i was at work. stressed out of my mind. carrying a 32984397 lb box of books, heading out to a meeting. someone opened the door just as i reached for the handle. she said, "michael jackson just died. crazy, eh?"
what? WHAT! what!?

here's the deal:
i'm an m.j. fan. haven't always been. my mom didn't teach me to love him, that's for sure. {in fact, after my 5w wednesday a couple weeks back, my mom sent me an email, requesting that i step up my game on my blog. "you must have reached the bottom of the barrel," she said.} but i came to love him. i am a lover of pop culture, and thus - i am a lover of michael jackson. he left his mark. he's a classic. he's an icon. the world is a crazier place because of him.
but... never, NEVER did i consider that he was capable of dying. never, NEVER did i think that he actually had human elements to him that subjected him to death the way the rest of us humans are subject to to it.
he's michael jackson. the man created his own world. was he a man of flesh and bone, or was he plastic like a ken doll? not sure.
i didn't think he could die. i thought he'd live on forever. i thought generations upon generations would be enjoying {yes, mom - enjoying} his music.
prince, paris, and blanket - your daddy was a crazy man. but, woo... that guy could move.
rest your soul, mj. rest your soul.
favorite mj memories:
watching the live statement he made about his innocence. the one EVERY network carried - because he was a pretty big deal.
watching the television release of the black or white music video.
lara and cindy singing and dancing to "the girl is mine" for my birthday. i'm a lover, not a fighter.
watching classic mj music videos with the client after very very intense and important meetings. how's that for client relations?
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