
Wednesday, October 31, 2007

【預告】海洋建國學院講座-「由美國看台灣建國之路」/ 劉如峰 教授

主講:劉如峰 教授
時間:2007年11月4日 (日) 下午2:00 ~ 5:00

聯絡電話: 04-23723710 .22424498

劉如峰醫師1964年高雄醫學大學醫學系畢業。頭十一年在台灣擔 任外科 醫師、曾任省立新竹醫院外科主治醫師兼代主任及苗栗如峰外科醫院院長。三十二年前(1975) 為逃避國民黨白色恐怖統治,去美專攻病理學、從事病理專科之醫療、研究及教學工作。



14:00 ~ 15:20 論述
15:20 ~ 15:30 中場休息 Coffee Break
15:30 ~ 16:00 雙向溝通

海洋之聲建國學院 學務長 馬榮慶 . 海洋之聲建國學院 訓導長 張志梅
海洋之聲建國學院 教務長 陳松茂 . 台中市海洋傳播協會 理事長 張啟中
台灣大地文教基金會董事長 楊緒東
主辦單位:海洋之聲建國學院 . 執行單位:台灣大地文教基金會


Well this was the first Halloween that we are living in a house and expect to get a bunch of kids tricker treating. Normally living in apartments you don’t' get many if any kids knocking on your door.. so I was really looking forward to this night. Of course I bought a ton of candy and also bought a full box of Hershey full size bars. I wanted to be the cool guy who is giving out full candy bars. Well come to find out my friend Tom was having a Halloween party that night as well, which I totally forgot about. So I got home and wanted to spend at least an hour handing out candy before we went to the party. It was so much fun. So many cute kids in costumes. I was handing out handfuls of candy knowing I had very little time to get rid of the stuff. Well around 8:30 we had to get over to our friends Tom's party. I got rid of about half of the candy so we still have a big bowl of candy sitting in the house.

We had a good time at Tom's. Saw some friends that we haven't seen in a while. We watched Simpsons' Treehouse of Horror and a really crappy cheesy murder mystery type of movie that we all made fun of. It was a fun night.



Hosted by Daily Free Games



他是 鄭南榕...........




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Tuesday, October 30, 2007


10/16 日本 economist雜誌 (這本雜誌在日本還蠻有權威的經濟雜誌)
主題:上海泡沫 沒有根據的狂熱 股票和不動產

請注意 跟中國是不同顏色的
日本問到的, 所有或大部份的日本人都認為台灣是個國家

用Afterburn外掛在3ds max 9中製作爆炸特效

教學結果的影片 請點這裡

Sitni Sati公司出品的Afterburn是ㄧ個專門製作煙霧與爆炸特效的外掛軟體. 你可能沒聽過Afterburn 但是你ㄧ定知道1998年的電影---世界末日(Armageddon)與最近(2005年)的另一部電影---鳳凰號(Flight of the Phoenix), 這兩部電影所用到的煙霧特效都是用Afterburn plugin做出來的. 當然還有其他電影如2002年的潛艇電影K19其中的核彈試射的拖尾煙霧也是用這個軟體做的...其他的電影 族繁不及備載. 無庸置疑 這是ㄧ個3dsmax平台上 電影級的特效外掛.

本教學將介紹如何用Afterburn 這套外掛置做基本的爆炸特效. 我們將先用Superspry作為爆炸的粒子系統 然後給予重力(Gravity)與風(Wind)作用力 讓粒子的移動更為自然. 最後我們用Afterburn這個體積上色器(volumetric shader)使粒子具有真實的煙霧 爆炸的感覺.

場景設定: Superspay粒子. ㄧ盞泛光燈. ㄧ個重力系統使粒子的軌跡彎曲. ㄧ個風力系統 亂流讓粒子的移動更加真實. 兩種外力都是為了讓爆炸更為真實

使用到的軟體: 全部都在3ds max 9當中製作, 用Sitni Sati Afterburn 3.2 plug-in製作爆炸煙霧. 完成渲染之後 我在SONY Vegas當中做了一點後製(亮度 對比等等調整) 同時也加了點爆炸音效 使用Sound Ideas添加爆炸, 燃燒音效.

教學影片 (總長17分鐘)





Sitni Sati Afterburn plugin 台灣專業代理---朕宏國際

Monday, October 29, 2007




台灣獨立軍進行曲CD請洽:(02)2363-2366 史明獨立台灣會
~~~by Tati e-volunteer~~~ (by 小芭蕉)






二、舞蹈-大草原 蕭靜文老師編舞
蕭靜文(蕭靜文舞蹈團 / 團長) ─《大草原》

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Toy Room

Today I worked on my Toy Room some more... I have been telling Harry the past three weeks that I was going to finish it and of course it never happened. We seem to always be doing something on the weekends. Well today I was determined to do nothing but the toy room, and for the most part I did. I got about 80% of it done and it's coming along nicely. Of course not everything is going to fit in the room as planned but it still looks great and I did manage to put out my favorite toys. Once this room is done we will set up a day for our house warming party..

日本高畫質廣告賞析--綾瀨 遙



Saturday, October 27, 2007

Halloween Party

Tonight Harry and I went to our friend Christopher's Halloween party. I dressed up as Harry Potter of course and Harry went has himself. My friend Christopher goes all out for Halloween.. his place looked great. It was a lot of fun sitting around, drinking and chatting with friends.

New Stove and more

Today Harry and I went to Home Depot, we planned to get some curtains for the house. We also wanted to look at screen doors. What we didn't expect was to find a Gas Stove. I have been looking online for a used stove but when we saw this stove and it was on sell for $399.99 we couldn't pass it up. We both agreed that it would be better to have a new stove rather than a used one since we were dealing with gas. So with the purchase of the stove that limited us on what else we could get at that time. We picked up a few light switch cover plates, two cutains rods and four really cool multi color curtains. We figured we would do two in the living room and two in the dining room since they are connected.

The stove will be delivered on Thursday, we are both very excited since it's been about three weeks since we had a really good cooked meal that wasn't microwaved or BBQ.

We went to put up the curtains and sure enough just two curtains weren't enough for the front living room window, so we had to steal one of the curtains that was suppose to go up in the dining room. So now we have to go back and buy one more curtain so we can at least finish the living room/dining room area.

Friends who have houses always say that you are never at a lose for buying stuff from your house.. and that is so true.. Harry and I had so much fun walking through Home Depot. So many cool things to buy.. too bad we don't have the money to do so. I guess will get a little at a time. Next up is paint for the living room, dining room and kitchen.

演講:「台灣的蛻變」/王定宇 (精華版15分鐘)

4.Why Taiwan Matters!

~~~Tati 網路志工製作~~~ (by Aries)


Friday, October 26, 2007

Relief in sight

Well the fires are far from out.. but with cooler weather and less wind the firefighters are making headway with these horrible fires. Still no word about the cabin but we're pretty sure it's still standing.



請按read more進入觀賞



Wednesday, October 24, 2007

My Mom's Cabin

One of the many fires in SoCal is called the Slide fire. It's up near Green Valley Lake. This is where my mom's cabin is. Harry and I along with many friends have visited this area the past few years. Now the first has completely surrounded the small town. Everyone has been evauated and reports are coming in that of the 300 strutures 200 of them are burnt down. Also of the six buildings that make up the town of Green Valley are gone as well. It's a very sad down. Green Valley was such a beautiful place to relax and now it's blacken and smuldering. The last we heard the fire was two streets away from the cabin but it looks like the cabin was spared... at least for now. This fire is 0% contained. Just have to keep our fingers crossed.

You can see the lake in the middle of this picture.. the red outline is what has been burned.. Green Valley is completely surrounded by flames.
cheryl. me. pearlyn

The very first picture of my mates in poly. XD They've been saving my butt from being late for lectures. Not once or twice, but every time. How can i ever survive without them. :) That's why, starting today, I'm going to kick off the bad habit. I must and I will be on time.

By the way, how you find my new hair style? It's BOB. All new and refreshing. Recommended by my dearest Kelly. :D Talking about Kelly, i only get to see her once a week. She's as busy as a bee.







Tuesday, October 23, 2007

演講:「流氓詩人的建國路」/林建隆 (精華版15分鐘)


~~~Tati e-volunteer~~~ (by Aries)

Online Videos by

The Brown Moon

With all the smoke in the air we have a very brown full moon. It's very bizarre. Some fires are getting under control but other are still on the rampage.

第二人生(Second Life)的建模系統

Second Life (以下簡稱SL)是Linden實驗室大約於2003年開始開放使用. Second Life如其名, 是真實世界以外的虛擬人生---創造你的第二人生. 第二人生當中有貨幣交流, 房屋土地買賣, 物品買賣...等. 因為第二人生的世界裡面有將虛擬貨幣轉成現實生活當中貨幣的銀行, 所以就技術上在SL可以讓您真的獲利. 不要認為SL只是ㄧ個實驗室開發作為測試或是噱頭而已, 根據官方說法SL目前已有全球超過百萬個註冊用戶, 在SL當中由於提供程式化 建造房子 交換虛擬衣服 汽車...所以儘管介面很像線上遊戲 SL變成一種新的網路平台 把即時通(例如MSN), 影片播放(例如YouTube), 網頁...等等混搭在這個虛擬世界當中.

可能是因為英文的關係 SL在台灣並不熱絡. 其實在國外 SL已經變成一種另類的行銷工具 電子產品公司如SONY在SL的世界開了虛擬的商店, 德國賓士汽車在SL當中放上虛擬的汽車 展示他們最新商品, 總統候選人在SL當中開虛擬後援會 記者會. 搖滾樂團在SL當中開演唱會.

Second Life當中的3D Model是以Prims為單位, Prims就是primitive的簡稱, 就是基本幾何體的意思. 除了人物 樹 草等以外的建築物 裝飾物 虛擬車店裡的汽車等等 都是以Prims為基礎製作出來的. 在SL當中共有13種基本物體 方體 球體 圓錐體...等等. 除了能夠調整大小 方位外 這些基本體還有類似3ds max當中modifier的特性. 例如: 剪切 挖洞 變形等等的指令 來延伸這些基本體的變化. 從兩個角度來看SL為什麼要以基本體為基礎(而不是讓使用者自己import任意的polygon模型): 原因一 很簡單 就是為了降低SL這具有MMORPG(大型多人線上角色扮演遊戲)特性的平台上 伺服器執行端的負荷, 以方體來說, ㄧ個方體也不過才12個三角面 根據第二人生官方對於單位面積土地上 可以放置的基本體上限約為0.2個/平方公尺 所以每平方公尺三角面限制大約為2-5個. 這樣粗算起來可能會覺得SL對於模型的限制很高 但是就ㄧ個第二人生島嶼來說, 65536平方公尺的島(相當於邊長256公尺的正方形) 可以放置1500個幾何體 其實綽綽有餘(你總不可能在島上塞滿建築物吧!). 使用基本幾何體的第二個原因是: 即時物理模擬運算. 什麼是即時物理運算? 看看這個影片你就會理解. 在SL當中物體被創建完後可以設定物體屬性. 有了物理運算 就可以確保這個虛擬世界的人物 物體不會相互穿透. SL當中物理模擬是和3ds max當中的物理模擬工具是相同公司出品的---Havok. Havok合併到3ds max當中就改名做Reactor.

土地管理費對照表(Land Maintenance Fee Schedule)

虛擬世界裏光是只有基本幾何體不免枯燥. 就在今年的四月份, SL推出了新的模型格式---雕塑幾何體(Sculpted Prims). 顧名思義雕塑幾何體就是以幾何體為基礎 不同的是還外加了特殊的貼圖---法線貼圖Normal Map. 這種貼圖有點類似置換貼圖(Displacement map), 與置換貼圖不同的是 法線貼圖不是只有灰階的顏色 而是彩色的同時帶有x, y, z的資訊 所以才能經由一張圖把模型複雜化.

以這個人頭雕塑為例, Chip Midnight先生寫了一個很清楚的範例. 他以3ds max為編輯工具 事先做好了人頭雕塑的複雜模型 然後他又另外做了一個球的基本幾何體 放置在人頭模型的外圍 經由3ds max軟體的運算出法線貼圖 再把這張貼圖導入到SL當中 就可以產生像人頭這般複雜的3D model了. 雖然法線貼圖並不算太新的技術 當今的3D電玩遊戲也多半有用到法線貼圖的技術 但在SL當中還沒辦法直接產生法線貼圖 必須要透過其他3D繪圖軟體才能製作法線貼圖. 免費的軟體如Blender或是商業軟體Maya, 3ds max其實都有人為SL寫專門的編輯工具. 請見Second Life官方維基百科.

(Image from: SIMtools)
你可能會問 法線貼圖 + 基本幾何體 能夠製作出多複雜的3D模型? 看看這個日本人做的神像就可以知道 只要有耐心 結合多個幾何體加上個別的法線貼圖也是能製作出逼真的3D模型.

除了建築物裝飾物等等物體外 SL的世界最重要就是居民. SL當中居民的3D model不是用Prims搭建出來 而是用另外一套系統--- Appearance儀容系統. 看到Second Life的Appearance下拉式選單 儼然讓SE變成一套獨立的人物模型/材質工具, 因為SE的儀容系統的功能實在是太完整了:從臉部(Shape), 頭髮(Hair), 眼睛(eyes)到短袖上衣(shirt), 鞋子, 外套, 手套…裙子全部都可以讓使用者客製化(customize). 身體的每一個配件都可以改變材質(預設值是白色). 這裡順便提一下, SE內建的材質庫總共超過14大分類: 建築物(Buildings), 泥土(Dirt, sand, ground), 衣物(Fabric), 頭髮(Hair Textures), 岩石(Rock)…等應有盡有.

脫下衣服! (Take off clothing): SL當中還有一個令人發噱的下拉式選單. 這個選單讓你可以脫下上衣, 褲子(pants)或是全脫(All Clothes). 有空去下載Second Life玩玩看吧!


PHS J98手機建模教學


Monday, October 22, 2007



Hosted by Daily Free Games

Fires, Fires, Everywhere

This has been a really bad few days. There are fires all around Southern California. From Santa Barbra to San Diego. Thousands of home have been lost and half a million people have been evacuated. This has been the worse wildfires I have seen in years. It's super dry and the santa ana winds are blowing. Today I walked out of work and looked up at the beautiful blue skies. Then looking at the horizon there was this thick black/brown smoke all the way around me. We had fires on the north, souch, east and west of us. We had ash and smoke coming from 70 miles away. It looks like all of SoCal is on fire.

Wendy Wu: Homecoming Warrior & Jump in

Jag förstår inte varför alla pratar om High School Musical (1 & 2). För visst, första filmen är bra (andra filmen vägrar dock gå på tider som passar mig, eller språk som passar mig, för den delen), och jag gillar att titta på den ika mycket som vem som helst: men varför tar ingen upp de betydligt bättre Disney Channel Original Movies som finns? Typ Wendy Wu och Jump in?

Först när jag hörde talas om Wendy Wu: Homecoming Warrior tänkte jag två saker: "Yay! Brenda song!" och... nej, det var nog det enda faktiskt. Det verkade som en rolig film liksom, high school-tjej som kan slåss - på riktigt. Sen dröjde det ett ganska bra tag innan jag faktiskt kom mig för att se filmen på riktigt, och jag blev positivt överraskad av en film som jag från början förväntade mig en del av!

Jump in var jag väl inte riktigt lika positiv till, det verkade som en bra film, men inte mycket mer. Den var bättre än jag trodde också, fast musiken var inte lika bra som den brukar vara i såna här filmer (HSM, Cheetah Girls, osv).

Det som förvånade mig var hur snygga filmerna är. I Wendy Wu, framför allt, finns det så många snygga kampsportsscener att man börjar tvivlar på att Disney faktiskt gjort filmen. Det är dessutom världens snyggaste och mest stämningsfulla musik till, samtidigt som de gör alla de där grejerna man förväntar sig av lite kinesiska filmer: flyger i luften, gör omöjliga slow mo-moves, håller inredningen intakt, blandat med lite humor (det kanske är det som är Disney-faktorn). Det är snyggt. Det är nästan mer än snyggt, det är underbart, faktiskt.

Jump in är inget undantag: jag visste sedan tidigare att boxning kunde vara snyggt, så det gör inget att de dissar det i den här filmen - istället får man se mer hopprep än man trodde fanns. Precis som huvudpersonen blir i alla fall jag förvånad över vad man faktiskt kan göra med två rep och lite väl mycket fritid, och man undrar vilka av de där grejerna man hade kunnat lära sig i mellanstadiet om man bara tränat lite. Antagligen inget av det.

Handlingen i sig i båda filmerna kanske inte är något märkvärdigt, snarare tvärtom, och det gör dem väl delvis också till bra filmer, iaf enligt Disney-standard. Det är inte därför man ska se de här filmerna, man ska göra det på grund av koreografin. Oavsett om det handlar om hopprep eller asiater (sjukt snygga asiater, i vissa av fallen).

That's enough of that shit.

Sunday, October 21, 2007

演唱會-四月望雨 老歌新傳(精華版6分鐘)

2007/10/17(三)19:00-21:00,有一場「四月望雨 老歌新傳」演唱會




~~~Tati & Tda 網路志工製作~~~ (by Aries)

Online Videos by





「水火淬煉 打狗第一」中都唐榮磚窯廠紀錄片 之一
「水火淬煉 打狗第一」中都唐榮磚窯廠紀錄片 之二
「水火淬煉 打狗第一」中都唐榮磚窯廠紀錄片 之三
「水火淬煉 打狗第一」中都唐榮磚窯廠紀錄片 之四

「水火淬煉 打狗第一」中都唐榮磚窯廠紀錄片 之五

「水火淬煉 打狗第一」中都唐榮磚窯廠紀錄片 之六
「水火淬煉 打狗第一」中都唐榮磚窯廠紀錄片 之七

時光遺忘的角落:紅毛港 記錄片 之一
時光遺忘的角落:紅毛港 記錄片 之二

時光遺忘的角落:紅毛港 記錄片 之三
時光遺忘的角落:紅毛港 記錄片 之四

時光遺忘的角落:紅毛港 記錄片 之五
時光遺忘的角落:紅毛港 記錄片 之六
逆風前進 最愛台灣 行抵高雄市



The Vet

Today was Daisy's biannual Vet visit. She is always happy to leave the house and today was not exception. But once she realized where we were going and when we pulled up to the Vet building she started to whimper. It's like dragging dead weight when going inside. I really don't understand her fear since the Vet hasn't been a horrible place for her. She occasionally gets shots but that is the extent of it. Everything went well, she lost some weight, which is good. The only thing the doctor said is that she'll need some dental work. And with dental work the knock out the dog so they had to do some blood test to make sure everything would be okay with the anasteshia. Well for that they had to take blood and would be doing in the back. So the vet picked Daisy and carried her way. The look on her face was of sheer panic and confusion on why we were giving her away. About ten minutes later the tech person comes back not looking too happy and handing us Daisy back. He mentioned that they will be having a dental sale on Feb and we should wait to make our appointment then. We really like this Doctor. We were good to go and I went to pay the bill. $450.00. I almost fell over.. our normal visits are about $100.00 so I was not expecting this. Oh well she's our little girl and her health is very important. So now we have to wait till Feb to make an appointment for her dental work.. which I know she is just going to love.

Saturday, October 20, 2007


曲名:「Taiwan Run For Un」

這首歌,歌詞只有一句:「UN For Taiwan」,之所以會這樣嚐試,是因為在YouTube上,看到海內外的台灣人很努力的向國際宣傳「915 UN For Taiwan 」,我想在配樂上,如果能有一首歌,在歌詞上能清楚的表達台灣入聯的意志,旋律又有十足台灣本土味,讓這樣的歌曲來配合影片內容,也許更容易引起全世界的認同。




Wally's Birthday

Today was my uncles birthday party. It was going to be at his daughter's Renee's place out in Hidden Hills. When they have parties they are pretty much and all day thing. We haven't been to Renee's since last Christmas so I wasn't exactly sure I knew the directions. But I figured between Harry and I we would managed. Well we start to drive and continue to drive and I start to notice that none of this looks familar to me. We get past Agora Hills and I turned to Harry and say " I think we went to far" but I didn't see a sign that said "Hidden Hills" or Mulhollun Drive. Harry says "oh I saw a sign for Mulhollum a while back. So we turned around and headed back and of course there the exit was, only 2 miles from where go got on the freeway. So we found the exit and I tried to call my Dad because I couldn't remember the street she lived on. Well his phone had no siginal so we were on our own. After three attempts at dead ends we finally found the right street and made it there.

The party was fun. We got to meet Wally's sister Betty who was visiting from Hawaii and also having a birthday. We hung out and ate for about five hours. I knew we had to take Dad home so we left around 7:30pm and went home to pick up Daisy. I was already super tired and I still had to drive an hour and a half to Corona to drop off day and then back again. Well by the time we got home.. around 11pm I was so tired I could barely keep my eyes open.. after watching the news for five minutes we headed to be for some much needed sleep.

Dumbledore is Gay

Yesterday while on her press tour, J.K. Rowling was asked about Dumbledore's love life. Jo said she always felt that Dumbledore was gay.

Now there is no mention of this in the books but I always had my suspicions that this was the case. Of course this revelation has caused quite an uproar. There are three camps, one is made up of people who kind of knew and is happy that it is finally announced. Another would be people who had no idea but still are cool with it and the third of course are people who now say the books have ruined by this info.

I belong to a lot of Harry Potter yahoo groups made of people from all over the world. I can't understand why when people here gay they think of pedifiller. I have read many comments about how gross it is now knowing that he is gay and the kind of relationship he had with Harry. I also can't believe people say that now that they know this information they can't like Dumbledore anymore, even though nothing has changed in the books.. Dumbledore is still the same Dumbledore.

Being a gay man might skew my view, but I don't see what Dumbledore being gay has to do with the story of Harry Potter. Nothing is ever mentioned in the books. The stories haven't changed, we just get a little background info on one of the main characters.

I'm proud of Jo for making this announcement, it shows that strong, powerful people can also be gay and that it's okay. I guess you will always have "religious" people spewing their hate and mean comments... oh well… such is life.
Regardless of how busy or exhausted she was, she never fails to show up. I appreciate it all. Although her attitude might sucks at time, but i still love her inside out.

Her smile.

Her laughter.

Her face.

Her problems.

Her family.

Her friends.

Her everything.

I just love them all.

It's all about her.


Friday, October 19, 2007

A late night sms from Kelly and my night is in a total mess.
It isn't getting any better.

Finding someone to replace her at last minute, was tougher than i thought of.
It's killing me.

I wonder who on earth will pick up my calls at 2am in the morning?


新住民 心駐民


Thursday, October 18, 2007

世界盃調酒冠軍 龔惠君的故事



Wednesday, October 17, 2007



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請按Read More..繼續觀看影片

Tuesday, October 16, 2007






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背景音樂:迎熱鬧 包子丸先生製作
這是台中市三級古蹟萬和宮文物館裡的文物,玉山的公民記者拍攝後製作成影片,就在台中市的南 屯區,喜歡的可以親自去看看,很有趣喔。

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Monday, October 15, 2007

Nothing much going on.

This week has been a fairly quiet week. Didn't do anything fun or special. Worked hard as work is really getting crazy and when I get home I plan on organizing my toy room but very little of that actually gets done because I'm so tired. Instead I spend a few hours with Harry before I head to bed.

I did enjoy some good TV this week. Little People Big World is back and is a good as ever. Another funny Big Bang Theory, an awesome Heroes, and very charming Pushing Daisies.

All in all not much is going on.

Sunday, October 14, 2007


每個地方都有人用心的報導台灣,本片由Sherick Cheng上傳Yahoo,並提供轉貼碼,本台無償播出.

by Sherick Cheng





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Things End... New Beginnings

Well today is offically the day. It's our last day in the apartment. We haven't been there for a week but today is officially they day we had to be out. The only thing we had left was to put the shower head back on and take the cans to recycling.

I had gotten up early again and started to unpack the toy room and organize. Once Harry got up we went to the recycling place and turned in about 3 1/2 bags of crushed cans and got about $80 bucks. We then went over to the apartment, put on the shower head, took one last look and said our goodbyes. It was a good apartment. It was the first place Harry and I got together. So there are many good memories there.

Once home I kicked in to over drive and started to organize the garage, office, bedroom, living room and toy room. By the end of the day I had finished everything I wanted to.... well almost everything. The house is unpacked and everything is in it's place except the toy room. That will take me a bit longer to complete. After I finish the toy room we have to move on to the garage where we have several boxes that need to be gone through and decided to keep or trash. The house looks great and Harry, Daisy and myself are very happy it's all over. Now we can enjoy life in a house.

Soon as I have finished my toy room will be having a house warming party.. be on the look out.





Saturday, October 13, 2007

Moving the Jeep

Well today I attacked my toy room. I really wanted to finish unpacking everything and start to put things up. but we had to move Harry's Jeep, which I knew would take several hours. It is currently non-operational so I had asked my brother, who has a ball on his truck to come help tow it to the house. Well my brother, sister-in-law and dad arrive. We go to UHaul and find out that in order to use there car dolly you had to disconnect your drive shaft from your rear tires. It sounded like a lot of work for such a small thing. It was also going to cost my $39.95 to rent the dolly. After hearing what we had to do to tow it Michael said I should just use AAA. Of course I had thought of that but wasn't sure they would move a car from one place to another, it really wasn't an emergency. Well we figured it would be cheaper and a lot less hassle to try. So I called up AAA and since I have the "classic" deal I get 7 miles of free towing and they had no problem moving the jeep.

Before we called AAA my dad, lora and mike took a look at the Jeep and said it sounded like it was fuel problem, that it was either the fuel filter which was easy to change or the fuel pump which is a bit tougher to change. So Harry and I replaced the fuel filter but still it didnt' work... it seems it's the fuel pump.

So I should have went with my first instict and went with AAA but instead I spent about five hours of my unpacking time dealing with the Jeep.. but in the end the Jeep made it to the house safe and shound and we are a few steps closer to getting it repaired.

I did get back to unpacking but I was very tired and only got a bit more done. Oh well there is always Sunday.




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Friday, October 12, 2007













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Thursday, October 11, 2007


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Wednesday, October 10, 2007


to love or not to love.
to forgive or not to forgive.
to stay or to go.
to do it or not to do it.

What's in your mind right now?

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

It's Over... FINALLY!!!!!

Today on my extended lunch I went the the apartment and packed up the last of our stuff into my Jeep. That is all.. there is nothing else to move. Well that's not totally true. We still have Harry's non-operational Jeep sitting in the underground parking. We are going to get that this coming weekend. We also have to go and clean the place up. I know we aren't going to get much of our deposit back so we aren't going to do a super cleaning.. just get rid of the trash and clean here and there. But it's over.. no more moving!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Now the fun part of unpacking and making the new place look cool.



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Monday, October 8, 2007



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Will this ever end!!!!

During my extended lunch (I have had quite a few of these the past few weeks) I headed to the apartment to pack what I could into my Jeep. It was mostly odds and ends but still couldn't get everything in... one more day!!!

Sunday, October 7, 2007

Big Screen TV and Moving

Today we got to sleep in a bit till 9am. We had to be down in Newport Beach to pick up a Big Screen TV that my mom bought for Harry and I for our birthdays. It belonged to a neighbor of hers. We arrived at 11am and picked up the TV, we strapped it in and then my mom said we could have her patio set. Which consisted of a table, unbrella and four chairs. She was also giving us four ouside chairs and two small tables. Now the plan was to fit all this in a small pick up truck. Well we had the TV, table, four chairs, umbrella and two small tables. We couldn't get the four other chairs and will have to pick them up later. We tied everything down and made sure it was nice a secure. We made our way home and got to Sunset in West LA on the 405 when we hit a bump and Harry said.. I think the TV shifted and sure enough I look in the mirror and the ropes and blankets were flapping in the wind. We quickly pulled over and tried to re-secure the items but we were close enough to take streets home and after two more stops to secure things we made it home safely. We unloaded everything then went to Target to get a few things for the house, one being a Microwave since we have no stove at the moment and were tired of eating out food. Well $400 dollars and two hours later we left Target and dropped everything off at the house and then had to head to the apartment to finish up there. We managed to bring everything down to the living room and we knew it would take more then one more trip.. so we packed up what we could in the truck and jeep and brought it over ot the new house. I was disappointed that we couldn't get everything, I so want this to be over... but it will happen. By this time it was about 10pm and I still wanted to organize the living room, I really wanted to set up the Big TV and watch an episode of Star Trek The Next Generation. So as tired as I was I moved around boxes and furniture until Harry and I were happy with the set up then we sat down and turned on the big screen TV for the first time and popped in a TNG episode and kicked back. It ended just past 11:30pm and again exhusted I headed to bed.

Saturday, October 6, 2007




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It's funny calling this moving day since Harry and I have been moving since last Sunday. But today was the day when we rent the UHaul and get the bulk of our stuff over to the house. By today we had moved about 2/3's of the boxes but there were still quite a bit of stuff to move. I rented the 17 foot UHaul and figued we would have to do several trips. A few weeks ago when we got the house I sent out a mass email to all of our friends for help with the move. I know moving sucks.. believe me I have done it enough and though I hate it I always help out friends when needed for this task. Well I got a few responses from my mass email and of those responses a few had plans (it happen to be Gay Day at Disneyland) and several were injured and could not help out but the majority just ignored my we were on our own. Luckly my brother, his wife and my Dad did offer to help which was great.

Harry and I got up at 7am and picked up the UHaul, we still have some stuff to pack and did that for a few hours. By 9am we started to pack up the truck. Mike, Lora and Dad showed up about 10:30am and the moving really started to pick up. We had the truck loaded in no time. We went to the house, uploaded and headed to Denny's were I bought lunch for everyone. During lunch my brother informed me that they would help pack up the second load to the truck but had to leave after that, due to the fact that he had to go out drinking of something. So we packed up the truck for a second time and Mike, Lora and Dad left. Harry and I drove the truck to the house unpacked and returned the truck to UHaul before they closed. We still have stuff at the apartment but we were exhusted and knew we still had Sunday to pick the remaining stuff up. Back at the house we made a makeshift bed and fell asleep...

日本高畫質廣告賞析--Peach John




Friday, October 5, 2007

Work Craziness and oh... still moving

Today I was called into the Executive Producers office and told that she and the company were parting ways. Work has been falling behind but I never expected this. This happend midway through today and things just kind of got crazy. After work I headed home to pack more. I am one to have everything packed and ready to go before we start to move but this has been a really crazy few weeks and so there was still quite a bit to pack. I was hoping to go home and do some packing and get to bed early because we had to be up at 7am to get the UHaul truck. Well as most of my plans, it didn't turn out that way. Both Harry and I were up late packing. We were exhusted from all the moving during the week and all the packing at night. We knew this weekend it would all be over and we couldn't wait for the weekend to be over.

Thursday, October 4, 2007




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Working, Moving, Working, Moving

This week it's been pretty much work, move, work, move. When I'm not working, I'm moving. Harry continues to take stuff over to the new house while I take stuff in my Jeep to work then while on my extended lunch I'll take the stuff over to the house, met up with Harry and have lunch. Then when I get off work I had either to the apartment and pick up more stuff or over to the house to grab more boxes so I can go back to the apartment and pack up more stuff. And I'm doing this while not feeling so hot. I think all the stress and no sleep has finally taken a toll on my body. So now I get to work, move, work, move and be sick.... ahhhhh life is good. I gotta keep telling myself.. we are moving into a house.. so it makes all this worth it.

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Stargate SG-1: Moebius, part 1 & 2

Det (tredje) bästa paret ever!Jag har följt Stargate dagligen i över ett halvår nu, om jag inte minns fel började sexan sända serien i början av februari, slutet av januari kanske, och det har nu kommit upp till så mycket som åtta säsonger. Efter så lång tid känns det ju som att serien borde ha blivit kvalitativt sämre, och det stämmer väl lite grann: de första säsongerna var ju helt klart bäst.

Det är bara det att då och då dyker det upp avsnitt i de senare säsonger som gör att man ändå tycker det är fett värt att se serien. Inte som Lost, som bara blir sämre, utan det är riktigt bra avsnitt som gör att man tänker "they've still got it" och tittar.

Moebius är inte två såna avsnitt.

Moebius är antagligen de två bästa avsnitten som filmatiserats av någon TV-serie någonsin. Även om jag mer och mer börjar gilla SGA på senaste tiden - för den serien börjar bli bättre än SG-1 när det var som bäst - så tänker jag gå så långt som att säga såhär: det enda som varit bättre än det här avsnittet och filmatiserats är Star Wars. Helt seriöst.

Det hade verkligen med allt. Det var humor (jag skrattade rakt ut nästan hela tiden), det var sentimentalt (jag grät nästan vid tillfällen), och äntligenäntligen fick de ihop dem (jag skrek rakt ut, och sen proppade jag munnen full med filt för att inte störa resten av huset. Och grät), även om det inte var på riktigt.

Jag vet inte riktigt vad jag ska göra nu, jag känner en mystisk patriotisk känsla inför serien nu. Jag älskar den liksom, jag är inte bara glad att jag är ett fan av den, jag är stolt över att få vara ett fan av en så bra serie. Vilket är ett absurt sätt att känna på, men så är det.

Fucking love it. Seriously. Nu ska jag kolla videos och försöka koncentera mig igen.

That's enough of that shit.






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Tuesday, October 2, 2007

DVD-rea: Åhléns

Åhléns har DVD-rea, och det är alltid värt att kolla upp, även om utbudet nu var rätt tattigt. Några hyffsat nya filmer var sänkta till 139 kronor, vilket är nice för nyare filmer, men när de har det priset på t ex Moulin Rouge känns det inte så mycket som en rea längre, utan bara som att de försöker lura på en film.

Men några nice filmer går ju att hitta, de hade letat fram en del riktigt gammalt, t ex den gamla Narnia-TV-serien finns det säkert en del personer som letat efter, och några gamla Monty Python såg jag också.

Det som var mest värt att notera var nog TV-serie-boxarna, ett par säsonger av Seinfeld för 299 kronor, och Vänner för detsamma har jag för mig kan vara värt om man har pengar. Men det brukar finnas betydligt bättre reor på betydligt bättre ställen (bokrean ger mer möjligheter på alla fronter, jag lovar), så om man missar den här behöver man inte gräma sig.

Det enda som intresserade mig var ett Tomb Raider-DVD-spel för 99 kronor. Det är meningen att man ska spela det på DVDn med sin fjärrkontroll, och det är första gången jag ser ett spel som inte är typ Vem vill bli miljonär eller Let's Dance på det viset, så jag ska testa det. Återkommer med en kommentar om det.

That's enough of that shit.

Monday, October 1, 2007

Finally Sleep

Well I've had 3 hours sleep in the last 48 hours... It's been a rough few days, but I'm still functioning. I've had my good hours and my bad hours. Work is just crazy and everyone is feeling it. Harry managed to take another load of boxes to the house and was there most of the day organizing and unpacking. I stopped by for a bit to have lunch and see Harry and Daisy. We still can't beleive we live in a house now.. it's very exciting. Okay... sleepy time now. good night...

Working in the wee hours

Well it's 2:30am and I'm at work. I'm exhusted from the previous day move. I have been up since 6am and can't believe my mind is still able to form words. I'm preping an output of our first episode, the producers and editors have been here all weekend. This was suppose to happen Sunday afternoon but as it always happens there were delays and now it should be done around 3am then I get to convert it to a quicktime which should take an hour or so then upload which can take three to four hours. Then I get to go home for a few hours and sleep, then come back to the craziness. At least that is the plan.. will see how things go... I'M SOOOOOOOOOOO TIRED!!!!

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