Sunday, February 28, 2010
iepurele de martieeeee
Asculta mai multe audio Diverse
E Martie! ce frumos, ce frumos!
Din categoria 'nu stiu altii cum sunt...' dar eu cand vine luna martie simt ca prind aripi si ma insufletesc tot felul de initiative si planuri si dorinte...imi apar asa niste antenutze invizibile care vibreaza la cele mai trasnite idei (i'm gonna make a mistake...i'm gonna do it on purpose...) si imi doresc sa ma imbrac frumos si sa dansez sa am o aventura sa pictez sa lucrez sa aleeeerg...
Ma simt in stare de o multitudine de lucruri. Am vazut ieri la televizor un tip care a creat squirrel feeding exercise machine (cel mai probabil tot in martie) si mi s-a parut o tampenie delicioasa ... cred ca as putea face si eu ceva asemanator...you can be anything you want to be...just turn yourself into anything you think that you could ever be...hi hi
Astazi am descoperit si unul din avantajele de a locui la parter...de cand m-am trezit am vazut in fata geamului muuulte tarabe de flori si galeti cu lalele si trandafiri si frezii, toate parca pentru mine! universul este de azi un pic mai frumooos! Si e soare si deja am inceput sa tes pentru azi un plan complex care include prietenie, plimbari pe stradute si privit case vechi in soare nou, happy time pe la vreo cafenea de prin centru, poate sa imi cumpar si o carte...
Si am impresia ca si blogul face un an tot prin martie...si abia astept si ziua mea...
Sa aveti o minunata luna martie!
Lucky Bastard..
Yard Work & Dog Fights
It was a good day with one exception.
Daisy was hanging out with us all day enjoying the outside fresh air when suddenly 3 dogs come running up the hillside and attacked. Two were large 90 + lbs Rottweilers and the third was a Rottweiler mix. Daisy, being about 40 lbs chased all three dogs back down the hill as Harry and I went racing after them. Called to her and she stopped at the top and of hill while the three ran down. Suddenly the larger one came back up and locked jaws with Daisy and she wrestled him down the hillside while the other one snipped at her from the sides. I torn down the hill side as the owner of the other dogs came running out of his house yelling. I wasn't sure what I was going to do to get them apart all I know is my little girl was going to get hurt and I was going to stop it. Again she stopped when she heard me yell but the other dog continued to lunge at her and she wasn't going to stand for it. Finally the owner of the other dog manage to grab the largest one and I got a hold of Daisy and we pulled them apart.
The owner apologized and said they got out by accident. I really didn't care what he said.. I ran up the hill with Daisy and once at the top examined her to make sure she didn't have any bites. She looked in good shape. I have to say that both Harry and I were very proud of her defending her property and her masters. She made be getting old (going on 10 years) but man she's one tough little girl.
Not wanting to take any more chances we left her in the house while we finished gardening.
One thing I do know is I want to get a fence around our property sooner then later.. it's now moved up the list of Thing we need to do.
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Saturday, February 27, 2010
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Suicide Girls Tattoo | Horikyo Tattoo Design
La página SuicideGirls y su concepto fue creado por la empresa SG Services, Inc. y los socios son Sean Suicide (Sean Suhl) y Missy Suicide (Selena Mooney) en el 2001, en Portland, Oregón. SuicideGirls page and its concept was created by the company SG Services, Inc. and partners are Sean Suicide (Sean Suhl) and Missy Suicide (Selena Mooney) in 2001, in Portland, Oregon. En 2003, el sitio de las operaciones fue desplazado a Los Ángeles, California. In 2003 the site was moved operations to Los Angeles, California. El sitio es privado y sus propietarios son Steve Simitzis (servidor y administrador de SG) y su mujer Olivia Ball (programadora del sitio y una SuicideGirl), además de una serie de moderadores con larga trayectoria en este mundo. The website is private and their owners are Steve Simitzis (SG server and manager) and his wife Olivia Ball (developer of the site and a SuicideGirl) plus a number of moderators with long experience in this world.
El término suidice girl es a menudo acreditado por el autor de El club de la lucha, y residente de Portland, Chuck Palahniuk, en su novela Survivor. The term suidice girl is often credited by the author of Fight Club and Portland resident Chuck Palahniuk, in his novel Survivor. Selena Mooney confirma esta novela como la fuente del nombre en la sección de preguntas frecuentes de SuicideGirls donde añade: Selena Mooney confirms this novel as the source of the name in the FAQ section SuicideGirls which adds:
SuicideGirls es un término que mis amigos y yo hemos estado usando para describir a chicas que vemos en la Plaza Pionner de Portland con monopatines en una mano, menores encapuchadas, escuchando a Ice Cube en sus iPods mientras leen un libro del poeta Nick Cave. SuicideGirls is a term that my friends and I have been using to describe the girls we see in Portland's Pioneer Square with skateboards in one hand, hooded child, listening to Ice Cube on their iPods while reading a book by poet Nick Cave. Son chicas que no encajan en ninguna sub-cultura convencional y no se definen así mismas basándose en gustos como punk, metal, gótico, etc. They are girls who do not fit into any conventional sub-culture does not define them based on taste as well as punk, metal, gothic, etc. Pienso que solo estas clasificaciones identifican a la gente dentro y fuera de la corriente dominante. I think only these classifications identify the people within and outside the mainstream. Es por esto porque el sitio es llamado SuicideGirls. Is this because the site is called SuicideGirls.
The Japanese Tattoo | Horikyo Tattoo Design
Por otra parte, en relación a los procedimientos, el tatuaje japonés se caracteriza porque tradicionalmente se hacía a mano, por medio de una estaca de madera a la que, de acuerdo con la intensidad del color y el diseño se le añadían hasta una docena de agujas. Moreover, in relation to the proceedings, the Japanese tattoo is characterized by traditionally done by hand, using a wooden stake which, according to the intensity of color and design were added up to a dozen needles. Mientras se estiraba la piel con una mano se golpeteaba rítmicamente el área a tatuar con la otra. While stretching the skin with one hand rhythmically banging tattooing area with the other. Con una visita semanal se necesitaba un año para completar un tatuaje de cuerpo entero. With a weekly visit is needed a year to complete a full body tattoo. Este tipo de tatuaje de cuerpo entero (irezumi) hoy se encuentra en completa decadencia. This type of full body tattoo (irezumi) is now in full decline. Actualmente en Japón hay una actitud más complaciente y el tatuaje no es necesariamente una señal de marginalidad. Currently in Japan there is a complacent attitude and the tattoo is not necessarily a sign of marginality.
Friday, February 26, 2010
Shutting Down
Tattoo Designs For Men And Women
Therefore accomplish abiding that you are fit for the purpose. Boom designs accessible in the boom parlor alter from simple to images that are actual complex. So anyone who walks into the boom parlor will get calmly abash to baddest from the abundant bright and bright boom designs on the atom except those who accept already called their adopted design. Your artisan can additionally advice you to personalize your called architecture with assorted options to actualize a added conceptual architecture to clothing your personality. Discussing with the artisan on the assorted capacity of tattoos will advice the chump to accumulate bigger and bright abstraction in selecting their personality bout designs.
Many individuals baddest boom designs from those already accessible at the parlor, while others accept to do some analysis to accomplish it altered that creates the aberration on the assemblage authoritative the wearer to angle out of the crowd. There are some bodies who would go for a absolute activity photo. For them there are assorted such artworks that you can admission through Internet or seek advice from the artisan who could actualize boom that would bout your absolute activity image.
Tattoos that are accessible in the boom parlor are gender specific. Therefore, it additionally actual cogent for the wearer to abundance in apperception that the architecture should be so called that it reflects their personality and not aloof to attending different. The altered designs that women like tattooing on their anatomy are hearts, butterflies, flowers, lettering, etc. they abnormally accept to stain these architecture on those regions breadth it would accord them added adult look. The best accepted and accepted breadth on their anatomy breadth they would like to stain is the shoulder, lower aback and ankle. Men on the added duke would adopt to abode their tattoos on the high arm, chest or back. In the end we achieve that above-mentioned to accepting a tattoo, individuals should argue with their physician or dermatologist to ensure that they are fit for ability the action for tattooing.
Sonny Bill Williams Tattoos
Sonny has a few tattoo designs on his body including, a huge Samoan design which covers virtually his entire right arm and shoulder.
He also has a the name "Williams" in large letters across the top of his back, plus another Samoan design on his right calf area.





Sonny Bill Williams Tattoos
Sonny has a few tattoo designs on his body including, a huge Samoan design which covers virtually his entire right arm and shoulder.
He also has a the name "Williams" in large letters across the top of his back, plus another Samoan design on his right calf area.





Sonny Bill Williams Tattoos
Sonny has a few tattoo designs on his body including, a huge Samoan design which covers virtually his entire right arm and shoulder.
He also has a the name "Williams" in large letters across the top of his back, plus another Samoan design on his right calf area.





dias que se vuelvan



Thursday, February 25, 2010
Percy Jackson And The Lightning Thief

I have read four of the five books of this series and was looking forward to this movie. I went into to this movie hearing not so good things about it but I didn't care as I really enjoyed the books and from the commercials it looked like my kind of movie.
Here's a little about the storyline: The protagonist is Percy Jackson, who discovers that he is the son of Poseidon, god of the sea and earthquakes. He learns that the legendary beings of Greek mythology still exist and have always existed, including monsters, Titans, and the Olympians (Greek gods) themselves who dwell in Olympus, which is now situated at the mythical 600th floor of the Empire State Building.
The movie storyline is somewhat similar to the book storyline but with some major differences. I knew going into this that the movie wasn't going to be a copy cat of the book, they never are. But this one left out some major plot points and tweaked the entire main story a bit. But with all that said I really enjoyed the movie. It's very different from the books but on it's own it was a fun adventure with some cool effects and I look forward to seeing it again with my Dad.
X-PAC Tattoo
X-PAC only has one tattoo design which we are aware of, and its a cross on his right shoulder.
If you know of anymore tattoos on X-PAC, send them to us.


X-PAC Tattoo
X-PAC only has one tattoo design which we are aware of, and its a cross on his right shoulder.
If you know of anymore tattoos on X-PAC, send them to us.


X-PAC Tattoo
X-PAC only has one tattoo design which we are aware of, and its a cross on his right shoulder.
If you know of anymore tattoos on X-PAC, send them to us.


Evan Rachel Wood Tattoos
Evan Rachel Wood has four tattoo designs to speak of, including the phrase "All that we see or seem is but a dream within a dream" which is just below her neck in the center of her back.
She has a heart of vines with a lightning bolt in the center, located on her left thigh, along with a diamond on her lower left leg.
And finally she has the number "15" tattooed behind her left ear.



