my dad introduced me to collin raye when i was like 11 years old. it was back in my impressionable days - the day when i wasn't old enough {or smart enough} to make my own decisions. but, i mean, c'mon... "love me" - that was big. "that's my story"... very legit for its time and its genre {although, i didn't know my dad was exposing me to country music. i wouldn't have been so accepting, had i known...}
i'm admitting that i never quite grew out of it. i loved every album and every cheesey, corn ball song.
and then... AND THEN... collin moved to utah... and made friends with this guy ... who then made friends with me... which makes me think that someday, SOMEDAY, i might make friends with collin. only in my wildest dreams.
here's my full disclosure:
- i have seen collin raye in concert more times than anyone else.
- the day collin raye came to byu-idaho in concert was one of the highlights of my college going experiences.
- sometimes, when no one else is home, i play the best of collin raye at full volume.
that said, i know the rest of you are guilty, too. good charlotte? tears for fears? men at work? elvis costello? hilary weeks? howard johnson?
c'mon people... spill it.
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