2. i'm working on a pretty politically driven project in northern utah. tomorrow i will meet the governor.
while most people are up late at night trying to settle the final details, i am up late at night trying to figure out something much more important:
this is important.
this is important because {1} he's new... this is his first public event since his inaguration. i should probably be on my best behavior - even down to my fingertips. and {2} i'm representing the department of transportation. engineers, mostly. conservative engineers. anything other than plain jane, easy peasy polish would be distracting and likely put my colleagues right over the edge... especially when witnessed on the 10 o'clock news.
and so, i pick you, OPI. "you're a pisa work".

i'm considering wearing the teal pumps tomorrow. reserving all the fun for below the ankles.
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