Friday, April 30, 2010
Travis DC shoe bike
Feels Like The Weekend
Female Tattoo Gallery
a week off
we are off to singapore and hong kong this week so i may not have a chance to do much blogging. have a good week. happy may! see you on the 9th (if not before).
Knights of the Guild Ep 15 pt2
Show Notes:
Here it is Episode 15 part 2 of Knights of the Guild. We hope you enjoy it.
Today’s show features:
- * First up we have a Classic Vorkism.
- * We are recording this weeks podcast live at Charlie’s Internet Cafe
- * We discuss Behind the Scenes of Season 3 Episode 3 - Player Down
- * We have another great fan interview with Eva from Canada
- * We have another installment of Guild Something with Sean Becker
- * We thank our donors.
- * Then Business Time and Goodbye
This podcast was recorded live, you can watch the video on our UStream channel - http://www.ustream.tv/channel/knights-of-the-guild You do need a password to access it. The password is KOTG
Thank you again for all your support, we do this podcast because we are fans and more importantly for the fans.
Kenny & Jenni
Other Important Links
- Knights of the Guild Feeds/Downloads http://knightsoftheguild.com
- Knights of the Guild Daily Blog http://knightsoftheguildpodcast.blogspot.com/
Lettering Tattoos
Tips To Get Ideas For Lettering Tattoos
There are also others who get the name of their loved ones and one tattoo on the skin. Whatever your choice, there are some things you should remember to get this tattoo.
In addition to the tattoos text messages, and be careful to choose what font they want. There are a lot of line so they can vote and the most famous of Gothic, left the tribe, Old English, Medieval, Ariel, or even a script font.
Apart from the fonts that are mentioned, there are also some people who chose the script from the figures from other cultures such as Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Arabic and even red.
There are some cases where you first have to choose the words you want to get a tattoo with the font before you choose. This can be a spiritual or religious verses, poetry, or even a few private messages. However, if you choose the content, you should remain short.
With tattoos, and difficult to do. If you think to get the ink with the name of your significant other, you must think well. Even if there are options available to remove tattoos with a laser, you do not have to do something like this madness. More and more people today, and instead choosing to get tattoos designs the characters.
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Thursday, April 29, 2010
Last Day with Deadliest Catch
Today started with a laugh with my office full of balloons, which I did leave in my office until about 4pm, then Will and I popped hundreds of balloons.
For lunch I went out with my post crew, Stu, Lee, Roman, Alex, Tom, JRyan, Ben, Brian and Will. We went to BJ's and had a great goodbye lunch were we celebrated me being let go. When I got back from lunch my loggers Cat, Dan, Amy, Matt and Andrew came into my office with a goodbye cake and card.. it was very sweet.
Towards the end of the day I cleaned out my computer and turned it off for the last time. I went to each person and said my goodbye. It was sad but it's not like I'm going to not ever see these guys again, I just won't be seeing them everyday.
I said my final goodbye to my best buddy and the one person I will miss most Will, gave him one last hug, got in my jeep and drove off.
I don't think it's hit me that I'm not working for this show anymore.. I think it will when I get up tomorrow at 7am and realize I have no where to be.. time to close that chapter in my life and move on to bigger and better... well after I take a few months off :)
brown pride.

she says, "yada yada... aubry... yada yada..."
he says, "who?"
"aubry. she's been to a few of our meetings before..."
to which he replies, "is that the dark skinned girl?"
ha! right?!
see, i AM a mexican.
{while relaying this story to my mom, she was still in denial}
i'm not the dark haired girl
i'm the dark skinned girl.

If you remember Will and I have had a back and forth practical joke-a-thon. He just had to get me one last time... it was AWESOME.
In fact, Allan hadn't tattooed him since our first trip to Japan back in 2004.
Pretty big deal!
But a small tattoo, so despite a bunch of whining and complaining, he survived.

And while we're on the subject of über-nerds, our friend Chrystal finally got her other foot done, so Chewie won't be lonely anymore.*

*Don't go all canon on us, in our happy little parallel universe they're friends and that's the end of it.
Aaron Lewis new skull tattoo | Horikyo Tattoo Design
Tattoos Art
Tattoo art designs are available for the first time the tattoo was pregnant and one of the biggest decisions can be made to choose among hundreds of thousands of tattoo art designs are available.
Art can be a list of the most popular tattoo designs to help you narrow down your choices.
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Flickr : art tattoo design, tatoos art, tattoo arts, tattoos, tattoos art
Iron Man 2
Helt ärligt tycker inte jag det. Jag tyckte den var skitbra, och jag kan inte komma på en enda scen i hela filmen som inte var bra. Det var möjligen en viss vetenskaplig tvivelaktighet där ett tag, men kan man verkligen kritisera en superhjältefilm för att vara ovetenskaplig? Nej, jag tror vi ska droppa det.
Den här filmen bjuder på superbadguyen Whiplash (som aldrig kallas det i filmen) spelad av Mickey Rourke. Förutom att han är fucking badass som Whiplash (säg såhär: Samuel L är med i filmen, men jag utnämner ändå Mickey Rourke filmens Bad MotherFucker) så stjäl han nästan showen som Ivan Vanko. Jag vet inte hur han gör det, men sättet han levererar sina ryskbrytande repliker ("I want my buuurrrrd.") på fick mig att garva nästan varenda gång.
Don Cheadle ersätter Terrence Howard som Rhodey, och han gör det bra. War Machine var med mindre i filmen än vad trailersarna hintar på, men det är för att de har en ganska lång del i mitten där Tony Stark bråkar med SHIELD ("I don't want to get off on the wrong foot here, do I look at the patch or the eye?") och börjar forska lite i familjehistorien. Efter allt det här kan man ju förvänta sig att Avengersfilmen blir bra, och att tredje Iron Man knyter ihop intrigerna fint.
I den här filmen har vi också Scarlett Johansson som Black Widow - och hon är nice. Hennes fightingscener är kanske lite väl långa, men ett skönt avbrott till allt metallklinkande i resten av filmerna. Efter filmen klagades det på att hon alltid posade på ett visst sätt och att det var irriterande - men jag insåg efteråt att det finns en annan person som kör den posen precis hela tiden och det hör jag inte någon klaga på: Iron Man himself! Som vanligt måste tjejer vara perfekta för att slippa kritik i film...
Som film är den här bra, och som uppföljare tycker jag att den lever upp till förväntningarna. Den hintar lagom mycket till en tredje film, den överraskar oss med ett beslut i slutet återigen (inte lika mycket som "I am Iron Man" förstås), men den har en egen plot som funkar och som aldrig känns utdragen.
Till sist måste jag säga att det är ganska uppfriskande med så konsekventa titlar! Numera ska ju filmer alltid heta något med ett kolon, typ "Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl", eller "Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time" för att visa att det finns potential för en uppföljare. Då är det nice med kort och koncist: "Iron Man" följt av "Iron Man 2".
Iron Man 2 får 4 av 5 arc reactors!
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
halong bay

it's so hard to describe the beauty of halong bay. so i will let the pictures do the talking. clearly one of the most beautiful sights in vietnam. i will be submitting an article to my local news soon where you can read about our adventures if you are interested. otherwise...enjoy the pictures!

if you want to see more, check out my facebook.
Bird Tattoo Designs
2nd to Last Day
who what where when why wednesday.
what is your most embarassing moment?

piper and chloe and holly and ruby.
we're going to the piper and chloe show, where i KNOW i will find a reason to need everything they sell... like

and, although i shouldn't... i'll make up a really good reason to buy baby products.
it's a sickness. make it stop.
doing my duty as a girl this weekend, for sure. must counteract all that home depot-ness last weekend.
Why Tribal Tattoos?
Natural Tribal Tattoos
Tribal Tattoos are extremely popular and can add a distinct 'je ne sais quoi' to a person's character. The real beauty of tribal tattoos is that they don't have to be loud and obnoxious useless you want them to be, but rather subtle and stylish. It is a style that typically capitalizes on solid black lines and coloring (with some exceptions of course) and it is also composed of pointed and curved elements. It's bold and eye catching. In short, it's a pretty wicked looking style!
Pictures Of Tattoos
Tattoo Pictures - A Good Way To Get Ideas
Look through pictures tattoo is a way to get ideas. It gets your constant creativity, which is an important part of an ideal design choice for yourself.
If the first few pages filled with pictures of tattoos just cut the cake, you may have to leave them, because this is what you will see in the next hour. Many sites that do not care about their yard littered with the assembly, which is a big problem that grows on the Internet.
Also, look at the top of the site and see if they have a message board. Small sites are very valuable, because they fill a lot of people share ideas and opinions.
You can even find a new exhibition, which had a picture of a tattoo, because people tend to always talk about the Big Show has been discovered recently.
Last but not least, a good show is not afraid to let the visitors in terms of getting a tattoo image. This also means that other people who submitted the photo gallery of its own fat, which is a great way to get ideas.
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