family picked us up at our place and we drove down to my Mom’s in Newport Beach. She and my step dad Chuck were taking us out for a sailing trip. We got to my Mom’s around noon and a 1/2-hour later we made our way slowly out of the harbor. We sailed for about an hour and a half, Bernd enjoyed doing all the boat duties, it’s always fun bringing along guests as it means I don’t have to do the work myself. Bernd even drove the boat for a while. As we headed back in we stopped by the seal “hotel” as they call it. It’s a buoy at the entrance of the harbor where a lot of seals sunbathe… Harry’s family really enjoyed that part. We got back to my Mom’s and they made us some burgers and fish on the BBQ. Everyone enjoyed lunch. Harry’s nephew Leonhard likes to pretend fish and I knew Chuck had real fishing poles so I went and got one. Leonhard’s eyes lighten up instantly. He was so excited to really fish. After a few attempts we finally go the pole set up right and he started to fish. You would never think a five year old would be so quiet and still for so long. He fished for hours but in the end didn’t get a bit.. but he seemed to have fun just the same. My mom told Chuck that they should give Leonhard the fishing pole he had been using (it was brand new) and they did. Harry’s family seemed genuinely shocked and very appreciative of the gesture. Leonhard LOVED it and even said Thank you to Chuck in English (which is a big deal). After that we drove back home and called it a night. Another fun day with Harry’s family.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Fishes, Sharks and Earthquakes.. oh my!!!

Today we picked up Harry’s Tux at the The Men’s Warehouse and it fits perfectly...whoo hooo. Around 11:30 am we gave Bernd a buzz to let him know we were ready to be picked up, as we had planned to go to the Aquarium of the Pacific in Long Beach. We left our place around 11:30 am and got to Long Beach around 1:00 pm. We started to walk through the exhibits, Harry’s nephew, Leonhard, was really excited and seemed to have a lot of fun. Harry’s sister and I took tons of pictures while Harry took about 1 hour of video.

We were about half way through the entire exhibit when my Dad called, he had asked if we felt the earthquake, supposedly we had a 5.4 earthquake at Chino Hills at about 11:42 am. Of course we did not feel it as we were driving but it was a pretty bad shake… the worse since the Northridge quake 14 years ago. Several other people from around the US gave me a call to make sure we were okay also.

We continued through the exhibits and got to see the feeding of sharks, sea lions and sea otters. This part Leonhard really enjoyed. Around 5.00 pm we were done with all the exhibits and decided to head back home. I’m really amazed at Leonhard’s endurance while walking through all the exhibits.

We got home by 6:30 pm and Bernd and I picked up some fast food from Taco Bell, which Harry’s family had never eaten. We hung out in our backyard for a couple of hours and spent some quality time together.

Later that night when we watched the News it seemed that the quake had been felt widely in the San Fernando Valley and even in Canoga Park, what is only a couple of blocks away. Then Harry noticed that our Serenity / Firefly pictures were out of alignment, so we checked the rest of the house. Turns out that in my toy room some books and the Enterprise D model tipped over, the Voyager model fell from the shelf and a bunch of loose action figures either tipped over or fell of the shelf. Other than that nothing really happened at our place. All in all another fun day though I’m a bit tired from all the touristy things, but it’s fun hosting out of town guests.

Monday, July 28, 2008

A Relaxing Day

Well, today Harry’s family came over to our place around 10:30 am. We had planned a low key day, so we hung out at our place. Later we headed over to the Topanga Canyon Shopping Mall and spent time shopping at Target. After Target we headed over to the Northridge Shopping Mall, where Bernd stopped by at the Apple store as he was looking for a 3G iPhone and a new iPod. After that we took a stroll through the Mall, it was fun to see Harry’s Mom so amazed by the variety of shops and store. After that we tried to get some lunch a Panda Express, but turns out that all the meals without meat are prepared with animal byproducts so Harry’s Sister and Mom as vegetarians and really didn’t appreciate that fact. We finally found a food place that worked out for all of us, California Chicken Cafe. After having lunch Harry’s family dropped us off at our place, and we decided to meet again 1 1/2 hours later for some quality time at our place. We spent a couple of fun and quality hours together, we even tried to test out Leonhards new Remote Air Plane, that Bernd bought for him at Target, but the wind gusts really didn’t allow for that. Later that evening the wind died down and we managed to make a few flight attempts in the front of our house. After the ‘Flying Adventure’ we had a BBQ Dinner in our backyard and everyone really enjoyed the food a lot. Harry’s mom has corn on the cob for the very first time in her 70 years. She loved it… all in all it was a really nice and relaxing day.

Poor Daisy

Today we noticed that Daisy was really lethargic and not moving. We investigated and noticed that she had blisters on her paws. During the hike yesterday we walked out on this large cement slab and noticed that she was bouncing back and fourth on her paws so we moved her to a dirt area but I guess it was to late. I felt horrible and so guilty. Not only because of her paws being burnt but yesterday she was taking extra long breaks and stopping a lot but we keep making her move on. Her paw blisters didn’t require a vet visit but she needed to be carried out to the back yard to go to the bathroom and she didn’t move much today.

Sunday, July 27, 2008




Today we picked up Harry’s family around 10 am and went out to Griffith Park. Harry’s family are outdoor type of people, we also decided to take Daisy along as it was a great opportunity for her to go for a really long walk and to get to know Harry’s family better. About 2 hours later we ended our hike up at up on top of Mt. Hollywood, the view was really great, considering the air quality, we had a really good view of the Hollywood Sign. Harry’s 5 year old nephew did really well on the hiking up to Mt. Hollywood. Harry’s family really enjoyed the long hiking trip, his Mom was really amazed by the beauty of the park and she really loved the view from the top, as you can see the Valley, Los Angeles, Hollywood and the Hollywood Sign. One thing we should have done different, we should have started earlier, it was quite a hot day, the temperature was in the mid 90’s and the humidity was about 30%. While we were spending quality time at the top, we saw helicopters hover over an area of Griffith Park by the LA Zoo, when then saw smoke. There was a wild fire in the park, it didn’t appear to be that big and it was far enough away, so when we were hiking down we got a better look. Harry’s family where kind of excited as in Austria, SoCal is known for its wildfires and here they had it happening right in front of them. But as the wildfire started to flare up more we decided to head back down and 1 1/2 hours later we ended up at the car. During our way down Daisy got really tired and needed way more rest stops than the previous times on this same hike. We contributed that mostly to the heat and humidity. During the hike Harry’s nephew, Leonhard, managed to pet Daisy several times, which is quite amazing, considering the experiences we have with our dog and kids. Guess we gave her enough time to get used to his family and by taking a long hike together she has accepted them as part of the pack and therefore they’re all okay.

Due to the wildfire we couldn’t take the same road back to the hotel and had to make a little detour... We then dropped my family off at the hotel to freshen up and rest a little. About 1 1/2 hours later we picked them up and headed over to our place for a pasta dinner. And believe it or not Daisy let everyone pet her and she got lots of attention especially from Harry’s nephew... all in all it was really fun day.






Saturday, July 26, 2008

The Beach

Today was Harry's family's first day in LA, so we picked them up around 10 am at the hotel and then we drove over to our house and gave them a tour of our place. They really liked our place and of course my toy room really impressed them. To Harry's mom it looked more like a museum than a toy room. LOL We weren't sure how Daisy would react to them, but it went very well... she was a little frightened and unsure at first, but settled down very quickly.After the house tour we gave Harry's nephew a haircut and now he has a nice crew-cut, after that we decided to take them to the beach. We took them via Kanan Canyon to El Matador Beach, a very secluded beach with some amazing landscape, they loved it as this was their first time in SoCal. Plus this beach is very beautiful. We spent about four or five hours at the beach and we all had a really great time. Leonhard, Harry's nephew really enjoyed himself. Of course we all got a little of a sunburn. We then took them back via Topanga Canyon... after we all had taken a shower... we took them out for dinner to Outback Steakhouse... and dinner was awesome... all in all it was a really great first day and everyone had a great time...




台灣動物百科 - 螢火蟲




型 3種,而在56種螢火蟲中,僅有 3種是水生種類,分別為黃緣螢、


Online Videos by

Friday, July 25, 2008


Online Videos by

影片編號:3585524 影片類別:Tavis紀錄片作者名稱:紀岳君團隊名稱:BROKENSCENE 作品簡介: 「綠手指上的灰指甲」是在拍攝慈濟內湖社會福利專用區開發案的問題,也期待更多對這個議題有興趣的公民加入一起調查製作的紀錄報導影片,希望訴求慈濟基金會能夠將開發資訊公開給一般公眾瞭解內湖慈濟開發案的狀況,而非耗費社會資源辜負社會大眾對於慈濟的期待。 透過這部影片我們向「Loose Change」這部調查911原因的紀錄影片致敬,「Loose Change 」透過開放版權的觀念與網路媒介傳播的力量,讓群眾合力製作影片,透過群眾的協力製作,駁斥官方911發生的原因,呈現另一種觀點,一種被政府與商業媒體消除或故意忽視的觀點。 我們也試著將製作過程中蒐集到的資料都整理在「行動者影像資料庫」( )中。這是一個開放給任何大眾閱讀與參與編輯的資料庫。資料庫中的影片也透過「創用CC」的版權分享方式,讓有需要的朋友可以作為非商業利用的傳播或是當作影像識讀、相關議題討論或是社區教育的影像素材。也希望資源比較匱乏的地區,能夠利用這種方式建立自己發聲的傳播平台與地方教育的資料庫。 也透過類似概念建立的資料庫,能夠逐漸看到被政府與商業媒體壟斷看不見的資訊。 期待能將影片的製作過程累積的資訊,透過資源共享的方式,讓資訊能夠逐漸解放,讓資源能回到一般公民大眾身上,一起參與學習瞭解公共事務,並且瞭解我們所處的環境與自己的關連。也希望在疏離冷漠的社會中,能有另外一種踏實多元與相互尊重的生活方式。



Harry's Family Arrives in LA

After driving back from Comic Con in San Diego I picked up Harry then a rental van and drove to LAX to pick up Harry's family. We got there about 10 minutes before the landed. We found out where they would be walking out of and waited. Of course Harry was excited as he hadn't seen his family in over four and a half years. I was nervous because this was the first time I was meeting anyone from his family. We waited and waited what seemed hours but it was only about 15 minutes and we got a call from Bernd (Harry's sister's fiancee) called up and told us they got off the plane and was walking to baggage area where we were waiting. They walked down and Harry and I approached. He first hugged his sister and I shock Bernd's hand. Then Harry's mom got a hold of him and wasn't going to let go. She cried and he cried, she held his face as if she couldn't beleive she was actually holding him.. it was such a sweet moment. I then greeted his mom Zita and sister. We picked up there luggage and then headed back to the hotel.

After several hours in traffic we finally got them to there hotel and checked them in. We then went out to dinner and introduced them to El Torrito.

We dropped them off at their hotel and made plans for tomorrow.

Comic Con Day Two

Today I had only a few hours to spend at Comic Con before I had to head back home to pick up Harry so we could go to the airport to pick up his family. I spent most of my time on the dealers floor taking pictures of people in costumes. I spent most of my time at the Star Trek/Paramount section. They had these cards that you had to scratch and you were given a job. You had to build a crew of eight. If you did you build a team you all got these really cool Star Trek bags and your name went into a drawing for a laptop computer. Even thought my comic con 2008 was short it was alot of fun and I look forward to next years.

X Files Tattoos

I am the biggest fan of the X-Files EVER and in anticipation of the movie I Want To Believe coming out tonight, I posted about X-Files tattoos on Fun Vampires (my permanent home for bad tattoo postings).

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Our First Wedding Present

Today while at Comic Con I was talking to Harry at home and he said we got our first wedding present. It was from his Sister Gerda and it was the fire pit that we really wanted. Whoo hooo.

Comic Con 2008 Day One

Today I got up super early and left the house at 7am so I could get to San Diego by 9:30, that's when the first day of the San Diego Comic Con started. Everything seemed okay but then I hit traffic and for the next five hours traffic crawled. What should have taken 2 1/2 hours took 6 1/2 hours. I had missed the two panels I really wanted to do that day (Doctor Who and Torchwood). Also since Harry's family is coming in tomorrow night this was going to be my only full day at the con.

I finally got there and decided that I was not going to do any panels and just walk around the dealers room which is alot of fun. The day started off horrible but ended on a high note.. it was alot of fun.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Vacation Time

Today is my last day of work for a few weeks. Since Harry's family is coming this Friday and our wedding is next Saturday I asked for a few weeks offs to enjoy this time. I am actually looking forward to the time off. Work has been really stressful and busy the past few months and I need a few weeks away from the craziness. I don't go back until August 11th.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Making Centerpieces

We finally got our final pieces for the centerpieces. We now could actually start building them. The first few were our test centerpieces and turned out pretty good but once we got it down the other six turned out great. We decided to go with a small round vase. We filled it with some sort of candle making wax stuff that was clear. We then put Star Trek micro machines in them along with my favorite flower, Sunflowers and one candle in the middle. We think they turned out quite nice.

Monday, July 21, 2008


Online Videos by

影片標題: 漁望作者名稱: 潘鈺人團隊名稱: 漁望




Saturday, July 19, 2008

my personal selling have finally come to an end.
but i can foresee the forth one coming thou.
let's hope it's not going to happen.

a million thanks
to all those friends who preordered and advertised for me.
i really appreciates it.

last but not least...
finally im switching from the afternoon shift to morning shift!

blissful love!

Friday, July 18, 2008





Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Bring It On (魅力四射) 此片僅限美國地區觀賞

Kisten Dunst 是學校啦啦隊的新隊長﹐她發現學校過去幾年所贏得的冠軍比賽﹐舞蹈都是從其他高中對手抄襲來的﹐今年的比賽最強的對手﹐同一個城市的高中﹐來勢洶洶﹐誓在必得。她們又沒有足夠經費去參加冠軍賽﹐一連串的問題﹐她們將如何解決....


Today I booked our Catering for the wedding. Harry and I decided on Boston Market for food as we enjoy going to lunch there once in a while. What was great is you can do everything online and it was fast and easy. This was so far the most I have spent on the wedding. We are trying to keep it upder $5000.00 and so far we are doing pretty good.

Still got a bunch of things to do.. but things are moving along nicely.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

More Wedding Stuff

Today I found out that one of my friends is actually a Bartendar, or at least he has done it in the past. So I quickly emailed him and asked if he could do our wedding and he said for us, he would do it for free.. Thanks AJ... you ROCK!!!

The other thing I did today was place an order for all of our party rentals.. tables, chairs, champaign glasse and so much more. Now I wait to see how much this will all cost me.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Dinner with Friends

Tonight Harry and I went over to our friends John and Moises' apartment for dinner. It was alot of fun as Moises is an excellent cook and we always enjoy his dinners. Afterward we all sat down and watched Sky High. It was a cool night with friends.

More Wedding Stuff

Today we went to Ralphs and filled an entire shopping cart up with 2 liter bottles of various soda.. people thought we were crazy until we told them if was for a wedding. Spent over $70 bucks.

Saturday, July 12, 2008


作者名稱:邱子芩團隊名稱:死胖子專員 本片紀錄台南市立三級古蹟[台南府城巽方砲台]歷史脈絡,台南市環保局將此建築物活化再利用此舉不僅將建築物賦予新任務,更令廢棄傢俱有了新生的理由如此的 ...


Shopping, Shopping and More Shopping

Today Harry and I went out and bought a ton of stuff for our wedding. We only have a few free weekends left. And since we are doing everything ourselves there is so much to do. Today we got plates, forks, spoons, knives, napkins, salt, pepper and containers and a bunch of beer. We looked for alochol but didn't buy any. So much to do still.







很簡單,但首先你最好有Google所提供的 Gmail。




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1.Avarta's View:替身精靈的視野,從其所在處去看網聚廳。
2.Bird's Eye View:從空鳥瞰整個網聚廳。



1.Open Hperlink:表示你要到這物件所連結的網站去瞧瞧。
2.Move to:選擇此項,替身精靈會跳到該物件上去。
3.Play animation:許多物件都有暗藏的動作,按下去,表演該動作。
4.Report Abuse:有些物件連結到色情或暴力網站,就必須回報給Google,檢舉該物件所連結的網站;在玉山網聚廳的物件連結均由魚夫親自挑選,請放心連結。
5.View Catalog:是看看這個物件的分類。




1.Move to:假如網聚廳裡都是人,那麼想找特定對象,按這個功能,可以立刻趨近他。
2.Whisper to:這是與特定人之間的悄悄話,別人不會看到。
3.Report Abuse:這是當有人口出不遜時,向Google管理當局報告,他就永遠進不了網聚廳。
4.Remove Contact:如此人原是你通訊簿裡的一員,而你想要和他絕交,可以用這個功能。

萬一有426、429進來鬧場,那麼我建議,按住這個人的精靈,再按右鍵,選諸如kick、 slap、 squash痛打他一頓,敬請大家動用私刑,不必客氣!



按右鍵出現方格子,按Open Hyperlink,前往別的場景。








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