
Thursday, March 5, 2009

What a Day!!!!

Wow.. I haven't had this bad of a day in a long while. First we tell us that we can't digitize tapes that run over the 24 hour mark.. this is of course after we have already digitized almost 5000 tapes. I wish they would have told me when I started this job months ago. It took me and my AE four hours to figure out how to find out which tapes were wrong. Luckily it was only 70 tapes out of the 5000 that will need to be re-done, but that is another 70 hours of digitizing that could have been prevented if they would have mentioned this rule when I first started.

This whole tape issue didn't help with the fact that we are up against the wall to get a four hundred(hours) of tapes digitized in a few weeks. Between decks breaking down, the crappy job the camera guys did on shooting the stuff (timecode breaks ever few seconds that cause the machine to kick the tape out) it takes two hours to digitize an hour tape.

Besides that we have old Avid system that breakdown at least once a day so I have editors and producers complaining everyday about something.

It was just a frustrating day....

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