Well it was released four days prior but I was finally able to see the new Star Trek movie. I have been excited to see this movie since I heard the were making it but as the date got closer and excitement did not build like it had with other Star Trek films.
This was a re-boot of the series. Going back to the Kirk era and using all new actors. I was never a huge fan of the TOS (The Original Series) era so maybe that is why I wasn't uber excited to see this. I mean I saw previews and it looked like an AWESOME action movie but it didn't feel like Star Trek.. at least not the Star Trek I grew up on. So I did not see it opening night but knew I wanted to see it opening weekend because most of my friends would have seen it before me and I didn't want to be spoiled. Well spoilers happened and I found out about a few key moments.. oh well.
Today Harry and I sat there in the theater and waited to see JJ's version of our beloved Star Trek Universe. When it was over I was EXTREMELY EXCITED and LOVED every moment of this new Trek. I like that they created an alternate timeline instead of a erasing the forty years of Trek history. This opened up the storyline for anything to happen and boy did it. Planets blowing up, unexpected folks hooking up and things being slightly tweaked.
All the actors were fantastic. (going to use their characters names instead of actors names) Kirk, Spock, Uhura, Sulu were spot on. Scotty, Bones and Chekov stood out. Scotty was funny and refreshing, Bones was played perfectly, and Chekov was cute, funny and smart.
I liked the story, how they tied in the original Trek universe and I loved seeing Leonard Nimoy as old Spock.
SFX were AWESOME, music was great and the overall movie was fun and entertaining. Of course not everything was perfect but those little things that bothered me were way over shadowed by the cool things that I loved.
I swore I was not going to buy the new Star Trek action figures.. but as I was getting into the car I turned to Harry and said.. "CRAP!! Now I have to buy the figures."
I can't wait for the next Trek film.
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