Well at 5:30AM I heard Homer Simpson say.. "Mail... the mail is here" that's my cell phone letting me know I have a message. So I got up and stumbled to my phone and called my voicemail. On the message was my brother in a very sober voice. "Call me as soon as you get this". I then realized I had another message from my Mom so I played it., "TASDFIONADGAGN" she was in hysterics and I didn't understand a word of it. Of course I'm thinking something bad has happened. So I call my brother back and first thing he says to me is "Bro you're going to be an uncle in an hour." First of all I'm half a sleep so I say WHAT!!! I had just hung out the Mike and Lora the previous day. I guess at 4:30am my sister-in-law's water broke and she went into labor. This wouldn't be a bad thing except she isn't due for another month and a half. So my brother said they are doing a c section in an hour I'll call you back when it's over.

So I try and go back to bed and lay there for about an hour and half not really sleeping when my phone rings and I jump up in panic.. this time it's my Dad informing me that Lora is in the hospital and is giving birth. I let him know that I knew this as Mike called my at 5:30am. This time I knew it was useless to go back to sleep so I got up and started to get ready for work. I wasn't sure if I was going to go in a few hours and then go visit my new nephew or wait for Harry to wake up and then go over.
Around 7:30am my brother called me again and said that Kenobi Michael Mittleider has been born. He is 5 lbs, 2 oz and 18 inches. He is needing some assistants but is in otherwise good shape. I asked how Lora was doing and he said she was fine. So I decided that I would just go into work late and go visit my brother, sister-in-law and new nephew once Harry had gotten up. Harry woke around 9:30am and I said.. we are going to Corona, Lora had the baby. Harry was half a sleep and said WHAT!!!

We left the house around 11am and planned on picking up my Dad and taking him along to see his very first Grandson. Once we had Dad we grabbed some lunch and then some flowers for Lora and Kenobi. We got to the hospital around 1:30pm and visited with Lora a little bit. Kenobi was in NICU and because of the swine flu they were not allowing anyone other then Mike and Lora into NICU. After visiting with Lora a hour or so Mike asked if we (Dad, Mom, Harry, Windy (Lora's BF) and me) could see Kenobi. So they opened one of the NICU windows and pulled Kenobi's incubator around and lifted him up to give all of us a quick glance of this beautiful little baby. After that we said our goodbyes to Lora, Mom and Mike. We took Dad home and then headed back to Reseda. By the time we got home it was 4:30pm and it didn't make sense for me to drive 45 minutes to work and work and hour then drive 45 minutes home. So I called in and everything was fine and took the rest of the day off.
Happy Birthday - Kenobi Michael Mittleider
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