Sunday, January 31, 2010
Social Standards of Tattoos
The first group of people that get tattooed are those that want to fit in or feel accepted by a larger peer group such as friends, colleagues, and organizations that they are involved with. Another often more common reason for this group, is that these people get tattooed out of rebellion. This group often gets tattooed when they are adolescents because of the conflicts over identity and to show their control of their own bodies. Tattoos have to be seen before someone can get the idea to get one done and the current medias interest with tattoos strongly fuels this system. Celebrities tattoos are constantly being showcased in movies, magazines, TV shows, and all other forms of media which heavily influences adolescents decisions in getting one.
The second group of people are those who get tattooed because it means something very personal to them and helps them express their thoughts, beliefs, and ideals as well as commemorate a special memory or loved one. These people often have a larger number of tattoos and sometimes even choose to cover their whole bodies. This is obviously the more outrageous group that has a deeper understanding of what tattoos used to stand for and think less about the stigmas surrounding tattoos in our current times.
Tattoos have been around for thousands of years and have been put on everyone from prison gangs to aristocrats. Just like anything else, there are certain trends and cycles that tattoos go through. Nowadays, tattoos have become much more complex and include almost any piece of 2D art that you can find that can fit onto a part of the human body as well as a full range of tattoo lettering. In the last 10-15 years they have become much more widely accepted and people from all walks of life now sport tattoos.
Knights of the Guild : The story of Kenny and Jenni
by Chris Feyrer Check out his website HERE
Kenny Mittleider always wanted to be popular. What he didn’t know was that he would be some day, hosting the Internet podcast Knights of the Guild, the official podcast of the web series The Guild.
Mittleider, in his late thirties, is a post production supervisor in southern California and a huge self-proclaimed geek, with a major Star Wars collection and a sweet, huggable teddy-bear personality.
Enter Jenni Powell, former Lonelygirl15 crew member and transplant to the crazy world that is Los Angeles, funny, quirky, irreverent, and chasing the dream of web series industry success.
Both offered their talents to Felicia Day’s web series The Guild crew back in the first run of the off-the-wall comedy about a group of addicted gamers forced to interact offline. Back then, all was funded by PayPal and run by volunteers, with Jenni as Production assistant and Kenny working behind the scenes on featurettes and in post production. Already fans, they became even more hooked while working on the show, with the access to the awesome cast, crew, and fan base that makes up the Guild community.
Thusly, a fan podcast was born.
Powell found herself Mittleider’s partner in crime, and together “Kenny and Jenni” have built quite a name for themselves not only for their excellent coverage of The Guild but for their great repoire and hilarious online personas.
From the first edition, it was clear that this was not your every day fan podcast. With professional quality audio production, show-to-show continuity, and clever lead-ins to each section of their show, Knights of the Guild launched a year ago and became a staple for fans looking for the latest and greatest in goings-on with the Los Angeles-based web series.
Kenny and Jenni make it look easy. What fans don’t see are the hours and hours of preproduction, organizing schedules with cast members for interviews, soliciting and handling fan feedback, dealing with crazy technical difficulties, and spreading the word near and far that goes on behind the scenes.
To both of them I wanted to say bravo and congrats for a year of hilarity, unicorns, one-liners, and insightful cast, fan and crew interviews.
If you are a fan of online gaming, comedy, or social outcasts, and you still haven’t seen The Guild, please quit living under your rock and go to http://www.watchtheguild.com and then check out Kenny and Jenni’s awesome Knights of the Guild podcast at: http://knightsoftheguild.com .
Hours of laughter later, you’ll understand why the podcast has thousands of downloads and the web series is in the top ten comedies on ITunes.
Skywalker Ranch

1 Year Anniversary Podcast: A Look Back

It was truly and amazing night of friends, podcasting and good times. I would like to thank all our guests for making the trek out of my house (I live in the middle of nowhere). Felicia, Kim, Michele, Brian, Fernie, Andrew, Will, Mel, Jay, Greg, Jared, Sean, Megan and Ray.
It was an awesome night and I wish we did that for every podcast.
does it hurt ????
maybe it was the first question in your mind about the art of tattoos, maybe I'll answer yes, you imagine a thousand needles piercing your skin where the pain, but not as bad as it was not scary so that you will feel more than the pain of constant movement in acupuncture. but the difference been tattooed pain can be felt in areas where have you been tattooed in the groin when will hurt worse than other regions, and also the pain you can bear with it certain how you handle the pain ... so feel the sensation
Saturday, January 30, 2010
Cleaning and KOTG Anniversary
Today I was having friends over to celebrate my 1 year KOTG (Knights of the Guild) Podcast Anniversary. The day started out with Harry and I cleaning the entire house… and there was a lot of cleaning to do. Having remodeling done for the past 2 days wasn’t much help either. To make a long and exhausting story short… we got done just in time.
Around 7 pm people started to arrive. All in all about 20 people showed up. Everyone loved our place and complimented Harry and I on our choice of the wall colors and the paint job. So I guess having spent 40+ days painting has been worth while. Daisy and Harry spent most of the time in front of the fire place. Harry attended the fire to keep it going and watched Daisy so she wasn't in the middle of all the hustle and bustle. That way she wouldn’t be freaking out. She actually did alot better than I expected. For most of the time she was fairly relaxed and was chilling out next to Harry. But of course she never left his side.
I spent most of the time in the office recording the podcast. We had some great guests lined up Felicia Day, Kim Evey, Greg Aronowitz, Sean Becker, Michele Boyd, Fernando Chien and many more. Around 1.30 am we called in the night.
Literary jewels by Jeremy May

on the streets of Amsterdam

I found this blog that decided not to let that passer by that catches your eye, to just..pass by - so she photographs them - face and legs.
where on my body should i get a tatto?
before you use body art tattoo you should know which parts are not tattooed, and which parts are not allowed
there are some parts that should not have been tattooed for health reasons or for reasons of their own, but for your own good, which is not part of the body that can not been tattooed include: hair (of course, your hair should not be tattooed as far as I know there are no hair art technology tattoos), teeth and nails (this can be debated whether or not, but because of health reasons I recommend that you do not use a tattoo on the part of health reasons), the cornea and the eye can not sort of been tattooed medical
I only recommend you been tattooed in a place that looks fairly reasonable
I would recommend that been tattooed body parts include:
a. head: the head is a part of the body. but before you you have been tattooed on the shaved head. often been tattooed area is part of the head, above the ears. I tell you if you have a tattoo on his head shaking around your skull so ready
b. neck: the back of the neck and sides often been tattooed but remember you have to shave your hair short so it can be seen
c. Face: for this one I do not recommend you tattoos all over his face, which is this face is part of the face such as eyebrows, or you can use temporary tattoos
d. upper chest: one of the standard areas for tattoos of men and women. symbolizes masculinity for men but for women symbolize sensuality
e. Breast (women): usually for a woman would look very sexy and confident when using tattoos in the area
f. nipple: aims for aesthetic and self-esteem, there is also a tattoo on the nipple area because of the loss of their nipples and surgical reconstruction through tattoos
g. ribs: the ribs for a tattoo would be so painful, they are usually tattooed on the back to wrap the ribs to the front, I thought it was really cool to use a tattoo
h. stomach: I do not recommend to been tattooed in the abdominal area, especially for men because of our age will change physically, especially for men the most rapid change is part of the stomach, look very ugly if one day you change your tattoo.
h. sex: for men I would not recommend it been tattooed in part because it is very difficult, but for a woman would look so hot when been tattooed on the genitals
i. thigh / hip: popular for a woman to tattoo in this section
j. ankle: This section is also popular for been tattooed
k. feet: You can use the tattoo in this section if you want
l. armpit: usually wrap the tattoo on his arm from back to front chest, and carefully been tattooed in this section is very funny
m. arm: This section is very popular with users because it easily visible tattoos and very artistic
n. Other parts are: wrist, shoulder, back, buttocks
Friday, January 29, 2010
Remodeling Continues Day 2

current fashion cravings: neutral tones

And I'd wear it with this brooches by Rut Malin Barklund. So simple and elegant.

Longing Beyond brooch by Susanne Forsstrom

"you're such a mom". . .
Dmitri Young Tattoos
Sex Pistols Tattoos
Their short lived career seemed top end as soon as it started, with addiction being the breaking point of the band.
Show your support of the historic Punk band by getting a Sex Pistols tattoo, i mean who wouldn't want Johnny Rotten and Sid Vicious tattooed on their bodies for life?

Pencil Crayon Jewelry by Maria Cristina Belluci

Italian Designer Maria Cristina Bellucci created those original pencil crayon jewelry, after working for several years as a theater costume and accessories maker. The pieces are made using fragments of pencils that have been attached together and formed into a variety of shapes. The forming process reveals the interiors of the pencils, showcasing the wood and the colored lead.

Thursday, January 28, 2010
Remodeling Continues
So our list grew and grew. Remove Metal Door in Laundry Room, Remove Door frame in Laundry Room and Replace, Paint Laundry Room, Paint Master Bathroom, Caulk Bathtub, Replace both Screen doors (Living Room & Master Bedroom), Fix Toilet in Guest bathroom (Finish from previous job), Roof Leak, Take down Fan and seal hole (above what use to be eat in kitchen), Patch Carpet in Master Bedroom (from where you took down the closets)
So a little late I finally got into work. When I got home they had done about 1/2 of what needed to be done and planned to finish up tomorrow. The finally finished mounting the toilet in the guest bathroom which was part of their last job. They hung both screen doors and started painting the master bathroom. They started work on the new doorway in the laundry room and replaced the missing carpet in the master bathroom and they removed the fan/light in the pantry area and replace it with the new light I bought this morning. The toilet, screen doors and new light were fantastic.. I wasn't happy with the replaced carpet. Before there were two little sections of carpet that needed to be replace.. instead they decided to cut the entire corner off of the carpet and replace leaving this very long and noticeable line. Of course they realized this wasn't such a great idea and just replaced the two missing pieces on the other side but the damage was done. I wish they would have asked before going that route. Before with he night stand you wouldn't have noticed the two small pieces being replaced but with taking the whole corner out it's noticeable and I was not happy.
Tomorrow they have to fix the leak on the roof, patch the ceiling where the water came down, seal the tile on the fireplace, finish the doorway to the laundry room, paint the laundry room and finishing painting the master bathroom... let's hope he can get this all done by tomorrow.