
Tuesday, May 31, 2011


Feeling Feathers.

I have noticed that I have an affiliation with feathers, so does the rest of the world it seems...

...But it seemed Big Bird was the original trend setter.


accurate representation?

in case anyone out there still wonders how a girl remains single in slc, the land of plenty... just take a look at this guy.

a prime example of slc bachelors in living color.

he makes me curse.

Desperately Seeking Susan.

I originally bout this 80's classic a few years ago purely for the eccentric fashion and because like every other little girl - I am in love with Madonna.

This movie is full of fashion greats that are definitely worth repeating (despite what my mum says), but after watching it yet again last night over dinner I actually learnt a few other things too.

Now, if you haven't seen this I apologize. Anywho...

The main things in this movie that I picked up was the absence of technology (it was obviously the 80's, but it was nice), and the carefree nomad attitude of Madonna's character Susan.

It once again made me question the way we are living today. 

I completely understand that computers are a necessity for every day business (hello I am on one now), but do we overuse technology so much that it takes away from personality?

I noticed that in this movie when people went to lunch, were at a bar or simply having a conversation they gave their undivided attention. There were no exists to answer the phone, tweeting while saying 'don't worry, I'm listening', or talking to someone all the while looking at your computer screen. 

I also noticed how simply Susan was living. From motel to motel, travelling the country with her little briefcase full of clothes and I fell in love with the idea.

It makes me realize how all of us are working these jobs that we don't like for the majority of our lives just so we can buy the things that we invented a need for. Like IPads? I know they will make you look super cool but do you really need one when you have a phone & a laptop or is that $600 that you could put towards a trip to experience things that money cant buy. Or those girls who spend $500 on a dress thats made by a designer when they can buy one thats almost identical from a little no name boutique for $50. But they wont. Just so they can tell their friends how much they paid for it. 

All in all, Desperately Seeking Susan is a fantastic movie about a scandalous, free spirited American girl travelling around in clothes that I would kill for. Go watch it. Now. 

Last night's dinner

Last night I wanted to make a massive pizza covered in lots & lots of toppings ... so I did. It turned out amazingly =)

I started off with cooking small pieces of chicken breast in a heap of pesto sauce & used that as a base along with some traditional tomato pizza sauce with onion & garlic.

Ok, So I was lazy & a bought a pizza base but it 
was a naked pizza base. 

My Ingredients

Tomato paste (fried up with onion, garlic, mixed Italian herbs and salt & pepper)
Slices of red onion
My chicken pieces in pesto, with pesto drizzled over the top too
Marinated eggplant chopped generously
Sun-dried tomatoes
Fresh cherry tomatoes chopped in quarters
Red & Green Capsicum chopped into little strips
Tiny bits of chopped pineapple 
Big chunks of Danish Fetta popped on the top
Mozzarella cheese to top

And put that beast in the oven for 15 minutes 



kadang2 kita boleh sejenak terpk ..kenapa tuhan bagi pelbagai cabaran or dugaan dalam hidup ..? sbb aku pecaya .. suatu hari nanti tuhan akan tunjuk yg terbaik untuk kita.. setiap manusia ada kesilapan hidup mereka.. kita xboleh lari dari mmbuat dosa btoi x?? tetapi bila kita terus mmbuat kesilapan itu sehingga kn tidak sedar akan kesalahan itu..bemakna..otak manusia itu sudah benak dgn agamanya.. so harap2.. SOMEONE yang perlu igt..even anda ter kandas ke lubang gila2 punya gelap..jgn lupa untuk igt dari mana anda datang.. anda datang dari keluarga apa? anda di besarkan n diajar dgn perlbagai cara ..tetapi bila dh besar.. hidup seperti pencacai piggiran ..tidak memadai untuk menyara ibu bapa anda ..saya tidak kata saya baik.tetapi sejahat2 saya.. saya tdak lah lupa padanya.sbb kita semakin matang.bukan semakin budak2.. kita ada otak untuk pk apa yang terbaik untuk hidup..bukan gegster yang kita nk untuk hidup.if gegster sudah kuat..apa yang lg kuat selain gegster?? jawapan semua atas otak anda.. even anda ada nama.. sekitar sini sahaja? tidak perlu untuk megah tentang hidup ..gegster kerja just **********! bt apa?? huh. hidup kalau hanya nk bt nama mcm hang tuah.. p perang syahid! baru la lmpak anda 2 betoi lelaki.. kalau anda nk hebat sekadar mulut geng agkatan kucing2 biar xpayah.. sedar la ye.. hidup kita just sementara ..xperlu nk megah .owg lain lebih hebat dari anda.cuma anda  perlu lihat n peka sahaja. xperlu nk begaul orang atasan.sbb anda hanya di bawah. (becakap atas dasar kehidupan masyarakat) if nak terasa.sila kan terasa. saya suka jika anda terasa. terima kasih.


To my followers in America, I need your help!

Dear followers in the U.S of A,

I have a proposition for you! Can one of you PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE buy me some Kat Von D at Sephora lipstick? I will give you your money back of course and give you money for postage upon receipt of my lipsticks:) I would preferably do this through paypal so make sure you have that!

Leave a comment below and we can talk about facebook adds and email exchanges :D

Please help a make up obsessed girl!

Love Freya

Triple flipping madness....

Jed Mildons lead up to the triple backflip......

Just thought I would let you all know that the frame Jed Mildon rode with doing his triple backflip was the new 2011 Pilgrim Unit. The Unit Complete Bikes and Frames Land Next Week! 50 Limited edition Completes and 150 frames only. So call your local Pilgrim dealer and get one before they are all gone! ( Aussie only? )

Jake Prebbles Indian air front flip.... Unit T3 mind tricks...

X games here we come????


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