Today I had to get up at 4am.. yeah I didn't even know there was a 4am but I was up. Took a shower, walked the dog and ate some breakfast. I had to be up at this hour because I was meeting up with Guild crew so we could car pool to the shoot location. This location had park and pay parking and we were trying to save some money. So I had to be at Kim Evey's (Guild Producer) at 5:20am. We had a 6am start time, so we get to the location around 5:45am and run into a few snags getting in. Around 7am everything seems to be worked out and we start setting up the location. Sorry about being vague but I can't really give out any details. The shoot went very well. I got a lot of cool BTS footage. One cool thing about this place is it had a stand up arcade video games and a ping pong table. So during our lunch several crew and cast played a few rounds of ping pong. We finished up around 6pm, got back to Kim's around 7pm and then I had planned to go to another place and see if I could shoot some BTS for a very cool DVD special. But we couldn't do then so I headed home to hang out with my hubby and doggie for a few ours as I had to get to bed so I could do it all again the next day.
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