what a weekend! tammy, bonnie and i decided to run off to the beach this weekend. china beach to be exact. it's the beach that the american soldiers were sent to during the Vietnam war for their R&R. we heard it was one of the most beautiful beaches in vietnam, so naturally, we had to check it out!

we arrived in danang on friday night and were off to our "beachfront" hotel. ya right. strike one. we arrived at the gold coast hotel to find that it is most certainly NOT on the beach. sucks, but fine, we can deal. the beach is down the road a km or so. so we check in and go up to our rooms. seconds later we hear a scream from bonnie's room. we run over and there she is chasing a cockroach! we live in vietnam so we can deal with a cockroach or two but don't love them. so bonnie squishes mr. cockroach and we decide we need a drink...or 5. so we sit at the hotel bar and have some gin and tonics....while watching MILLIONS of cockroaches walk the sidewalk in front of us. we decide that maybe this is not what we wanted so in the morning, we would look for a different hotel for satuday night. fine.
we go up to the rooms, walk in and OH MY GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!! there is a cockroach ON THE BED!! near the PILLOW!!!! STRIKE 600!! we're out of here!! so we go down stairs and tell the staff that we're leaving and they just can't believe it and think we should stay in a different room because they can "guarantee" there will be no cockroaches in the other rooms...i asked who told the cockroaches to stay out of some rooms and not others..."did you put a do not enter sign on the doors of these rooms?" i ask. we were SO mad! so it's midnight and we're looking for a new hotel. we ended up staying at the Life Resort and it was absolutely AMAZING! we were pretty well the only ones there and the staff was so great. it made up for the crappy roach hotel for sure.
but don't fret. this is not where the story ends. on sunday morning, we get a text message from jetstar saying that our flight has been delayed from 4:45 pm to 12:10 am!!!!!!!!!!!!!! that's only a small delay...CRAP! so the great staff helped us get on a vietnam airlines flight early in the afternoon and we were in business class! we had like full out relclining chairs and everything. too bad the flights only an hour long!
so, now i'm back home with a super sun burn. i say in the sun for maybe 20 or 25 minutes on saturday and i am burned to a crisp! OUCH!
aside from the crazy drama, it was a beautiful beach and a nice weekend getaway. sometimes you just need to get out of the city. next weekend we are off to dalat with the staff. the owners of our school are paying for a trip to dalat so we have that to look forward to. anyway, enjoy the china beach pics...it was so nice!!!

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