
Wednesday, August 29, 2007

掌聲鼓勵,台美人 Sandi Chen自製動畫愛台灣

前言:本台接獲台美人Sandi Chen投稿,Sandi自製動畫,描繪對台灣的愛,請大家趕快觀賞:



Hi Dear Yufu:

I am a Taiwanese and currently working as a graphic designer in the US, and I shared my struggle explaining Taiwan's national identity and Taiwan's endangered situation to all foreigners over and over again.
Therefore I decided to make an animation to explain my side of the story, and later on I posted it in youtube.

My Dad is a viewer of yours, and he suggested me to get in contact with you said that you might be interested in my film.
If you watched my film, and agree with my POV and would like to post in your blog, I'd be honored.

One of my viewers also post it in Taiwan Radio's blog:

Thank you for your time-


I thought for a long time debating whether I should post this video or not. I can see many people, especially from mainland China, posting hateful comments. Please, people, I totally believe in freedom of speech, you can say anything you like, whether you think TW is a country or not, as long as you don't attack another peron (+me) in harmful words. Through out the process of making this animation, I realized it is hard to convince a person's political stand point. Even some TW think TW is a part of CH, and it is sad TO ME. However, I still respect their opinion. But what I came to realize in the end is the possible war between TW and CH. I understand some of you might say CH would never invade TW, but even if there is only 1% possibility, it is still worrisome. That is why I finally decide to post this animation...hopefully I make the right decision.

I personally think TW is a country, and I know some of you is not going to be happy when I say that. Here is some facts support my POV, so I will get less hate mails:
1.Taiwan has its own culture, history, currency, organization, government, land, law, president, and a 23 million population.

2. Taiwan was a province of China that was lost to Japan in the First Sino-Japanese War. The province was returned in 1952 to Republic of China under the Treaty of Peace between Japan and ROC. ATTENTION, it's Republic of China (a.k.a. Taiwan), not People of Republic of China.

3.If you search "UN" in wikipedia, then you can read all the history about TW's position in UN. Basically we were one of the 5 permanat members until 1971 when our membership was "transferred" to China. did it transfer...let's just say the US was a part of it as well...but that's another animation

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