Sunday, September 30, 2007
Pre-Moving Day
Saturday, September 29, 2007
Packing, Packing and More Packing
A Song For Peace
Thursday, September 27, 2007
台灣守護神祇在紐約市的奇異恩典(amazing grace)
務請關心媽祖的父老兄弟姐妹們上網,分享神靈赫赫的台灣守護神祇在紐約市的奇異恩典(amazing grace)。
UNlimited Taiwan: Songs for a Rising Identity
Interview with Freddy from the Heavy Metal Band ChToniC. Freddy talks about Taiwan and the Republic of China's representation in the United Nations.
九月十三日11至13時,比利時台灣協會暨歐洲台灣協會聯合會在歐盟總部核心聲援台灣入聯,地點在歐洲理事會〈European Council〉和歐洲執委會〈European Commission〉之間的廣場,時間是九月十三日11至13時〈上班上學時間〉,參與的旅歐台灣人及歐洲友人共約四十人。因為是上班日午餐時間,出入者多為歐盟總部的官員、幕僚、相關媒體、智庫人士‧‧‧,成功地引起注意。
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
[XBOX360]Lost Odyssey_TRAILER
Only a half of month in the Apartment
More TV

台灣史望春風-仙拼仙 拼死猴齊天
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台灣史望春風-豎旗抗官 朱一貴 林爽文 戴潮春
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自己的國家自己管UN for Taiwan多倫多中秋節晚會
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這架中國國際航空的班機,從北京飛到紐約,準備降落甘迺迪機場時,沒想到這名大陸機長,英文實在講不通,塔台要指引他進入跑道,機長聽不太懂英文,居然用猜的。塔台:「在J跑道右轉,然後走A跑道,等待MA中國航空981。」駕駛:「中國航空走右邊,呃...,J上A跑道,呃...11月?」塔台:「OK,我再說一遍。」雞同鴨講的這段飛航對話,讓塔台差一點發火,機長還不知道從哪裡,聽到「11月」這個字。更誇張的是,接下來的對話,機長連塔台在問他話,都聽不懂。塔台:「中國航空981,他們允許你進入機坪了嗎?」駕駛:「收到,呃...。」塔台:「你被允許進入機坪了嗎?」 駕駛:「OK,前往機坪。」塔台:「不!那是問句!機坪的人允許你去登機門了嗎?」駕駛:「收到,前往登機門,中國航空981。」塔台:「我再試一次,這是問句,保持你的位置,這是問句,你被允許到登機門了嗎?」駕駛:「OK,我們不動。」當機長,最起碼的英文能力要有,大陸的機師,卻跟塔台完全不能溝通,過去幾次飛行,到底怎麼平安降落?讓人弧疑,也讓人捏把冷汗,這些大陸機師上的英文課,其實老師的英文聽起來也不太妙。飛安英文老師:「飛行意思是,你要操縱飛行器,花生,花生就是小小的東西。」明年3月起,所有的國際線駕駛都被要求要通過英文口語考試,這位20年飛行經驗的駕駛,剛通過考試,講的英文還是零零落落。飛機駕駛:「我們飛到,呃...美國、歐洲,只是駕駛,呃...使用、說英文。」中國大陸有多達8千位國際線的民航機駕駛,不到800人參加英文考試,只有600多人過關,塔台要你往東,卻聽成往西,不小心搭到他們的飛機,乘客只能自求多福了。
'UN for Taiwan' from Ireland
謝志偉領軍的紐約台僑UN for Taiwan活動
Monday, September 24, 2007
TV is Back

Chuck - I have to admit I watched this premiere because it was on before Heroes and it looked somewhat interesting. After it was over I enjoyed it enough to watch the next episode.. it didn't blow me away. I did like the mix of comedy and action. Some of the fighting scenes were great and the action scenes where fun too. I look forward to seeing where this show goes. It has one of my favorite guys Adam Baldwin.. I'd watch just for him.
Heroes Season Two - This is the one series return that I have been looking forward to the most and it didn't disappoint. I thought it was packed full of information. They caught up with a few of our favorite Heroes and introduced a few new ones. I loved the whole Claire/Noah stories. The family sitting around the dinner table being bored out of there minds... priceless. The Hiro/kinsei story is good, I am a Hiro fan and I just hope they don't spend to much time on his story. I knew Nathan and Peter were coming back so seeing Nathan was no biggie and I kept waiting for Peter to show up. I did like Mr. Nakamora calling Mrs. Petrelli out about their sons and was cheering when Nathan kicked his mom out. And I'm not so sure Mr. Nakamora is dead.. he may have a power, maybe he can heal?? And it was great to see more heroes with the say powers, ie the boy Wes who was floating and watching Claire, creepy.. yes.. but cool. Can't wait for the next episode and see what's going on with other Heroes.
And finally Journeyman - So I watched this new series and I enjoyed it.. I was a bit confused as to why he was jumping and I'm sure they will explain more as the series goes on but it was enjoyable.I really liked that you thought through out the episode that he was there to save the man's life but really he was there to make sure this man's unborn child was born to be a great man... that was awesome. I look forward to next weeks episode.
Sunday, September 23, 2007
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Our New House
Happy Birthday To Me!!!

Saturday, September 22, 2007
Rainy Day
Friday, September 21, 2007
Crossing Over - första recensionen
Sounds nice? It does to me anyway, så allt jag hoppas på är att de kan bestämma sig om det där jäkla premiärdatumet någon gång och en frivillig ur publiken bestämmer sig för att gå med mig.See 'Crossing Over' ASAP. This film will grab you and shake you. This is a horror movie. You don't need an axe-wielding maniac to scare you. Real life events ripped from the headlines will do just that and even better.
How to best describe this movie? You know that movie Crash? Of course you do. Now think about that movie and imagine it was......good
No gimmicks, no cliches. Just very real human drama about the horrors of the immigration.- Yorick Brown @ IMDB.com
För mer om Crossing Over, kolla in HFWs sektion om filmen: http://www.harrisonfordweb.com/crossingover/
That's enough of that shit.
Thursday, September 20, 2007
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
We got the HOUSE!!!!!!!
We planned to meet at a local McDonalds and sign the lease at 7:30. Of course work was hell and I really had to force myself to leave to make it on time. I got home around 7:15 and couldn't find my tax forms so I started to panic. I did manage to fine an older tax paper and a Dec 06 paystub with my total gross and I did print out my balance in my savings. So we headed to McDonalds, where Bill was just finishing up dinner. We sat down and I showed him my paperwork, he looked it over and said.. looks good. So we started to go over the lease and the pet agreement and I signed on the dotted line. We now have a one year lease with an option to sign another one year lease. After I signed we sat there for an hour or so and just talked. Come to find out that, that house has been up for three or four weeks at $1850 and he has had alot of people look at it but he didn't feel the chemistry with them. He said there was on girl and her boyfriend who were very close but the day he was going to call and give it to her she called him and said boyfriend got cold feet and didn't want to move in together. He had just lowered it the day I saw it and have gotten hundreds of phone calls about it. Bill told us he didn't care about the money he wants good people who will really enjoy the house as much as he did. It was the first house he and his wife bought, they raised their kids there. The house means alot to him. We really connected with Bill. He's going to be an awesome landlord. So we feel very privilege that Bill chose us out of quite a few people. As I type this I still can't believe we are going to be living in a house. We now have a month to move in since we are paying rent at our old place and the new place. So it should be a fairly stressless move.
世界第一名模Kate Moss跳鋼管舞給你看!
英國名模Kate Moss練就不敗金身,不怕緋聞和嗑藥負面新聞影響,老神在在,以近千萬的年收入仍經常登上第一名模位子,讓年輕後輩的名模難望項背。KateMoss代表的美,像她的人一樣,看似尋常,但卻又令人難以捉模;「可塑性高」,讓老大不小的她,繼續稱霸代言眾多一線名牌。走秀拍廣告對她而言是駕輕就熟的例行公事.
Shrek the Third
Jag tyckte den var skitbra! Okej, det går inte att göra en lika bra film som de andra två, det är en fysiskt omöjlighet. Men jag tycker den här filmen leverar precis så bra som den kan göra, det var jävligt många bra skämt med i den, och det är väl vad jag behöver av en Shrek-film. Och feel good-moments, och jo, det var en del såna också. Karaktärerna fick mer utrymme, utom Åsnan och Katten förstås, men vi har två andra filmer med dem: jag började gilla Prince Charming mycket mer än vad jag trodde var möligt faktiskt.
Det jag tror folk är besvikna på är all moral. Visst har det funnits lite moral i de andra filmerna, typ vardigsjälvandyougetthegirl, men den här filmen är verkligen full av dem. De där "ta ansvar", "väx upp", "du är mer redo än du känner dig", blabla. Och ja, det är irriterande, för sånt är med i alla filmer numera, speciellt de tecknade, men det är fortfarande Shrek. Det är fortfarande ett grönt träsktroll som är osäker på om han kan bli pappa eller inte, det är fortfarande en pratande åsna som är den irriterande side-kicken. Eftersom alla är in character kan det inte bli fel.
Så nej, det är inte en femma i betyg, om man jämför med de andra filmerna. Så långt håller jag med. Men om jag - vilket jag inte gör ;P - skulle sätta ett betyg på filmen, skulle jag nog ge den en fyra åtminstone. Herregud, det är nästan 4,5 på den, om man jämför med all annan skit som den tävlar mot. Fast det är klart, efter andra filmen hade man ju hoppats på mer.
Det jag personligen blev mest besviken på var utan tvekan soundtracket. De andra två filmerna har det bästa soundtracket nånsin (då exkluderat vad som helst som John Williams har gjort, förstås), till och med låtarna i eftertexterna är fantastiska, men den här filmen? Tja, förutom någon eels-låt och introt (som tog alldeles för lång tid på sig att dra igång och ingen sagobok var det med heller, bah!) var det inte alls bra. Jag är sjukt besviken, och det skulle inte förvåna mig om det är just det som gör att man inte gillar den här filmen lika mycket som de andra. Även om man gillar den, menar jag.
I övrigt ser jag mest fram emot DVD-släppet. Vad kommer det göra det värt att se igenom eftertexterna och skratta åt de fula namnet folk har? Alltid lika spännande. Och fjärde filmen? Tja, jag är inte övertygad. Inte än. Men det kanske kommer. Så småningom.
That's enough of that shit.
Indiana Jones 4 - nu med titel

För er som vill se klippet där Shia avslöjade det hela, så kan ni titta här:
That's enough of that shit.
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
House Searching
Well I called and a man picked up the phone. I told him I was interested in house. He had a friendly voice and we chatted a bit about the place. He told me that he was showing the house tonight at 7:30 and gave me the address. I told him I wasn't sure what time I was getting off work but we would drive by and check out the area and then give him a call.
I did manage to get out of work early and I called him up and told him we would love to stop by and check out the house. He asked that we get there at 7:45 so he could show the house to a couple right before us. We got there a little early and we really liked the area. It's a lived in neighborhood but not run down and the house was cute and had a well taken care of look to it. Just as we pulled up three people walked out of the house and talked in front for about ten minutes. This couple was very interested and he gave them applications and they left. We got out of the car and walked up to the front door and met Bill (the owner). Just like he was on the phone he was a very friendly guy. He showed up inside and told us a little history of the house.
The living room/dining room is fairly small but nice, we then checked out the three bedrooms, Master bedroom is a good size, second one is a bit smaller and the third one is the smallest. It has a pretty nice bathroom and there are tons of cabinets and closets. The house was built in the 50's and has really cool architectural features. We next went to the kitchen, there are no appliances and it's fairly small but it's workable. Next was the backyard and that did it. The house is cute and nice but the backyard is AWESOME. The house sits on a 3000 sq feet lot and the house is about 1300 sq. feet so the back yard is about 2500 sq. feet. It has a nice patio area and an extra concrete rock patio on the side. And it had a one car garage.
It was everything we were looking for. The owner Bill was a super nice guy. We told him we were interested and really wanted this to work out. Bill seems to really like us also. He gave me an application and told me to fax it over to him first thing in the morning. Keep your fingers crossed that we get this place... we will be very disappointed if we don't.. it's perfect for us.
Monday, September 17, 2007
Taking a Tumble

Today while at work I was trying to remove ceiling panels from the unity room to relieve some of the heat from the machine. Well I was using a plastic chair and as I tried to lift the last panel, when the chair started to slid so I grabbed onto the bookshelf next to me. The next thing I knew I was lying on the floor with a ton of video tapes all over me. I had broken every shelf on the bookcase, as I slid down it and all the debris fell on me. Of course there was a loud crash and everything came running. I managed to only hurt my right leg, badly bruising my calf muscle. I'm pretty sore but it could have been alot worse.
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Sunday, September 16, 2007
Packing up my Toy Room
Saturday, September 15, 2007
House Hunting
After my morning with Christopher, Harry and I went house hunting, we had two places to look at today. One was in North Hollywood and one in Burbank. We first drove by the North Hollywood one and kept on driving. The area is really run down and we didn't feel safe living there. The Burbank house was on a very nice friendly street. It was a back house so we stopped and checked it out. The house had a living room, which was an okay size, a smaller kitchen and then two medium size bedrooms and a small bathroom. The cool thing about this place is it had a fenced off backyard, not super huge but a nice size for Daisy. During the walk through I was getting weird vibes from the owner, he wasn't the friendly type. After we left, I told Harry I didn't feel comfortable with the owner and in fact the house was a little too small for all the stuff we have.... so we continue to search. We have a month and a half to find a new place to live.
Harry Potter on PS3

This morning I hung out with my good friend Christopher, we went out to breakfast and then back to his place to play some Harry Potter on his PS3. We played Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. This is by far my favorite Harry Potter game and for that matter any game that I have played. It was a lot of fun, can't wait to play again.
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
高畫質網路電視欣賞 E3 2007 Killzone 2 HD賞析
這是720 480大畫面,接近DVD品質,把滑鼠滑入螢幕,上方有embeded,可以將語法copy回家!
Monday, September 10, 2007
wei kang wants to tell you this.
No.2 man of the day!!!!! ahhhhh ^^
birthday boys! opps, i mean man. hahah.