Immortal Tattoos wishes everyone a very Happy New Year !!
2007 has been a great year for Immortal Tattoos and hopefully 2008 will be much better. Once again, I thank everyone who have been through this rough ride with me and I thank all my clients for helping me to discover what I have to give you guys the best !!
Love ya'all !!
Monday, December 31, 2007
Packing Up Christmas / New Years Eve at Home

Today Harry and I packed up all our Christmas stuff inside the house. We still have lights on the house. Those will come down next weekend. I like to start off the new year fresh and new. We had gotten so use to all our Christmas decorations since they have been up since Thanksgiving it was strange to see our house without them.
For New Years Eve we tired to get a small group together to hang at our place but that never happened. So Harry and I had a Star Trek Marathon. We watched three episodes of Deep Space Nine and from 11:30pm to 12:30am we watched Star Trek The Next Generation to ring in the new year. We had a great time.
For New Years Eve we tired to get a small group together to hang at our place but that never happened. So Harry and I had a Star Trek Marathon. We watched three episodes of Deep Space Nine and from 11:30pm to 12:30am we watched Star Trek The Next Generation to ring in the new year. We had a great time.
專訪 228 事件基金會董事長 陳錦煌醫師
近來 228 基金會預算被國民黨無理刪除、228究責法被莫名扭曲以及民主紀念館內千古黑人的處置。
Sunday, December 30, 2007
So much for time off!!!
Today was to be my second day off of my four day weekend. Well I got a call from one of my editors informing me that she couldn't be the media drives to mount. Harry and I were just about to go shopping with our Christmas gift cards so we stopped by to check it out. Well it looked at first that the entire Unity (hard drives) crashed and everything was gone. I started to painc.. that would take us weeks to re-digitize all the media and in the middle of online would be horrible. Luckily I managed to restart the system and everything seemed to be okay.
After my small panic attack we went shopping and I went a litle crazy buying 75% off Christmas stuff. I spent well over my $50 gift certificate, but it was fun.
After my small panic attack we went shopping and I went a litle crazy buying 75% off Christmas stuff. I spent well over my $50 gift certificate, but it was fun.
Saturday, December 29, 2007
Abstract Rose
A old friend of mine came in one day with a design which she wanted, taken from a newpaper cutting. After days of preparation, we finally made it happen.
Putting in the Line Work...
After close to 2hrs, we were done !!
Back shot with a lowerback tattoo ( Which was also done by me ). Signing off from 2007 !! See you all in 2008 with a bang !!
Four Day Weekend!!!
Today I start my four day weekend. I can't remember when I had four days off in a row.. I guess it was comic con this past July. Today I did nothing all day long and it was great. Watched TV, played on the Computer, talked with friends online, hung out with Harry and Daisy... it was great.
這是行政院新聞局主辦「Wow! eye Taiwan 全民影音創作大賽」,由台灣全體民眾共同來創作有關於台灣的影音內容。
參賽組別:分為 短片類、紀錄片類、動畫類以及音樂影片(MV)類。
(三)作品片頭須加入「Wow! eye Taiwan」之動態Logo識別標誌。
1. 自行創作。(這個可以請包子丸老師幫忙喔!)
2. 選用大賽活動指定曲。
3. 自創用CC(Creative Commons)全球分享網站,依作品授權方式與標示方法,下載使用。
4. 其他取得合法授權之音樂。
收件時間: 2007年12月01日到2008年1月11日止!(真的很多人不知道耶~~)
目前上傳內容僅有 12 篇!!!
Friday, December 28, 2007
Pat on the Back
I normally don't give myself a pat on the back.. but last night I was at work till 1am working on the unity/avid problems. We have five avids at work (for those who don't know what Avid is, it is the editing system that we use to cut out show and Unity is the hard drive system) anyways we have had issues all season with the avids crashing and scanning drives (which takes up alot of time of the editors) so I spent yesterday trying to work out the bugs and I finally got all the systems up and running with no issues at all....nothing.. zero probelms. I am very proud of myself at getting this done.. this is a huge deal and should make everyones (the editors and mine) life much easier. Just wanted to brag for a moment. :)
Thursday, December 27, 2007
《若林正丈教授讀友會》 跨界與跨世代的對話:找尋台灣意識新座標
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More Gifts and Future Plans
Today we finally got the Christmas presents from Harry's best friend Sandra. She sent them off over two weeks ago and we were afraid something had happened to them.. but luckily they arrived this morning. Also in the afternoon Harry and I spoke with Harry's sister Gerda and her boyfriend Bernd about there plans to come visit for three week at the end of July, beginning August. They are coming for our commitment ceremony and staying for a vacation. Talking to them today made me realize that our ceremony is not too far off.. eight months will be here in no time.. have to start making plans.
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Working Over the Holidays
One bad thing about being a freelance post production supervisor is that I don't get holiday pay. When holidays come up and the offices close you are pretty much out of luck. My current job is down from Dec. 22 to Jan 1st. Though the time off would have been great I really do need to continue to make money so I asked if I could come in during the holidays. Luckily I was able to work four days this (Christmas) week and three days the following (New Years) week. It's not a full five days a week but it's better then nothing.
Home Design Ideas
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
Christmas Day

Around 11:30 we headed to my mom's for lunch and gift exchange. The past few years have been a bit crazy at my Mom's (my grandmother's dog and Daisy don't get along) so I really wasn't in the mood for the craziness this year. Luckily when we got there we found out that my Grandmother's dog Baby was not there so things started off well. Instead of the traditional spaghetti lunch that mom normally makes she decided to go with a breakfast instead (of course no knew this and we all eat breakfast beforehand). Anyways.. Harry and I had some of the breakfast, which was very good then we opened presents. The past few years my mom has been cutting back on what she would get us for Christmas. It use to be ten or so presents each now it's one or two. This year Mom and Chuck gave Harry and I some money to buy us a washer and dryer (which we still haven't found). So we knew we wouldn't have anything under the tree. She did buy us both several shirts just so we could open a gift. All in all a pretty good afternoon at mom's.
Around 4 we headed to Dad for a Turkey dinner and gift exchange with Dad, Mike and sister-in-law Lora. Dinner was fantastic. Everyone was very delicious.. Dad really out did himself this year. After dinner we started to open gifts.. unlike Mom's everyone had about ten to fifteen gifts each. It was a fun time. Got some cool t-shirts, action figures and more geeky stuff.
All in All is was a great Christmas, alot of driving which took it's toll on me but it was a great time had by all... MERRY CHRISTMAS
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Monday, December 24, 2007
Merry X'Mas
Immortal Tattoos wishes everyone a beautiful Merry X'Mas !!
I would like to thank all my friends, my family, my clients and everyone who have supported me. You guys ROCK !!
I would like to thank all my friends, my family, my clients and everyone who have supported me. You guys ROCK !!
Christmas Eve at Renee's

We got there a little early to we could help in making Christmas cookies. When the got there the kids were well into it so we tried to help out were we could. It was alot of fun making cookies with the kids.
After cookies I helped with Dinner, which turned out to be fantastic. After dinner we opened presents and everyone had a great time.
Around 7:30pm Harry, Dad and I left the festivities because we still had to drive Dad home. Harry and I finally got home around 11 and we were exhausted and went right to bed.
由台灣小姐陳思羽主持的 TnnTV <我的私語>節目,於TnnTV流行娛樂頻道中全新熱烈放映! 歡迎大家持續支持! 第一集先睹為快>>>
本集內容簡介: Climbing Wind Turbines(爬上風車)
風力發電是非常環保的能源, 已經成為今日新能源的一種。想知道一個重達3噸、可以提供1000戶住家電力的現代風力發電風車是怎麼搭建或運作的嗎? 今天就讓陳思羽帶您去英國看ㄧ個現代的風力發電風車吧!
Hosted by/陳思羽 Producer/王怡雁 Cameraman/葉濤
Post-production/葉濤 杜致佳
本集內容簡介: Climbing Wind Turbines(爬上風車)
風力發電是非常環保的能源, 已經成為今日新能源的一種。想知道一個重達3噸、可以提供1000戶住家電力的現代風力發電風車是怎麼搭建或運作的嗎? 今天就讓陳思羽帶您去英國看ㄧ個現代的風力發電風車吧!
Hosted by/陳思羽 Producer/王怡雁 Cameraman/葉濤
Post-production/葉濤 杜致佳
Sunday, December 23, 2007
歡喜聖誕節 (台語版)
share with you n_n~
Picking up Dad
Today Harry and I drove out to Corona to visit my Dad. Also I found out that he would be coming back home with us so we could take him to our family Christmas Eve party. This was the original plan but then I had heard it had changed and that my brother was going to take him to our Uncle Wally's house who would then bring him to the party. Well I guess plans change again and when I called my Dad right before we were to visit he, he informed me of the changes... it wasn't a big deal Harry and I planned to do "our" Christmas present opening on Christmas Eve morning but with Dad there plans had to change.
台灣 e 化-美麗 e 島
他們都是帶著一點夢想與堅持的特質,認真執著於自己事業領域者。他們善用 e 化工具,或擺脫了產業沒落的危機,或提昇了服務品質與效率,或與國際接軌、提昇競爭力,或實現夢想造福更多人類.....
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他們都是帶著一點夢想與堅持的特質,認真執著於自己事業領域者。他們善用 e 化工具,或擺脫了產業沒落的危機,或提昇了服務品質與效率,或與國際接軌、提昇競爭力,或實現夢想造福更多人類.....
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關不住的歌聲-Danny Boy
他在清鄉白色恐怖的1950年代,是台北工業學校的學生,也莫名被捕,關在保安司令部。愛唱歌的黃守禮借著歌聲為難友打氣,日文歌的「幌馬車之歌」是送別難友的歌曲,英文哥的"Danny Boy"則是思念家鄉老母親的等待,隔壁囚房的台大學生于凱,是一位隻身從山東來台的流亡學生,在即將被槍決前,他懇求黃守禮為他唱"Danny Boy",想到遠在東北老家的母親,不知兒子將在台灣被槍決,猶苦苦守候家門…
Aries: 之前都以為知道228受難者的故事,這次因「再見.蔣總統 反共.民主.台灣路」在台中市科博館展出,因導覽解說的關係,自己又再做一次功課,用心閱讀展場的資料
Saturday, December 22, 2007
Cops 美國警察抓小偷短片
第一段在拉斯維加斯。Shawn Ford 警察在巡邏時制止一個街邊嫌疑犯﹐但是該嫌疑犯在制止下想逃走....
第一段在拉斯維加斯。Shawn Ford 警察在巡邏時制止一個街邊嫌疑犯﹐但是該嫌疑犯在制止下想逃走....

My other friend Shaun is a great guy. We meet through a Star Trek group. Shaun and I are so much alike in the TV/Movies viewing. We are both uber geeks and love it. Again like Michael we don't get to see each other as much as we would like but we enjoy the time we do hang out together. Happy Birthday Shaun.
台灣文建會 2006 世紀展演 音樂
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Last Minute Shopping
We raided town to bring you ideas for last minute Christmas shopping (if you have not done so already.) From the chic to cheap, these are affordable gift ideas for family, friends, colleagues and loved ones. Look out also for discounts springing up nearing Christmas eve, and Boxing day for more kick (and value-saving) out of the shopping experience.

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