Front flip double bar spin....
That was last year & this year he throws down a nothing barspin... Yeeow..
Go to for more videos.
How did you get into riding?
I was in middle school and my neighbor/good friend got a dyno compe and I was super jealous so I made my mom go out and buy me a dyno VFR. Then its the same old classic story from then around town with friends, get a car, travel, ride new parks and then get hooked for life. Somewhere along those lines. I could probably elaborate a little more but I will spare the time.
Standard Bykes, UGP, Profile, and Adidas sends me shoes. That still trips me out!
Favorite Food:
Chipotle. hands down the best place ever. In second place would be Jersey Mikes Subs. Then moes, pita pit and KFC famous bowls.
Current Residence:
Greenville, NC with Quinn Semling and long time friend/shredder Lane George. Look out for that guy....he does better nothings than you.
Favorite part of traveling:
Hands down without a doubt....just the different experiences. I have learned SO much more from traveling and interacting with different people than I could ever in a classroom. Nothing agaisnt college but Im very grateful for what I have learned and experienced just from riding my bike. Could never be matched.
Future plans: Stay Healthy. Ride alot. Write a book (Chad knows what Im talking about.) Travel more for riding than
just doing shows. Just generally get myself out there more. SHREDFEST!!
Ride on....
Lets hope it never gets this far..... Lame.
Been talking to jimmy from TRUBMX,Sounds like the there's plenty of digging & the odd roosting happening at gorge rd trails,If your local to Q-town get out there & loan a hand,Reap what you sow....

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