
Saturday, February 13, 2010

Recording a Podcast

I had scheduled to record a podcast even though we had friends over, I was willing to give them a half hour of my time so I could get back to my friends. Well things didn't turn out as I had planned. We were recording a skype call with several Guild fans who were given the Season 3 DVD early and we were to talk about the DVD extras. It was to start a 5 and right from the beginning people kept dropped out of the call. We tried and tried to get everyone in the call but kept losing folks.. finally around 5:45 I went out to my friends and told them that we haven't even started yet. That I was sorry but I wasn't sure how long it was going to take. They understood and we had a nice visit so they decided to head home as it was getting late.

Went back to the skype call and finally made the call that we would just have to start without everyone. This was already taking a hour and we hadn't even begun yet. So we started around 6:00 and I then had issues with my recording programs as it wouldn't record the conversation. Instead of restarting my computer we had several other folks on the call record it. So about 6:10 we started his skype chat.

The chat moved along, folks were dropped and I'd add them back again and again. Finally around 7pm we finished this "quick" skype call. Brian emailed me his recording of the call, which was okay but had some audio glitches but it was the best we had.. Now I had to edit it and post it on our website as the DVD is coming out in a few days. I finally got everything edited and posted around 11pm. In the end it turned out to be a pretty cool podcast.

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