
Saturday, March 21, 2009


once upon a time, sheri dew handed me a piece of paper and a pen and told me to write down 100 things i'm grateful for. right then. right there. and then she started her stop watch. this is what i came up with:

1. nephews
2. clean water
3. technology
4. photographs
5. my scriptures
6. communication across the world
7. tall mountains
8. blue water
9. pretty nail polish
10. good friends
11. great friends
12. a family
13. electricity
14. my home
15. the temple
16. creativity
17. my ipod
18. the mailman
19. ingenuity
20. a car
21. pretty things
22. the founding fathers
23. beautiful things on the earth
24. soft things
25. free nights and weekends
26. my savior
27. indoor plumbing
28. mobile to mobile
29. high heels
30. bright colors
31. a good mascara
32. a quality college experience
33. wise people
34. e-mail
35. the atonement
36. the constitution
37. paint
38. my body
39. pretty paper
40. my mind
41. postcards from far away friends
42. the internet
43. kind words
44. freedom of expression
45. moms and dads (my own, and the other ones who take care of me)
46. my job
47. mentors
48. flip flops
49. sweet smelling things
50. winter coats
51. nordstrom
52. paved roads
53. ice cream cones
54. chapstick
55. general conference
56. diet coke from the fountain with crunchy ice!
57. airplanes
58. hot tamales
59. a functional oven
60. instant messaging
61. my college diploma
62. missionaries
63. guidance through the holy ghost
64. sharpies
65. concerts
66. trashy magazines
67. snow plows
68. contact lenses
69. a comfortable pair of jeans
70. good literature
71. movie theater popcorn
72. bubble gum
73. the united states of America
74. thank you cards
75. blue skies
76. the ocean
77. the prophet
78. knowing right from wrong
79. carpooling
80. sunday dinner
81. board games
82. pretty packages
83. my vision
84. cable television
85. my passport
86. cardigans
87. soft blankets
88. the ability to speak my mind
89. covered parking
90. the swimming pool
91. fortune cookies
92. connecting with old friends
93. elevators
94. sticky notes
95. fresh flowers
96. community service
97. cupcakes
98. my health
99. pearl earrings
100. broccoli and asparagus

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