
Saturday, June 30, 2007



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  楊基銓日、英、中文造詣深厚,中外文學、哲學、藝術等涉獵甚廣。楊先生臨沂街寓所經常有中日人士造訪,楊夫人劉秀華女士親自下廚。日本媒體如產經、朝日、 讀賣駐台支局長為常客,其中有些是北京大學出身,也派駐過北京局,原本親中的記者,耳濡目染,轉變為親台灣者。



  一九三七年台北高等學校畢業,考上東京帝國大學,入該校經濟學部商業科。高校畢業入帝國大學者就有考國家高等文官資格,高文考只有行政、司法、外交官三 種,要做到敕任官(特任官)是必須取得的,是難關中的難關。楊先生在大學三年級時,以二十一歲考取高等文官行政科,該年全日本錄取二○○名,被稱為「台灣 才子」,成為日本統治台灣以來最年輕的「有資格者」,放榜後台灣所有的報紙報導他高文及格之消息。

   大學尚未畢業就被內定派拓務省,翌年東大畢業就到拓務省報到,官等為判任官六級(薦任),同年十月被派任台灣總督府財務局稅務課事務官。一九四一年六月 被台灣總督府發表為台北州宜蘭郡郡守(滿二十三歲四個月),官等為高等官七等賜從七位(簡任),為台灣總督府史上最年輕的高等官。屬下日本人課長、警察局 長、校長、街長等年齡皆比他大得多,郡守官位並非甚大,但在管轄內權限甚大。郡守任中有位日本人警分局長對楊先生不太禮貌,他打電話給同期有資格者台灣州 警務課長,隨即將那分局長調離宜蘭郡。郡守做一年二個月調回總督府任農務課副課長。受命草擬台灣農業會法令案。一年四個月後轉任台北州產業部商工課長,升 高等官六等賜正七位。任內與台南望族劉瑞山先生五女、日本女子大學畢業的劉秀華結婚,伉儷情深。商工課長做到一九四五年八月十五日日本敗戰為止。結婚後十 餘年,二人入信為基督教教徒。

  戰後歷經省農林廳水產科長,一九五一年奉命赴美國研修一年,並與美國政府參商對台灣漁業援助計畫案。後任台北市政府建設局長、經濟部常務次長、土銀、華銀 董事長等職。一九八八年自公職退休,創辦財團法人國際文化基金會任董事長,為提升台灣文化及國民外交盡心盡力。董事有李鴻禧教授,許世楷駐日代表,李友會 黃崑虎總會長,黃昭堂國策顧問。楊先生到晚年仍深受日本高階層社會尊敬,被認為是兩國民間外交之頂尖人物。其為台灣所付出之一切,深受後人肯定。



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明石 元二郎


1918年6月6日 – 1919年10月1日

前任者 安東貞美

繼任者 田健治郎

出生 1864年9月1日

逝世 1919年10月24日(55歲)

專業領域 陸軍

日語原文 明石 元二郎
假名 あかし もとじろう
羅馬字 Akashi Motojiro

明石元二郎(明石 元二郎,あかし もとじろう)。 1864年9月1日(元治元年8月1日)—1919年10月24日)。
[編輯] 生平
• 1864年9月1日生於日本福岡縣。
• 1883年日本陸軍士官學校畢業。
• 1889年陸軍大學畢業
• 1894年被派至德國留學,1895年回國並擔任近衛師參謀。
• 1918年6月6日日本政府指派出任第7任總督,於7月22日到任並於該月2日升任陸軍大將。
• 1919年8月24日首任台灣軍司令官。
• 1919年10月24日病逝日本。


Two Week Notice

Well I did it... I gave my two weeks notice. I wrote out a very long and detailed letter on why I felt this was the right choice. This will be the first time I have ever quit a job but man my sanity and stress level is more important to me then the job. I finally was able to put my wants infront of others needs. Now I have to wait and see how they will react. I already got a call from my boss, she left a message on my cell phone a few hours later. Saying that she is sorry and didn't know I was that unhappy.. she wanted me to call her back.. but I didn't feel like it. I did give them the option for me to work two more weeks.. I didn't want to leave them with no one but will see if they want me to continue or not.

I AM SO HAPPY... this is the happiest I have been in the past few months. It's like the elephant on my shoulder has been taken off. I'll keep you posted.


昇仙峡(しょうせんきょう)位於、山梨縣甲府盆地北側、笛吹川的支流,荒川上流的位置之渓谷,屬於秩父多摩國立公園的風景區,在同公園代表的風景區而出名,行政地屬於甲府市。 正式名稱是御岳升仙峽。


以著名的名勝覺圓山峰開始,仙娥瀑布、登龍岩、人面岩、貓岩、駱駝岩等等,奇峰異石,目不睱幾。 另外,也因為昇仙峽一帶富有豐富的自然保護區,日本國內的鳥類也大部分棲息於此。

而開發昇仙峽觀光地這要追溯到江戶時代後期,是由長田円右衛門兵於開創御岳新道路之後,直到 1972年御岳昇仙峽收費道路通車,則成為甲府市內最大的觀光地了。 在仙娥瀑布附近也有昇仙峡ロープウェイ(纜車)在營運。(片頭字幕,一時不察,打成了梨山縣,應為山梨縣,謹此致歉)

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Friday, June 29, 2007

Meltdown at Work

Some of you may or may not know but I haven't been too happy with my current job. My executive producer is a very difficult person to work for. She can't seem to handle her stress so I become her whipping boy. She complains about the computer hard drives humming to loud and not being able to work, she blames me for every little thing that happens in post but at the same time she won't allow me to do my job in post. I have no idea what the editors are doing since she won't allow them to follow my schedule. The list goes on and on but the thing that led to my meltdown today was when she called me to her office to complain about lunch again. First let me say that she wants lunch by 12:30 everyday. So she picked Bossa Nova for lunch today, we called it in at Noon and planed on picking it up and back by 12:30pm. Well they were super busy and told us it would be an hour. We told my boss it would be an hour but she seemed okay with that... well like I said she called me to her office and gave me a talken too. Since she didn't get her lunch at 12:30pm she has low blood sugar and wasn't able to concentrate and lost valuable time in the edit bay.. and guess what.. it was my fault. I told her that we did tell her that food was going to be late.. she then went on to tell me that I as post super need to be able to foretell the future and know if a restaurant is going to take longer to do our order so we can call earlier. Well that did it.. that was the final stupid thing she was going to say to me.. I stood up told her that I needed to leave her office and exited. I stopped by the line producers office and told him that I'm going to take this weekend and really think about my job and weather I want to work here or not. I went down stairs back to my desk for about an hour until the line producer, who understands my issues with my boss.. told me I could go home.... so I did.

I have never been so angry before. I was near tears and shaking from head to toe. It took me hours to fall asleep that night.

The Ugly Dozen

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一、 公民投票是所有民主國家展現主權在民的重要形式。任何政府、政黨或個人,都沒有權力去否決與剝奪人民的這項基本權利。

二、 公投審議委員會今天針對「以台灣名義加入聯合國」,作出不予通過的決議,我們認為這項決議是違憲、違法,以及違背主權在民的民主原則,剝奪台灣人民的基本權利。

三、 對於公投審議委員會的這項決議,我們無法接受,更不能加以背書。




Junk Food

The following tattoos are in a new category of bad tattoos: Good Execution, Bad Idea. These tattoos are all done well (some of them amazingly well), and they are such terrible, horrible, awful ideas that they come around full-circle and are possibly the coolest tattoos ever. Only the truly brave and awesome can pull off having a greasy junk food item tattooed on their body for the rest of their life.
This entry is dedicated to BCO. Pizza Forever!

Pizza! (sorry for the bad quality photo):

Pizza and Monkeys and Pot Bellies, oh my!

Flaming Burger:

Summer Vacation Burger:

Monster Burger (done by my favorite tattoo artist, Myles Karr):

And finally, related but not as awesome- McDonald's Boy:

Junk Food

The following tattoos are in a new category of bad tattoos: Good Execution, Bad Idea. These tattoos are all done well (some of them amazingly well), and they are such terrible, horrible, awful ideas that they come around full-circle and are possibly the coolest tattoos ever. Only the truly brave and awesome can pull off having a greasy junk food item tattooed on their body for the rest of their life.
This entry is dedicated to BCO. Pizza Forever!

Pizza! (sorry for the bad quality photo):

Pizza and Monkeys and Pot Bellies, oh my!

Flaming Burger:

Summer Vacation Burger:

Monster Burger (done by my favorite tattoo artist, Myles Karr):

And finally, related but not as awesome- McDonald's Boy:

Junk Food

The following tattoos are in a new category of bad tattoos: Good Execution, Bad Idea. These tattoos are all done well (some of them amazingly well), and they are such terrible, horrible, awful ideas that they come around full-circle and are possibly the coolest tattoos ever. Only the truly brave and awesome can pull off having a greasy junk food item tattooed on their body for the rest of their life.
This entry is dedicated to BCO. Pizza Forever!

Pizza! (sorry for the bad quality photo):

Pizza and Monkeys and Pot Bellies, oh my!

Flaming Burger:

Summer Vacation Burger:

Monster Burger (done by my favorite tattoo artist, Myles Karr):

And finally, related but not as awesome- McDonald's Boy:


Please let me state that I have a huge soft spot for wizard tattoos. They are pretty much always terrible (let me know if you have seen a good wizard tattoo), but charming, in a weird kind of way. I don't really know why I like bad wizard tattoos so much, because I certainly don't find bad fairy tattoos charming (or even good fairy tattoos). Anyway, here is a bevy of awesomely awful wizard tattoos:

Hairy Red-Eyed Floating Head Wizard:

Meek Purple Wizard:

Yin-Yang "POUNDER" Wizard (the bats are really cool though):

Death Wizard:

Space Wizard (I love love love this dude):

Blasty Wizard:

Wizard-That-Doesn't-Look-Like-A-Wizard 1 (the website I found it on clearly stated that it was a wizard):

Wizard-That-Doesn't-Look-Like-A-Wizard 2:

And, for the grand finale, Not Safe For Work Wizard (thanks Jen):
click here to see NSFWW


Please let me state that I have a huge soft spot for wizard tattoos. They are pretty much always terrible (let me know if you have seen a good wizard tattoo), but charming, in a weird kind of way. I don't really know why I like bad wizard tattoos so much, because I certainly don't find bad fairy tattoos charming (or even good fairy tattoos). Anyway, here is a bevy of awesomely awful wizard tattoos:

Hairy Red-Eyed Floating Head Wizard:

Meek Purple Wizard:

Yin-Yang "POUNDER" Wizard (the bats are really cool though):

Death Wizard:

Space Wizard (I love love love this dude):

Blasty Wizard:

Wizard-That-Doesn't-Look-Like-A-Wizard 1 (the website I found it on clearly stated that it was a wizard):

Wizard-That-Doesn't-Look-Like-A-Wizard 2:

And, for the grand finale, Not Safe For Work Wizard (thanks Jen):
click here to see NSFWW


Please let me state that I have a huge soft spot for wizard tattoos. They are pretty much always terrible (let me know if you have seen a good wizard tattoo), but charming, in a weird kind of way. I don't really know why I like bad wizard tattoos so much, because I certainly don't find bad fairy tattoos charming (or even good fairy tattoos). Anyway, here is a bevy of awesomely awful wizard tattoos:

Hairy Red-Eyed Floating Head Wizard:

Meek Purple Wizard:

Yin-Yang "POUNDER" Wizard (the bats are really cool though):

Death Wizard:

Space Wizard (I love love love this dude):

Blasty Wizard:

Wizard-That-Doesn't-Look-Like-A-Wizard 1 (the website I found it on clearly stated that it was a wizard):

Wizard-That-Doesn't-Look-Like-A-Wizard 2:

And, for the grand finale, Not Safe For Work Wizard (thanks Jen):
click here to see NSFWW

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