Monday, November 30, 2009
The Truth is Out There

Unique Tattoo Designs For Women - Beautiful Body Art

A tattoo is not only a fashion statement but also an expression of your personality. A tattoo is more meaningful if there is a story behind it. Because everyone's story is unique, your tattoo should be unique. There are some great places online to find unique tattoo designs for women.
Tattoos on women are definitely a sign of sexuality. A strategically placed tattoo can say a lot about a woman without her opening her mouth. A tattoo on the upper thigh is very erotic. Not much can stir excitement more than catching a glimpse of a tattoo just under a short skirt.
The feet can be another sexy place for tattoo designs for women. Women spend a lot of time keeping their feet pampered and beautiful. A tattoo is a permanent accessory for your feet.
And of course we can't forget the lower back. The lower back is probably the most popular location for tattoo designs for women. There is so much canvas to work with. A lower back tattoo can be small and placed just above the waistband. If necessary, it can be covered easily and just as easily revealed. If you are daring, you can get a lower back tattoo that stretches across the whole hip bone area. A lower back tattoo can also be the beginning of a larger full back tattoo.
Choosing a tattoo can be a hard decision. It will be with you for life so you want it to be unique and imaginative. Stop wasting time looking at website after website. Spend your time looking through thousands of the best tattoo designs all in one place.
Free Tattoo Flash Art - Finding Quality and Printable Designs of Tattoos
Examples of traditional flash are designs such as pinup girls, anchor, eagle, heart, dragon and rose tattoos. Those were the early, old school types of tat images that were displayed on the walls of shops which were convenient for those looking to get tattooed. They were drawings that are not complicated and can easily be inked on the chosen body part in one seating.
Nowadays, a lot of these hand drawn tattoo flash are being replaced by works done by professional flash artists who produce them through computer software and sell them on the internet or in conventions. If you Google tattoo designs online, you can be faced with tons of choices which can actually be overwhelming. However, sad to say, a lot of these search results are of low and poor quality especially the free ones. A lot of them are the cookie cutter types that have been used by thousand others; you would not want that, do you?
If you want quality flash tattoos, you can find them on the internet. Disregard the free ones as they aren't any great. Read reviews about the top galleries online and take your pick depending on what your needs are. Just keep an open mind and be precise on what you really want and soon your search will be over for that perfect tattoo designs that you have been dreaming of.
We're back
I hope you've checked mine and Allan's personal blogs from time to time, at least they've been sort of active.
Today is the 30th and for some that means time to send your in submissions for some sweet, future Uncle A tattoos.
I just wanted to let you know that it's gonna be a little while before you'll get a reply to those mails.
I'm just gonna collect them all this week, and then get out the calendar and try to fit everybody in.
After that, i'll get back to you, so please don't mail me more than once.
Unfortunately, i can already tell that there won't be time for everyone this time around.
This is not because i don't want to give you all appointments (there's nothing i'd rather do) or because Allan doesn't want to tattoo you (if i didn't occasionally stop him, he'd tattoo all the friggin time).
It's simply because there's not enough time.
We're already booked for a really long time and we don't want to be booked so far into the future that it won't be possible for us to take a trip somewhere, or a day off once in a while, so we're gonna try to fit in as many as possible, and the rest will have to get back to us when we take new clients again.
The selection process is not gonna be first come, first served, so you still have all week to write me.
Ok, i think that's it!
If you don't get an appointment this time around, don't be discouraged, we'll open up for new clients again in a couple of months.
Oh, also, i'm starting to get a few Milan mails already too.
If we do Milan in February, it'll be the same deal as last year: walk ins only, and you'll be able to chose from a bunch of line drawings that'll only be tattooed once.
Kind of a custom flash type deal!
We don't take request for the flash, Allan is gonna do whatever he feels like, and if you like it, come by the booth and get it tattooed.
All be designs will be made to take around three hours and as usual he's not tattooing any weird or awkward spots.
Ok, now that's really it!
I'm actually super sick and the only known cure to this type of food poisoning* is Star Trek and Lucifer snuggles.

*Damn you sushi, i have your image tattooed on my arm and this is how you repay me?
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Saturday, November 28, 2009
More DVD Screeners

Home Stuff
My next adventure was putting up the towel bar. There were already holes form the previous towel bar but again as my luck would have it they were horizontal and of course our new towel bar had vertical holes so I have to first drill holes and then hammer in the drywall screw supports. It wasn't as bad as the toilet bar but it wasn't a cake walk.. in the end both bar are up and look very nice. What I thought would be a half hour job turned into a two hour pain in the butt... I love home ownership.
high bar.

i know a lot of really nice people... people who are constantly wishing eternal bliss upon me... all of which i appreciate. really.
but lately, i get the sense these people think i'd achieve said bliss already if i didn't set my bar so high {maybe because of the "aubry, your bar is set too high" lectures........}
sure, i have strong feelings about being nice, being cute, and possibly have been a little too outspoken about a man's salary. i will not relent. my bar is appropriately set.
i realized something the other day. i only really care about three things:
1. i must be attracted to this man.
now that's what i call music.
so, what does that mean? it means that when i re-discovered my "now that's what i call music vol 4" album, i fell in love all over again.
i don't know what it was about the year 1999/2000 but whoa, were there some awesome tunes right then.

don't be surprised if this is all you hear in my car. i've got it running on repeat.
Friday, November 27, 2009
Computer Fixes

I got home manage to pull apart my computer and found out that the new power supply that we got didn't actually fit my computer.. meaning the plug was on the opposite side and I had to use metal shears and cut a hole in the back of the metal plating of my computer so I could plug it in. When all was said and done the new power supply worked and my computer was humming quietly. I'm not ready for the interview.
Aszure Barton's World Premiere of Watch Her
Scenes from Aszure Barton's amazing Watch Her, on now until Sun. Nov. 29 at the Four Seasons Centre For The Performing Arts.

I have to say, of all the contemporary dance I have seen over the last couple years this is the standout performance. The disciplne and precision of the Artists of The Ballet, the exprsssiveness of all of the soloists, this is a must-see for dance fans. Every moment conveys meaning and purpose. You can't take your eyes off this beautiful flowing production.
IPhone Wallpapers | Iphone Nature Mobile Wallpapers
vanessa bruno

O atmosfera magica, ireala, in acest film al Vanessei Bruno, de prezentare a noii colectii pentru magazinele ei din Paris.
Vanessa a crescut in lumea modei, mama sa e un fost fotomodel danez in anii '60 iar tatal sau este fondatorul casei de moda franceze Emmanuelle Khan. Si-a facut propria colectie la 24 de ani si acum este solicitata de staruri ca Nicole Kidman si Charlotte Gainsbourg.
I love it!
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Happy Thanksgiving

It was a fun time I haven't seen my cousin Dillon or Dwayne for over 10 years. It was nice catching up and it was also fun hanging with my Aunt Joyce. Dinner was fantastic, company was fun, we played games and chatted. All in all a very nice Thanksgiving.