Thursday, January 31, 2008
Our New Couch

海洋出發 水的紋路 I 蘭嶼 神秘與冒險
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
BSG Figures

Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Gossip Girl
Dock tänkte jag efter och kom fram till en sak idag: Gossip Girl skulle kunna göra sig bra på TV. Idén är ju rätt rolig, och om man bara gjorde vissa karaktärer lite mer mänskliga så skulle det verkligen fungera. Och det gör det.
Förutom en sak: Gossip Girl själv. Tog man bort den där jäävla berättarrösten som likt Troi states the obvious hela tiden och suger all stämning ur scenerna skulle den bli ungefär tiotusen gånger bättre. Vilket skulle ge den det genomsnittliga betyget "genomsnittlig", vilket den i sig uppger genom att Rufus Humphrey är sjukt snygg.
Säger det någonting? Tja, att serien borde vara bra och inte är det. Att den har den fascinerande egenskapen att vara totalt jävla värdelös och ganska bra i samma scen. Att killarna som ska vara "hunkar" till större delen är skitfula (att jag faller för den äldsta karaktären säger kanske mer om mig än om dem, men vem vet?). Att den enda karaktär som är rolig har blivit totalt förstörd i vad jag bara kan anta är ett försök att förmänskliga henne. Att jag antagligen kommer titta igen nästa vecka bara för att få se mer Rufus.
Det är nog allt det säger.
That's enough of that shit.
Monday, January 28, 2008
Surprise in the Mail

love actually? no, books actually
after captivating us with its window display and its name (we initially thought it came from love actually!), we simply couldnt resist taking a peek inside!
but before we got into the shop, we found lil' pony receiving us!
as though that was not fascinating enough, barely within a few steps into the bookstore, we were instantly treated to a visual feast!
being kaypo by nature, we did our homework to find out more about this cutesy little book store. simply couldnt suppress our curiosity for the sublime mystic of the shop, thefadboy and i simply went ahead and talked to the big brains behind this ingenious concept, karen and kenny!
where did the name books actually came from?
we started off holding bookfairs at nus and people always ask us what we're selling. it was very frustrating to explain when we are obviously selling books! hence, we decided to come up with a name that explains adequately- books actually.
we did our research on ba, and found that many customers have suggested that a seating area would be lovely. Any comment to that?
we are not exactly going to have a seating area. But we are shifting location this coming march to ann siang hill, where it will be on the groundfloor and it has a small courtyard.
we actually dropped by ba last week. and we really must say, coming inside, simply taking in all this beautiful vintage collectibles really wowed us! the cameras, the typewriters (who actually uses them now?), that blue piano. man, it's so difficult not to fall in love with this shop. how did you lay your hands on them?
most of them are our personal collection for about 7 years, most of them are karen's.
so karen, which is your most prized possession here?
(thinking very hard) i love everything here, but well... it would have to be the valentine typewriter. (pointing to the red typewriter)
ha, i (thefadboy) noticed that too! but isn't everything here for sale?
nah, we only sell some of them. so yeah, the valentine typewriter is not for sale. (sheepish grin)
mm.. so how long has BA been around?
we started off as an entity on 2004, but the store only came at november 2005.
what's the biggest thing that has happened to you since then?
we often get write-ups from blogs, the straits times and even wallpaper - which has a full-page spread on april 2007. we didn't expect publicity.
ever thought of going into the mass market?
definitely not! we started off with literature as our core. We are thinking of developing other sections - philosophy, films, children classics.
how did other people get to hear about books actually?
word-of-mouth. from blogs, or people who just happen to see our window display (like the FAD People!)
a day in books actually would be...
sweatshop. We did everything ourselves - the publishing, handstitch notebooks, etc. everything you see here, other than the books, we did it ourselves. Even the sketchbooks - every page is made of different colour. as you can see, we have no hired help, everything is man by ourselves. Just ask our regulars, they know we work very hard!
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1. Play Boy 雜誌拍攝的情形
2. 7月4日大宅的大宴會
3. 在拉斯維加思的簽名會
Sunday, January 27, 2008
The Sarah Jane Adventures

This series is geared toward kids and you can tell that while watching but it's not so kiddy that adults can't enjoy it. I really liked the stories, some were better then others but overall this was a great addition to the Who world along with Doctor Who, Torchwood and now The Sarah Jane Adventures.
I heard this series was picked up for 24 more episodes... can't wait.
Will the rain every stop
Saturday, January 26, 2008
Simple home design ideas
I personally love this "lining the back of the cupboard" idea bc it can be extended to many other items such as the inside of drawers, cans or jars that could do with an additional layering - basically anything that needs a sprucing up or be given a new look to. Plus, pretty papers are cheaper than a whole new shelf or wardrobe, right? I get my papier from the bigger store of PRINTS, located at Raffles City.
Other possible ideas include lining with cloth - those nice Amy Butler's fabrics are to-die-for, imo.
Jewelleries are a girl's best friend. I could not have agreed more. If I had not bought a ten bucks rack from IKEA that looks like Tree of Life meets Snowflakes Magnified pattern, I would have adopted this idea. Once again styrofoam boards are easily available (and affordable) from bookstores like Popular, you can determine the sort of fabric design to suit your room or house.
Idea could be extended to creating a message board for pinning up postcards or photos or simply just pieces of reminders. This swing slash chained bridge structure is rather whimsical, though not as executable. If I could have my way, I would place a faux fireplace below the mirror - for storage purpose, while the top of the fireplace can double as a decorative space for placing trinkets or photo frames.
- the Fad girl
Torchwood Season 2 Episode 2


Friday, January 25, 2008
Five Episodes Down
Thursday, January 24, 2008
TV Night
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Rain, rain and more rain
Ricky-Dean goes 58 (and MacGyver too!)

Jack O'Neills 5 bästa repliker
- 1. "You all know I take great pride in my title as Mr. Positive, however..."
- 2. "It's "O'Neill," with two L's. There's another Colonel O'Neil with only one L, and he has no sense of humor at all." (Självklart bara rolig om man förstår referensen till filmen)
- 3. "There's a man... He's bald and wears a short-sleeved shirt, and somehow he's very important to me. I think his name is Homer."
- (Teal'c: "I have read of a place where humans do battle in a ring of Jell-o.") "Call Daniel."
- " You ended that sentence with a preposition. Bastard."
De 5 bästa MacGyverismens
- Allt som involverar gem
- Eldkastare av en cykel
- Stoppa syra med choklad
- Spränger bilar med kottar
- Klättra i berg med tältpinnar
That's enough of that shit.
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Torchwood Season 1 on DVD
台灣長史物 5 苗栗獅潭 台灣淡水魚博物館館長 何恭炤
然而九二一大地震時,剛剛開幕的展覽館裡有百分之八十的魚種死亡,對此兩夫妻感到萬分心痛,還好後來有台灣生態探險家陶天麟的相助,一起把不足的餘種蒐齊,並把館名改成 『台灣淡水魚博物館』,並希望讓更多人看到他們的努力。
Online Videos by Veoh.com
Monday, January 21, 2008
Sunday, January 20, 2008
Smogging Harry's Jeep

Car problems seems to be a family curse, I know my dad always had issues with cars and it seems that he passed it on me. I hope we can fix Harry's jeep in time so we don' t have to pay for the smog again.. seems like smog tests keep going on $60 bucks now for a test.
Saturday, January 19, 2008
Tom's Birthday Party

Indy 4: trailern för trailern

I övrigt: Vanity Fair och Empire Magazine, någon som vet var man hittar dem i Sverige?
That's enough of that shit.
Friday, January 18, 2008
Thursday, January 17, 2008
First Look at the New Enterprise
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
台灣長史物 4 台北烏來 行動藝術家 李銘盛
這次,藉著鏡頭,帶著大家用平凡的視角去看這位在國際藝術舞台綻放光芒的李銘盛,他如何從生活中去激發創作的靈感? 不同的表現方式,不同的空間,李老師希望大家都能用一種開放的心來接受行動藝術,台灣的藝術文化環境需要更好更有寬度一些,才能讓不同的創作都有機會站上舞台。
Online Videos by Veoh.com
4 Year Anniversary
Harry's Jeep
Harrison Ford om ålder

need him, anymore.”
- Harrison Ford, om att Sean Connery inte ska vara med i Indy 4,
Han är oslagbart bäst helt enkelt. ;P Och den nya promo-bilden är väldigt awesome, måste jag säga. Ny bakgrundsbild på datorn, helt klart.
That's enough of that shit.