kenapaaaaa!! argh! ak kenai dy! babi! dah la dok dkat umh... kwn dgn adik ku.! ish celaru2..! ak benci gila..
bila nk sambug blajaq ni... xbley gila dok umh..kira trigat.! dok corok mana pon trigat... hati cap busuk! bila kita kaco dy tau rimas.. bila bg warnig jgn kaco adik ku..pandai kta...! fuck! weh! awat ak kenai dy!! bodo benci gilaa!!! awat laaa esh.!!! ak benci gila dy..! tp...hurmm..syg...aram! padia ni weh! perlu ka ak pkiaq psai love2 ni! down! nothing ja pon..dy bdak2 yg just nk play around dat all..jgn layan.! biaq dy kuaq dari idup smooth...fuh! i hate this part.
Saturday, July 31, 2010
More Yard Work and Podcasts
Today was a carbon copy of yesterday but I actually finished doing yard work, every weed or at least all the ones I could find have been pulled or cut down. Our next big project is preventing weeds from growing. We can't spray because we drink the ground water so Harry and I were thinking of digging up all of our rock roads and laying down plastic (weed barrier) and then placing the rock back over it.. that way water can get through and into the ground but weeds can not grow. It will take a while to do all our roads but in the end it will be well worth the effort and time.
I also finished another podcast KOTG CompanionCast S4E3 which is due to be released on Wednesday August 4th. Would really like to get up to Episode 6 done by the end of the week. Just hope I have enough material to make some good podcasts.

life lessons.
i've always stood firm behind the idea that is is my blog and my venue.
no surprise there - right?
so, i get to speak honestly here.
{and sometimes, the consequences of running my sass pot mouth.}
this might be my most honest post yet.
no surprise there - right?
so, i get to speak honestly here.
{and sometimes, the consequences of running my sass pot mouth.}
this might be my most honest post yet.

first things first - i'm ashamed to admit that i'm 28 and i can cat-fight with the best of 'em. so un-adult of me.
i was humbled
when my opposite fell into tragedy of the most unimaginable kind.
so what's a girl to do?
i'll tell you what -
you {i} forget it all
when my opposite fell into tragedy of the most unimaginable kind.
so what's a girl to do?
i'll tell you what -
you {i} forget it all
in. an. instant.
you {i} remember all the precautionary, fearful tears you {i} just cried over this very thing
you {i} buy a sweet treat
and a kind gift
that you {i} hope is as meaningful to her as you {i} intended it to be
and run to her side.
but most of all, you {i} hope, against all odds, that she believes in your sincerity.
all the while, you {i} kick yourself {myself} for being a 28 year old who allowed the trivial inhibit yourself {myself} from being available to someone {everyone, for that matter} if needed.
and then you call your mom and tell her you love her because you're {i'm} still lucky enough to have her.
lessons learned.
the hard way.
but most of all, you {i} hope, against all odds, that she believes in your sincerity.
all the while, you {i} kick yourself {myself} for being a 28 year old who allowed the trivial inhibit yourself {myself} from being available to someone {everyone, for that matter} if needed.
and then you call your mom and tell her you love her because you're {i'm} still lucky enough to have her.
lessons learned.
the hard way.
New Skull Tattoo
Tips For Engraving Skull Tattoo
Suggestions For Selecting Skull tattoo
Engraving a tattoo skull art is an age old tradition. This tradition has retained its popularity till the recent days. The designers are engaged in making new designs for the tattoos. tattoo engraving is quite an old art but people have a strong belief that many of the best designs have not been deciphered yet.
Skull tattoos do not have any huge difference with the old tattoos. It requires a great luck to find the best designs of the skull arts. A person can follow some tips to get the most attractive printable designs. People who have given the tips for choosing the best tattoos have made many researches on the tattoos. A person who has not done huge research cannot have any idea about the tattoos.
Anyone can do a tattoo of skull art on his body. Skull designs are always popular and look good on everybody. Some people consider skull tattoos to be very generic but they have a unique style of their own. The ancient designs of the skull tattoos attract people to them. There are some reputed stores for finding the skull art tattoos. A person who is fond of tattoos can search on the search engines for a skull tattoo. In the search engines, one can find the pictures of different tattoos. One can take the printout of this database and paint them on their body.
The experts have suggested a couple of tips for choosing the beautiful tattoos. If a person follows these tips then he can easily get the best tattoo. A person needs to select the best design and have to get a skilled artist for engraving these designs. Most of the popular designs on the internet have a great look and a person can choose the tattoo designs he like best. There are multiple types of skull tattoo. To make the search for skull tattoo easier a person needs to decide the type of tattoo he wants.
The tribal tattoos look very attractive on the dark hands. The skull tattoo has a lot of meaning embedded in them. A person should know these meanings before engraving the skull tattoos on his body. One can use temporary tattoos so that he can remove it whenever he wants. The people who want to use permanent tattoos should know something before they engrave these tattoos on their skin. As the permanent tattoos could not be removed, a person should make huge research for choosing the image that he would engrave on his skin.
There are many free galleries from which people can find the best skull tattoos for them. However, the experts would suggest people to look to the pay sites as they offer more designs. A person can also find a shop where the tattoo artists offer several designs to the people. The charge for engraving tattoos can vary from one design to design. A person should also enquire about the prices of these designs. To get some of the best tattoo designs a person can visit the website of
Suggestions For Selecting Skull tattoo

Skull tattoos do not have any huge difference with the old tattoos. It requires a great luck to find the best designs of the skull arts. A person can follow some tips to get the most attractive printable designs. People who have given the tips for choosing the best tattoos have made many researches on the tattoos. A person who has not done huge research cannot have any idea about the tattoos.
Anyone can do a tattoo of skull art on his body. Skull designs are always popular and look good on everybody. Some people consider skull tattoos to be very generic but they have a unique style of their own. The ancient designs of the skull tattoos attract people to them. There are some reputed stores for finding the skull art tattoos. A person who is fond of tattoos can search on the search engines for a skull tattoo. In the search engines, one can find the pictures of different tattoos. One can take the printout of this database and paint them on their body.
The experts have suggested a couple of tips for choosing the beautiful tattoos. If a person follows these tips then he can easily get the best tattoo. A person needs to select the best design and have to get a skilled artist for engraving these designs. Most of the popular designs on the internet have a great look and a person can choose the tattoo designs he like best. There are multiple types of skull tattoo. To make the search for skull tattoo easier a person needs to decide the type of tattoo he wants.

There are many free galleries from which people can find the best skull tattoos for them. However, the experts would suggest people to look to the pay sites as they offer more designs. A person can also find a shop where the tattoo artists offer several designs to the people. The charge for engraving tattoos can vary from one design to design. A person should also enquire about the prices of these designs. To get some of the best tattoo designs a person can visit the website of
New Skull Tattoo
Tips For Engraving Skull Tattoo
Suggestions For Selecting Skull tattoo
Engraving a tattoo skull art is an age old tradition. This tradition has retained its popularity till the recent days. The designers are engaged in making new designs for the tattoos. tattoo engraving is quite an old art but people have a strong belief that many of the best designs have not been deciphered yet.
Skull tattoos do not have any huge difference with the old tattoos. It requires a great luck to find the best designs of the skull arts. A person can follow some tips to get the most attractive printable designs. People who have given the tips for choosing the best tattoos have made many researches on the tattoos. A person who has not done huge research cannot have any idea about the tattoos.
Anyone can do a tattoo of skull art on his body. Skull designs are always popular and look good on everybody. Some people consider skull tattoos to be very generic but they have a unique style of their own. The ancient designs of the skull tattoos attract people to them. There are some reputed stores for finding the skull art tattoos. A person who is fond of tattoos can search on the search engines for a skull tattoo. In the search engines, one can find the pictures of different tattoos. One can take the printout of this database and paint them on their body.
The experts have suggested a couple of tips for choosing the beautiful tattoos. If a person follows these tips then he can easily get the best tattoo. A person needs to select the best design and have to get a skilled artist for engraving these designs. Most of the popular designs on the internet have a great look and a person can choose the tattoo designs he like best. There are multiple types of skull tattoo. To make the search for skull tattoo easier a person needs to decide the type of tattoo he wants.
The tribal tattoos look very attractive on the dark hands. The skull tattoo has a lot of meaning embedded in them. A person should know these meanings before engraving the skull tattoos on his body. One can use temporary tattoos so that he can remove it whenever he wants. The people who want to use permanent tattoos should know something before they engrave these tattoos on their skin. As the permanent tattoos could not be removed, a person should make huge research for choosing the image that he would engrave on his skin.
There are many free galleries from which people can find the best skull tattoos for them. However, the experts would suggest people to look to the pay sites as they offer more designs. A person can also find a shop where the tattoo artists offer several designs to the people. The charge for engraving tattoos can vary from one design to design. A person should also enquire about the prices of these designs. To get some of the best tattoo designs a person can visit the website of
Suggestions For Selecting Skull tattoo

Skull tattoos do not have any huge difference with the old tattoos. It requires a great luck to find the best designs of the skull arts. A person can follow some tips to get the most attractive printable designs. People who have given the tips for choosing the best tattoos have made many researches on the tattoos. A person who has not done huge research cannot have any idea about the tattoos.
Anyone can do a tattoo of skull art on his body. Skull designs are always popular and look good on everybody. Some people consider skull tattoos to be very generic but they have a unique style of their own. The ancient designs of the skull tattoos attract people to them. There are some reputed stores for finding the skull art tattoos. A person who is fond of tattoos can search on the search engines for a skull tattoo. In the search engines, one can find the pictures of different tattoos. One can take the printout of this database and paint them on their body.
The experts have suggested a couple of tips for choosing the beautiful tattoos. If a person follows these tips then he can easily get the best tattoo. A person needs to select the best design and have to get a skilled artist for engraving these designs. Most of the popular designs on the internet have a great look and a person can choose the tattoo designs he like best. There are multiple types of skull tattoo. To make the search for skull tattoo easier a person needs to decide the type of tattoo he wants.

There are many free galleries from which people can find the best skull tattoos for them. However, the experts would suggest people to look to the pay sites as they offer more designs. A person can also find a shop where the tattoo artists offer several designs to the people. The charge for engraving tattoos can vary from one design to design. A person should also enquire about the prices of these designs. To get some of the best tattoo designs a person can visit the website of
Size Matters Not

If you don't know who Warwick Davis is, his big roles were Wicket in Star Wars, Willow in Willow and Professor Flitwick in Harry Potter among many other cool movies and tv shows. I've been a big fan of his ever since Willow, for it's one of my all time favorite fantasy movies.
I can't wait to sit down and start reading about his very interesting life.
I Am...
Read this on a Facebook group called "Homosexuality is NOT a choice, but homophobia is."had to share it with you all.
- I am the boy who never finished high school, because I got called a fag every day.
- I am the girl kicked out of her home because I confided in my mother that I am a lesbian.
- I am the guy that lives on the streets because I am scared to go home.
- I am the prostitute working the streets because I can't find anybody who will hire a transsexual woman.
- I am the sister who holds her gay brother tight through the painful, tear-filled nights.
- We are the parents who buried our daughter long before her time.
- I am the man who died alone in the hospital because they would not let my partner of twenty-seven years into the room.
- I am the foster child who wakes up with nightmares of being taken away from the two fathers who are the only loving family I have ever had. I wish they could adopt me.
- I am one of the lucky ones, I guess. I survived the attack that left me in a coma for three weeks, and in another year I will probably be able to walk again.
- I am not one of the lucky ones. I killed myself just weeks before graduating high school. It was simply too much to bear.
- I am the child that dreams of seeing my mum again. The courts won’t let me because she lives with another woman.
- I am the man who fears that I will never be able to be myself, to be free of this secret because I won’t risk loosing my family and friends.
- We are the couple who had the realtor hang up on us when she found out we wanted to rent a one-bedroom for two men.
- I am the mother who is not allowed to even visit the children I bore, nursed, and raised. The court says I am an unfit mother because I now live with another woman.
- I am the domestic-violence survivor who found the support system grow suddenly cold and distant when they found out my abusive partner is also a woman.
- I am the brother that gets called a fag just because my brother isn’t ashamed of who he is.
- I am the father who has never hugged his son because I grew up afraid to show affection to other men.
- I am the girl that was raped behind my school because some stranger wanted to teach me to be a “real woman”.
- I am the guy down the street that can’t get a disability pension because my partner is a man.
- I am the woman who died when the paramedics stopped treating me because they found out I didn't have a female body.
- I am the man that is afraid of losing his job, for expressing his true identity.
- I am the mother that sees my son come home from school every day in tears because the other kids call him a girl.
- I am the celebrity that wishes I could tell the world who I am, but I'm too scared.
- I am the domestic-violence survivor who has no support system to turn to because I am male.
- I am the person who feels guilty because I think I could be a much better person if I didn’t have to always deal with society hating me.
- I am the Youth Worker that sees hundreds of kids thrown out of home because they were honest with their families.
- I am the girl that struggles to get up in the morning because school is so cruel to me.
- I am the footballer scared to come out because I might lose my contract.
- I am the boy that always wanted a Barbie, but no one would let me have one.
- I am the person who has to hide what this world needs most: love.
- I am the person ashamed to tell my own friends I’m a lesbian, because they constantly make fun of them.
- I am the boy tied to a fence, beaten to a bloody pulp and left to die because two straight men wanted to “teach me a lesson”.
We are all around you. We are the millions that want the hate to end.
brmesej bsama sdia.
O : ak tggu kejatuhan ag ja
X : bgus lah.(tetitik air mata)
O : ak puas dapat men kan ag ..suma terbalas.
X : puas ka? alhamdulillah
O : bla.bla.bla.tggu ag mati ja weh .p blah.! (mengalir besama hingusan.)
X : perlukah? ag tuhan ak ka perlu ka aku patut smbah kt ag?
O : bla.bla.bla.bla.. ur 2 cheap.! ( beribu air mata mngalir.)
so den..then end. ak nk tidoq la weh.. trillion of tears i fall
gosh! kuat fara kuat! just dugaan.nothing 2 worry about.
let it go... please my heart! let it goes smooth 4 me to handle it..
just a small kind of feel. nothig to worried about.. b cool!
kuat fara kuat! nothing gonna make me feel bad..
i dont want to change back .. or turn back to my super black things i've done.!
cool.. huh!
Friday, July 30, 2010
I turned on the News and the show Bones was just finishing up and the leads were having a discussion on Soulmates and Bones quoted where the word Soulmates came from and I always liked the idea of being split in two and having "another" half out there (guess it's the romantic in me) but never knew where it came from so I looked it up.
Got this from Wiki : One story about soulmates, presented by Aristophanes in Plato's Symposium, is that humans originally consisted of four arms, four legs, and a single head made of two faces, but Zeus feared their power and split them all in half, condemning them to spend their lives searching for the other half to complete them:[Primeval man] could walk upright as men now do, backwards or forwards as he pleased, and he could also roll over and over at a great pace, turning on his four hands and four feet, eight in all, like tumblers going over and over with their legs in the air; this was when he wanted to run fast …Terrible was their might and strength, and the thoughts of their hearts were great, and they made an attack upon the gods ... Doubt reigned in the celestial councils. Should they kill them and annihilate the race with thunderbolts, as they had done the giants, then there would be an end of the sacrifices and worship which men offered to them; but, on the other hand, the gods could not suffer their insolence to be unrestrained. At last, after a good deal of reflection, Zeus discovered a way. He said: 'I have a plan which will humble their pride and improve their manners; men shall continue to exist, but I will cut them in two and then they will be diminished in strength and increased in numbers; this will have the advantage of making them more profitable to us. They shall walk upright on two legs, and if they continue insolent and will not be quiet, I will split them again and they shall hop about on a single leg.'
Yard Work and Podcasts
Today I went back and forth with doing yard work and working on several podcasts.
Started the day with working on some Knights of the Guild business, emails, donations etc... I started to work on several Podcasts (Microcast 20 - Quest for SDCC, CompanionCasts 3,4,5, and 6) but as I started Avid I decided to head outside to get some yard work done. I have been putting it off since I got back from vacation and it really needs to be done. Though I was ready to edit podcasts today a spark of motivation got me outside for the next two hour pulling weeds and trimming trees.
Once I was back in I went and got lunch for Harry and I. Once that was over I sat down to record the intro and outro for Microcast 20. Also did an audio comment on The Temple of Doom for a friends podcast, Treks in Sci Fi.
I finally started to edit Microcast 20 and a few hours later it was done. I started the conversion process, which can take hours so in between processes I went back out several times and did more yard work until it was too dark to see. I did manage to get 2/3's of the yard work done and I will finish it tomorrow for sure. Also I finished Microcast 20 but haven't even started any of the CompanionCasts which bummed me out as I was really hoping to get more of them done by now.. oh well I always have tomorrow where it looks like I'll be doing the same thing.. yard work and podcasting.
Started the day with working on some Knights of the Guild business, emails, donations etc... I started to work on several Podcasts (Microcast 20 - Quest for SDCC, CompanionCasts 3,4,5, and 6) but as I started Avid I decided to head outside to get some yard work done. I have been putting it off since I got back from vacation and it really needs to be done. Though I was ready to edit podcasts today a spark of motivation got me outside for the next two hour pulling weeds and trimming trees.
Once I was back in I went and got lunch for Harry and I. Once that was over I sat down to record the intro and outro for Microcast 20. Also did an audio comment on The Temple of Doom for a friends podcast, Treks in Sci Fi.
I finally started to edit Microcast 20 and a few hours later it was done. I started the conversion process, which can take hours so in between processes I went back out several times and did more yard work until it was too dark to see. I did manage to get 2/3's of the yard work done and I will finish it tomorrow for sure. Also I finished Microcast 20 but haven't even started any of the CompanionCasts which bummed me out as I was really hoping to get more of them done by now.. oh well I always have tomorrow where it looks like I'll be doing the same thing.. yard work and podcasting.
I'm so in love
I'm still in love
I've never been in love quite before
until I saw your face
and watching stars without you
my soul cries
my heaving heart
is full of pain
when we're apart
the aching
I'm kissing you
I'm kissing you
You're my father
you're my soldier
you protect me, boy you save me
you're my best friend
you're my husband
you are my doctor, counselor,
provider, professor, my everything
And I love you, I love you, I love you, yes I love you
I need you, I need you, I need you, I can't live without you
I trust you, I trust you, with every ounce of me
Just teach me, boy teach me, just take me
When we make love I can feel all your spirit
deep inside of me
Baby you're so pure
I'm Kissing you forever, and ever, and ever
I love Kissing you (kissing you, kissing you)
Boy I love everything about you baby
it's been so many years since we fell in love
we got something special baby
we can cry together
we can grow together
be ourselves together
and I love you more than music
yes I love you more than music
terima apa hakikat yang perlu ak face skrag.
dedicate to my 2years lover..
but in de end..
i fall apart.
u always.even u hurt me so.
i dont care..
till my heart going to broken n crash.
this is my heart.u cannot blame it.
what even u said about me.
i dont care.
coz i knw my heart for u
and even u got ur gf.
i will slow down with my heart.
till i can forget u
speaking of cakes.

i got a phone call from a friend's wife's neighbor
{yeah, i'm working with three degrees of separation here}
asking if i'd be willing to make a cake for her mother-in-law's first born
{enter degree four and five}
i said yes.
{that's what i do. i say yes.}
i said yes.
{that's what i do. i say yes.}
she happens to need it on, like, the busiest day of my life, but i said yes
{because i don't say no.}
even better - she asked how much and i said "dont' worry about it"
{because i don't know how to do things for money.}
she doesn't know what she wants. just chocloate. that's all i'm working with.
mousse filling or fruit filling, even??
since i don't know degrees 2 through 5...
she doesn't know what she wants. just chocloate. that's all i'm working with.
mousse filling or fruit filling, even??
since i don't know degrees 2 through 5...
and i don't know their taste...
i don't know if, when i get my cake skills on...
if they'll think i've got cake skills at all.
here's to free stranger cake baking.
if they'll think i've got cake skills at all.
here's to free stranger cake baking.
so, all the while we were planning jen and ed's wedding, we called them "used car lot flags" or "penant flags" but apparently, the crafting world has created a clever name for them.
it's called bunting
and the world is catching on.
so, check this out. design*sponge posted pictures of these cake kits this morning.
cute, eh?
it's called bunting
and the world is catching on.
so, check this out. design*sponge posted pictures of these cake kits this morning.
cute, eh?

oh, WAIT... remember when i made that cake six months ago?
baker's twine, shish-ka-bob sticks, n' all.
baker's twine, shish-ka-bob sticks, n' all.

what's the crafty-in-the-kitchen equivalent of being fashion forward?
... because i just earned that merit badge.
p.s. why didn't i think to sell that stick/triangle paper/string kit on the internet and make millions?
sronok bila ad msalah...kita blajaq dari kesilapan.. n blajaq untuk matang..dunia xakn putus dgn cabaran dugaan.. so ak harus kuat .. mmg bnda ni suma ats pala ak.. salah aku..kesilapan lama jgn dilaku kn kembali.. ak try untk berubh..owg mmg lmpak ak nyusah kn sbb depa dh leh smbung blajaq. or depa dh blajaq tggi2..or pndag rendah..semua manusia tlah dtetap kn oleh tuhan dgn kelebihan dy sndiri..about love? tolak tepi..xperlu bg ak..ak xkesah owg xsuka ak..sbb ad owg lebh syg ak..itu mak ku..ku bt pragai mcm mna pon ... nk lari duk umh pak ku kaa.. nk terus keluar n kembali dgn duit yg byk.. pon mak ku xbg..dy bg tunjuk ajaq kt ku.. ku xperlu bf..ak xperlu adikbradik ak yg igin ak mati.. even mak ku maki mcm2.. sbb dy nk tgk ak happy dgn ap ak achieve ...dy byk gtau kt ku... dsbb kn otak yg iginkn lebh kepada enjoy..ak bt xtau..skarag bru ku sdaq..mak ak mmg perlu ak.. ak xperlu owg yg sakit kn ati ku ... ak xperlu dlm dunia ni..ak nk mak ku jaaa.. dy dorog ku..even dy bg ku nages sakit . skrag dy bg ku sedaq.. owg ak kta pa depa perlu owg xkn tau ap akn jd hari sterus nya... owg bley mnilai tp owg xleh mmbaca naluri ssowg manusia kerana mreka bkn tuhan kita.. hidup lebih matag lebh better... ak xperlu love dlm idup ku.. xperlu.. satu merugikn air mata... tp keiginn igin dkogsi bsama.. ksah silam biaq tgai tulag2 yg reput saja.. even owg ttp kta ak mcm depa bkn ak.. so who care.. ak xperlu tau pa owg kta.. owg xperlu ak. owg xpnah tau bik tau psai idup ku.wat pa ku ssh2 nk cri manusia mcm 2? ak ad bnda brharga.. damn berharga.! adalh idup ak..otak ak.hati ak family ak.. love is not for share..but it all about complicated.ak perlu kwan rapat sja.. itu yg penting... manusia xkn lari dari kehidupan masalah nya.. even owg yg bru dpt idup selesa..bila2 msa akn jatuh.. n owg itu akn cuba bgun balik.. dgn petologn owg laen... biar owg nk pk bkn2.. ak senag bila dgq owg kta kt ak..suka.. wat goes around come around ..dunia beputar..bgitu jgak msalah n idup...i do my best 2 live without people beside me.. i must do it for my own gud.. help people yg jatuh xbererti kta dapt balasan d sana..ak rasa snag bila owg skelilig tlg igt kn ak psai agama..thanx god.brubah keselsaan diri sndiri bkn untk owg ats diri kita....amin.
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Buddhist Tattoos
Buddhist tattoos are clearly very appealing in terms of style and artwork, however the designs themselves represent a timeless culture which are dedicated to their philosophy and practices of buddhism.
Buddhist tattoos are most commonly designed as the seated buddha with his hands in the form the mudra (dharmachakra) which symbolizes the setting into motion of the wheel of teaching the dharma.
Have a look through this buddhist tattoo gallery and you just might find the perfect buddhist tattoo design you've been searching for.
Buddhist tattoos are most commonly designed as the seated buddha with his hands in the form the mudra (dharmachakra) which symbolizes the setting into motion of the wheel of teaching the dharma.
Have a look through this buddhist tattoo gallery and you just might find the perfect buddhist tattoo design you've been searching for.

Most buddhist tattoos represent a very peaceful and tranquil environment.

Buddhist tattoo are often seen alongside flower designs, specially the lotus flower.

Many buddhist cultures believe that tattoo artwork is a sacred practice and monks often double as tattoo artists.
Buddhist Tattoos
Buddhist tattoos are clearly very appealing in terms of style and artwork, however the designs themselves represent a timeless culture which are dedicated to their philosophy and practices of buddhism.
Buddhist tattoos are most commonly designed as the seated buddha with his hands in the form the mudra (dharmachakra) which symbolizes the setting into motion of the wheel of teaching the dharma.
Have a look through this buddhist tattoo gallery and you just might find the perfect buddhist tattoo design you've been searching for.
Buddhist tattoos are most commonly designed as the seated buddha with his hands in the form the mudra (dharmachakra) which symbolizes the setting into motion of the wheel of teaching the dharma.
Have a look through this buddhist tattoo gallery and you just might find the perfect buddhist tattoo design you've been searching for.

Most buddhist tattoos represent a very peaceful and tranquil environment.

Buddhist tattoo are often seen alongside flower designs, specially the lotus flower.

Many buddhist cultures believe that tattoo artwork is a sacred practice and monks often double as tattoo artists.
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