
Tuesday, July 31, 2007



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New Job

Even though my new job doesn't start till September they asked me to come in a few times during the next month. So today was the first of those days. I went in expecting to work a few hours but in the end I was there for nine hours, there is so much organizing that needs to be done. I'm not sure what there former Post person did.. but they did not do there job.

WTF is this?

Yet another edition of the game WTF is this?

Is that spooge on the eyebrow?

Suns II

This tattoo is a distant cousin of the last tattoo on this post. It definitely joins the top-10 worst tattoos I've seen so far. I realize both are probably coverups, but when is a huge black, scarred blob better than a scratchy, faded, regrettable tattoo? I think never.

And this one is just generally bad. If it was a wizard at least it would get bonus points for cool idea, but a surly sun-dude is just kind of confusing.




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Monday, July 30, 2007


I'm super busy at work now, so this blog will suffer for the next few weeks. Please bear with me.

I haven't known where to post this, so I've been hanging on to it for a while. It seems appropriate for this post. Just sit down, relax, and please be patient.

P.S. feel free to email me bad tattoo pictures and save me some of the legwork!

***** EDIT
I got a few comments saying it's a good tattoo. Please note the label for this post is "good execution, bad idea". I will agree that pretty much any tattoo that is executed well isn't truly going to be an AWFUL tattoo, but you have to agree that getting a chair tattooed on you is a little over the top!!!

Arnold goes 60

Idag fyller världens bästa Arnold år också! Det firas med en blogg och en lista på Arnolds fem bästa moments, enligt mig:
  1. 1. När han berömmer sig själv för att vara en fantastiskt bra look-alike i Den siste actionhjälten

2. När han ror en uppblåsbar båt enbart iklädd ett par kalsonger (det kan vara badbyxor också, jag minns inte för min dåvarande pojkvän och hans bästis skrek för mycket) och massvis med muskler för att sedan iklä sig en enorm mängd vapen i Commando.

3. "Hasta la vista" ur Terminator.

4. När han vann Mr Universe 5 år i rad.

5. Alla filmer som förutsätter att Arnold kommer bli president. T ex Dr Who och The Simpsons Movie. Arnold for president!

That's enough of that shit.

R.I.P. Ingmar Bergman

Ingmar Bergman är död. Det är sorgligt. Inte för att jag sett så mycket av honom, typ ingenting, men jag har tänkt se Fanny & Alexander aslänge. Inte för att vara kulturell utan för att vi speedade igenom den en gång på teaterkunskapen och den verkade väldigt bra.

Men jag tyckte iaf att han förtjänade en liten blogg ändå. Kultursektorn planerar minnesceremoni i början av terminen, vi får se hur det blir med det.

Jag antar att han borde ägnat mer tid åt att spela schack och mindre åt regi. Eller nej, det är nog bra att han inte gjorde det ändå.

That's enough of that shit.
It all started at harbour front, just the four of us. XD
With NO home works, NO projects, NO tests and NO nothing. :D
There will ONLY be fun. ^^

can u see Don right at the back? XD
spill no secrets pls!
HAHA! some discovery by ME!
and the fun continued XD
she joined in the fun ! hahahahahah. ;)

Guess what? :) We went to catch the fireworks at NDP marina bay. Although it only lasted for 4 short minutes, but it was awesome. About the kiasu Singaporeans? haha. After the fireworks so call "ended", everyone rushed off to the exit immediately. hahahahahahah. Squeezing and pushing through the crowd. ._. ''' To their surprise, the firework had not ended yet. XD It had only paused for a minute or so! HAHAHHAHHA. Everyone looked so shock! O_O hahahahahaha. It lasted for another minute or so. :)) haha. Yeah! This time, the fireworks really ended! XD

Sunday, July 29, 2007

Comic Con Day 4

Well today is the final day of comic con. We checked out of the hotel and I had to drag all my stuff/toys/bags to Tom's car in the parking structure that we found for $12 a day, it was about seven blocks away from the hotel. With everything stored away in the car we made it the con around 10:30am. I had planned several panels but really felt that I haven't spent enough time on the floor so I opted not to do panels and instead walk around the floor and enjoy the crowds. We had planned to leave around 2pm to beat the crowds because the con closed at 4pm today. Around noon I noticed that my cell phone was missing. I had just used it ten minutes before but in that short amount of time it was gone. I spent the next hour walking around the floor trying to find Tom because he was going to call me when we were ready to go. I finally called Harry from a pay phone and had him call Tom and tell him to meet me, since my phone book was at home. Tom and I walked around the floor for another hour. I was kind of bummed that this was how the con was going to end for me. Well right before we left I went to the Lost and Found and asked if anything turned in a cell phone. Sure enough I was lucky and someone turned in my phone so I got it back. After that we did one more walk around the floor then headed home.

All in all this con was busier then the past but that can be said for every con as the years go by. I felt that there wasn't as many people dressed up as in years past. I enjoyed the panels I went to, again had to really make some hard choices. Comic Con 2007 is over.


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Saturday, July 28, 2007



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Got a New Job!!!!

Well I got a phone call yesterday and they offered me the job for the second season for a TLC show. It's at a bit lower rate than I normally get but it does last 30 weeks, which is a pretty long time. So I accepted and I start in September.

Comic Con Day 3

Well the third day of con was my panel day. Ballroom 20 was going to have most of what I wanted to see. As with all Cons you have to pick and chose what you want to see. There are always two or three things going on at the same time that you want to see.. you just have to decide which one you wanted to see more. So I choose Ballroom 20. I got in line at 9:30am, the line was huge. I got in to the building around 10am and got a seat about halfway back from the front panel. First up was the Bionic Woman Exclusive Pilot Screening and Q&A. This was a cool pilot and I look forward to watching it when it comes out this fall. Next was TV Guide Hot List, this was the panel that I could have done without but I knew if I left the room I would not be able to get back in. Plus this panel was cool. It had several stars and producers from 4400, Kyle XY, Bionic Woman, Heroes, and Jericho. It wound up being a really cool panel. Finally the panel I was really looking forward to... Heroes Season 2. The entire cast and some of the executives talked about season 2 of one of the most popular series around. They didn't really give any huge news away about season two but they did give us a sneak peek of the season, which was great. After Heroes another favorite of mine was next, the Battlestar Galactica panel. Three of the main women were there. Number 6, Starbuck and President Roslin along with some of the creators and writers. A special guest star came out half way through the panel, Lucy Lawless and announced that her character would be back for the final season of BSG. It was a fun panel. The next panel I didn't really have to stay and see but I wanted to see the panel after so I sat through the Futurama panel, which turned out to be very funny.. they did a live read. It was a very entertaining panel. And finally another favorite of mine was the Joss Whedon panel. He stood on stage and talked for over an hour about everything he is currently working on. After that I had about an hour to go down to the floor and walk around a bit. I got back to the hotel around 7:30pm and I was so tired that I decided just to hang out in the hotel room, order room service and relax. It was a fun third day.

台灣魂旗幟飄揚,台灣向前走 !

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紐西蘭西岸地區有好幾條世界聞名的冰河, 其中最大的一條就是塔斯曼冰河. 另外弗朗茲約瑟夫冰河(Franz Josef)和福克斯冰河(Fox glacier)也是相當著名的冰河, 被列為世界的遺跡之一.

冰河時期殘留下來的冰河, 從南阿爾卑斯山巨大的雪地上流瀉到離海平面只有三百公尺的谷地,全世界沒有一個溫帶地區擁有這種容易到達冰河景觀. 而當你乘坐滑雪飛機或向下鳥瞰時, 只見起伏的冰川在陽光的折射下呈現出奇妙的藍綠色光環, 冰河表面的冰層裂縫縱橫, 奇妙無比.


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Friday, July 27, 2007

The Simpsons Movie

So I took a break from Comic Con. The Simpsons Movie was opening the weekend that we were down in San Diego for Con so after Friday's Con day Tom and I went and sas The Simpsons Movie. I really enjoyed the movie. It's just like the TV series but longer. I was afraid it was going to be one shtick after another, but it wasn't. It was a really funny and entertaining story. If you love the Simpsons you'll love the movie.

Comic Con Day 2

Today I had planned go to about six panels but as it normally goes when you are on the floor in the dealers room you are having so much fun that you decide to stay and skip panels. So I went to the Warner Brothers panel first thing at 10am, it was okay there weren't really any kind of movies that I would want to see. After that I went back down the to floor and had so much fun walking around and taking pictures and checking out all the cool stuff. Later in the day I wanted to go to the Eureka panel and got in line about a hour before the panel. The line was huge and I wasn't sure I was going to get in, but of course that is how it normally goes and I got in. That was alot of fun and some of the stars were there so that was extra fun. After that panel I went back down to the floor and hung out there till 7pm (when it closes). It was a fun day.. again tons of people but you expect that. Next up is Day 3, the day of panels.







Thursday, July 26, 2007



部落分店店長-陳勝榮等許多客座店長為你介紹柑 仔店的經典課程,



Comic Con Day 1

Today is the first Day of San Diego Comic Con. Tom and I left at 9:30am hoping to get down to San Diego by Noon... traffic was horrible and we didn't get there until 2pm. When we got to the hotel, which we were paying a ton for. There parking was full. The reason I picked this place was because they had parking. So we had to run around and find a place to leave our car and hope a spot would open up in the hotel.

Since it took longer then we planned I missed the first panel I wanted to go to, Paramount PIctures. So I headed to the dealers room "the floor" and had some fun taking pictures and getting some free swag. The next panel I wanted to do was Lost so I got in line about an hour and a half earlier to make sure I got in. The Lost panel was fun, they keep very tight lipped on stuff but they do give us little tib bits of news like Michael is coming back to the island. Jack and Claire will find out that they are half brother and sister and that the shows will be made of flashbacks, flashforwards and present time all in one episode.

That is the only panel I did today.. it was so crowded for a Thursday. I also got to met an internet friend and his wife and we hung out. Not the way I wanted to start my Con experience but it wasn't a total waste of day. Next up... Day Two.





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這六款新料理不僅讓食材原有風味透過鮮果發揮得淋漓盡致,且增加香氣與口感,更多添了礦物質與纖維質,滿足現代人追求健康飲食的潮流。訂位詳情請電:02-2502-8810,小肥羊地址: 台北市松江路185號2樓。

Text tattoos

I am sure there are WAYYY more bad text/ script tattoos out there, but I didn't try to find any of these. They just dropped in my lap as I was searching for other things. One of these days I am going to specifically look for bad text tattoos and I am sure I will find a million of them.

the funniest part is the capital E at the end. And also the font, which is exactly what I would have chosen when I was 14 and still thought I was goth.

I think the word "SOUTHPAW" is flying out of the guy's skin, but why he would get this tattooed on him I don't know. It's a venue/club in NYC... does it mean anything else? The fact that it has flaps of skin tattooed around it is what puts it into this blog.

I have no idea what this means (the photo is named "iwillnotbedenied.jpg" so I assume that's what it is), but if they're going to have letters coming up out of the smoke, shouldn't they look like smoke and not block characters?

Goth meets Graffiti meets Detroit. I really don't know why I find this so funny.

sdkfhsdkfhsdkjfhsdkjfhsdkjfhsdkh!!!!! WHY?????

The best part about this (besides the worst bubble lettering ever) is that it is in quotes. He's not REALLY a bad boy.
It's my first formal presentation today. Well, it wasn't that bad after all. XD

do i look smart or what? XD

I've the sweetest cousin in the whole wide world.
what more would i ask for? XD

Wednesday, July 25, 2007


2007年的七月四日,台北市長馬英九任內興建,郝龍斌時代開幕的木柵猫空纜車站,一開始就狀況連連,二十一日更出大問題,三百多位乘客被掛在空中,在通風不佳的高溫車廂烤了數小時,馬英九的纜車站”豐功偉業”,花了納稅人十三億的血汗錢,營運最初的二十二天內掛點一百一十三次,泛藍的政客和媒體都噤聲不語,這時候,魚夫也剛好再次來到紐西蘭搭乘皇后鎮的Skyline Gondola登山纜車,這纜車會以以 37.1度的斜度爬升450公尺,讓遊客在海拔790公尺的包伯斯峰(Bob's Peak)山頂上遠眺皇后鎮和瓦卡蒂普湖。山上的車站還設有餐廳、紀念品店、毛利族表演等,白天的話還能玩一種叫做Luge的三輪滑車,從山上沿著800 公尺的彎曲滑道一路滑下山。

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高空彈跳(Bungee jump),香港人譯為”笨豬跳”,沒事去跳,不是笨豬是什麼?但紐西蘭的原住民毛利人是要跳過一回,才能轉大人,才可以結婚;九年前,我問過我太太,我要是跳了,可否娶細姨?她說,可以,但只准娶毛利人,所以我就去跳了;這回,我又來到了皇后鎮高空彈跳的發源地,您猜,發生了什麼事?

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Happy Birthday Chris

oday is the birthday of one of my favorite guys out there. Happy Birthday Chris Quilty. Hope you have a great one... you deserve the very best.

Some more bad portraits

When I first saw this tattoo, I thought the artist was going for a watercolor french impressionist painting style, but then I saw the terrible lettering under the tattoos and realized it's probably the work of a really bad artist.

This was pointed out to me by one of my readers. Thanks, Steph!

This is the worst Betty Page I have seen. The triangle boobs are a little disturbing, but no big deal. The mushface is terrible but I'd like to think that when the tattoo heals it will look better. What is inexcusable, however, is the arms and hands. Especially the right arm. She looks like a T-Rex on one side. Plus she has major camel toe in the armpit area.

And finally... this isn't so much incompetent as ridiculous. The moon baby is kinda cute, but the sun has the biggest nose in the universe and shark teeth. At least the script is done really well.

The worst tattoo I have ever seen

Words cannot describe how terrible this is. What were they thinking?!

What a long day i had, and it's still not coming to an end. -___- There's so much to do, yet so little time. I need more time!!! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh. KAME! KAME! KAME! ;) God bless us!

Aja Aja Fight!~

cheese fries- you won't want to know about it, it's an insider's joke.



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