... how much i enjoy my co-workers?
sure, they're engineers... and they wear plaid shirts and like to measure things with their scales, but i've seen other engineering firms... and ours is different.
they're not just my co-workers, they're my FRIENDS.
we like each other so much, we:
go on diet coke runs at mid-day
sure, they're engineers... and they wear plaid shirts and like to measure things with their scales, but i've seen other engineering firms... and ours is different.
they're not just my co-workers, they're my FRIENDS.
we like each other so much, we:
go on diet coke runs at mid-day
host football parties on game day
play boards games together on saturday nights
go to lunch together most days
go to lunch together EVERY friday, for sure
attend each other's family events
give each other advice
drive to work together
have pre- and post- company parties at each other's homes
go sledding and make snowmen together
have pre- and post- company parties at each other's homes
go sledding and make snowmen together
shop for clothes, shoes, and misc accessories together
poke fun at each other
give each other nicknames
give each other nicknames
play the wii together
worry about each other
worry about each other
text message, instant message, and email each other
travel together
travel together
defend each other
share secrets with each other
make friends with each other's wives, husbands, kids, and pets
bbq on saturday afternoons together
invite each other to sunday family dinner
... i've even heard some co-workers pray for the rest of us... but, i've got no comment on that one...
what i'm trying to say is: the word "co-worker" is interchangable with the word "friend"
what i'm trying to say is: the word "co-worker" is interchangable with the word "friend"

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