Saturday, July 29, 2006
Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest

Another "Little" Outing
Sunday, July 23, 2006
"I'm here to fight for truth, and justice, and the American way..."
Jag är egentligen inget fan av Stålmannen, mina favorithjältar är ju Fantomen och Batman, eftersom de faktiskt inte har några egentligen krafter och ändå lyckas spöa så många bad guys att Clintan framstår som omanlig. Den enda filmen jag hade sett innan var Superman II, som vi har på VHS, och det var flera år sen så det jag mindes ur filmen var inte mycket. I stort sett ingenting, faktiskt, så den här recensionen är hyffsat opartisk, fantastiskt nog (den enda fördel den har är slutet på 70, början av 80-talet som trots allt var en fin ålder).
Och ändå kunde jag inte låta bli att faktiskt gilla de här filmerna. I alla fall de två första. Det är inte för att Stålmannen egentligen har en särskilt het dräkt (den har sin charm, som alla superhjältedräkter, men den där grejen med kalsonger utanpå tikåerna kan inte ses som annat än hopplöst ute. Jag röstar på Spiderman som mest välklädda superhjälte, tätt följd av Batman som han ser ut i senaste filmen), eller för att hans krafter känns så bra och verkligshetstrogna (snarare tvärtom, vilket kan ha märkts på min ironi), utan bara för att jag helt enkelt tyckte om och se dem. Skådespelarna var bra, specialeffekterna var hyffsade (självklart med vissa grymt fula undantag), skurkarna var farliga, och handlingen var inte allt för överdriven (ibland, kanske, men man får se det som underhållning).
Med ett stort undantag: tredje filmen (som översatts från Superman III till det betydligt töntigare Stålmannen åker på en kryptonit - vad tänkte den som kom på det med!?). Handlingen är helt skum, en kille som är sämst på typ allt blir över en natt värsta hackern och blir anställd av Ross Webster (spelad av Robert Vaughn, som haft en hel del roller, men för mig ändå alltid kommer vara Albert i Svindlarna) för att förstöra Colombias kaffeskörd. Det lyckas, men Stålmannen dyker upp och räddar Colombia genom att - det här är äkta humor - vända upp och ner på en tyfon och blåsa den regnskadade marken torr. Webster bestämmer sig då för att göra sig kvitt Stålmannen genom att ge honom kryptonit, något som först inte verkar funka, men sedan visar sig vara alldeles för bra gjort; kryptoniten tar bort allt det goda i honom, och helt plötsligt har vi en elak stålman, som gillar att jävlas med folk. Till råga på allt vill Webster ta över världen med hjälp av en superdator, och, ja... ni hör ju. Det hände att man skrattade rakt ut flera gånger bara för att handlingen var så absurd och specialeffekterna fula, och i slutet verkade det som att någon tryckt på Steven Spielberg-knappen (ni vet, den som löser upp alla intrigtrådar med hjälp av onödigt mycket fula specialeffekter) bara för att få slut på den. Trots det var den ändå sevärd, kanske inte lika bra som de andra två, men den funkade.
Annars gillar jag speciellt när man får se skillnaden mellan Clark Kent och Stålmannen, det är fantastiskt duktigt av Christopher Reeve att i stort sett spela två karaktärer i samma film (och snygg är han också, testa t ex att klicka på bilden här i inlägget ;), framför allt vid ett tillfälle i första filmen där han byter karaktär mitt i en mening - wow, säger jag bara. Lika mindre wow, men desto mer humor (och mer som talar för att jag ska gilla i filmen) är ju hur otroligt amerikansk filmen är. Kommentaren om vad Stålmannen gör på jorden som fick bli rubrik på den här bloggen, samt slutscenen på Superman II när han kommer flygandes med en amerikanska flagga är ju så bra att man inte kan ogilla det... inte om man gillar USA i alla fall.
Så, ni som missade det här: your mistake. Att spendera natten med att kolla på Stålmannenfilmer och snacka skit är ett ganska bra sätt att slå ihjäl lite tid på, och trots att det kanske hade varit smidigare av femman att börja maratonet tre timmar tidigare, vid 8, så var det ändå värt att knappt få någon sömn för. Dessutom tror jag att jag ska försöka skaffa de filmer jag inte har av serien också, det känns som att jag kommer vilja se om dem någon gång.
And that's enough of that shit.
Idag ser jag på:
- Påtaglig fara, TV4, 21.00
Förresten så ska jag recensera alla romantiska komedier med mina nya idol Hilary Duff när jag kommer hem från Holland den 31, så i augusti har ni en del bloggar att se fram emot. Dessutom ska jag försöka bli mer organiserad på den här bloggen i höst... och så har jag ju en ganska kul nyhet att delge i början av augusti också. Ni har en del att se fram emot! :P
Comic Con Day Four

Final Thoughts.... Not as many stars or panels and the horrible mix up with the hotel , but all in all this has been a fun comic con experience. Be sure to check out my website and follow the link to my comic con 2006 pictures.
Sunday is usually a laid back kind of day. It's "Kids day" so I normally don't go to any panels that day and normally finish up buying whatever I want to buy before we head home. But this year I was volunteering at the California Browncoats fan table. From 9:30am to about 1pm it was controlled chaos. It was so much fun meeting fellow fans of Firefly and Serenity. We sold tons of t-shirts, buttons, stickers and so much more. I did very good and didn't buy everything. After working the booth I then strolled around a bit longer and checked out a few things. At about 1:30 I headed upstairs for the Browncoats charity drawing, which I had bought 20 tickets. I sat there for about two hours as they read off ticket number but alas I did not win any of the 123 items. After that I found Tom and we headed back home.
Saturday, July 22, 2006
Comic Con Day Three

There wasn't much going on Saturday in regards to the panels, at least not much that I wanted to see. So I planned on spending most of my time down in the dealers room or roaming around taking pictures. But there were two panels that I wanted to see. At 10:30 there was the Lost panel. I have gone to this every year (this being year three) and every year different actors show up to promote this show. This year we had Jorge Garcia (Hurley) and Daniel Dae Kim (Jin). It was a packed house over 5000 people and they talked about the upcoming season but kept very tight lipped. After that panel and in the same room was The Simpson panel. The creative time behind this show came in and discussed several things, the big thing was seeing unfinished clips from the big Simpsons movie coming out next year. Both panels were great
After the panels I picked up some lunch and went back down to the floor where I took tons of picture ( which you can see on my website) and continue to check out all the geeky things. At 8pm there was a special screening of "Done the Impossilbe" it's a fan film about how the fans of Firefly fought to get our beloved but cancelled TV series made into the big damn movie Serenity. When then did dinner and back to the hotel for some much needed rest.Friday, July 21, 2006
Comic Con Day Two

Friday was my first full day at this years Comic Con and I would have to say that it didn't disappoint me. There were crowds, lines, people in costumes and plenty of geeky things as far as the eye could see. Every year I sit down with the program schedule for each day and make lists of what I want to see and who I want to see. Of course there is always conflicting event happening at the same time so I pick which one I really want to see and have the other ones as back up just in case I can't get into the one I really want to see. There were 12 events/panels that I wanted to see but 0nly three were "must" see.
When the doors opened on the huge dealers room ( about the size of a football field) I started to look at all the goodies. I only needed a few action figures but was also buying some figures for friends that couldn't make to comic con.. so I started to shop. I knew that I had about an hour before I needed to get in line for the Warner Bros presentation. I knew that they weren't going to be showing any new footage from the new Harry Potter so it went from a 'must' see to if I had time panel and once I was on the dealers floor looking at all the cool things I decided that it wasn't so important and skipped it.Around Noon I knew that I needed to get upstairs and get in line for the one thing that I really have been looking forward too, the screening and panel for Heroes. Heroes is a new TV series that will be premiering on NBC in the fall and they had a special sneak peak at a 70 minutes comic con exclusive cut of the pilot episode. Then the entire cast but two came in and spoke to the crowds of thousands. The pilot was awesome and it was so cool being one of the first people to watch this great new TV series. The cast was funny, charming and taken back by the response from the audience. Eveyone must watch this new TV series.
After the Heroes panel I went back down to the dealers room and continued to go through the crowds of people and shop for items that I needed. About and hour after that my nerves were starting to get frayed. I can only take the crowds for so long and my feet were starting to hurt.. so I decided that is was time for lunch. I went upstairs and found a semi-quiet area and sat down for a much needed rest. After lunch I really didn't want to go back down to the floor so I decided to go to another panel. And so for the next few hours I went to the Star Wars Day: Lucasfilm's Star Wars Spectacular, which really is one big sales pitch for what games are coming out next year, but was still fun. I also went to The Jim Henson Company: Power of the Dark Crystal and found out about some upcoming movies and event from the Jim Henson Company. Now being 7pm I was tired but Tom and I wanted to see if we could get into one more panel, SNL Saturday TV Funhouse. We got in line, which was huge but the room filled up and we couldn't get it. We decided that it was time for dinner and then back to the hotel to rest up for Saturday.Thursday, July 20, 2006
Comic Con Day One
We did manage to get to the convention center before they closed and get our badges and still make it to the second half of a panel with Kenneth Johnson the creator of V, The Incredible Hulk, Bionic Man and Woman, Alien Nation amoung others. So what started off as a horrible day and continued to be a crappy afternoon ended with a good night. Next up Friday.. one of the busiest con days.
Sunday, July 16, 2006
"little" outing
Saturday, July 15, 2006
Thursday, July 13, 2006
Comic Con
Sunday, July 9, 2006
Big Screen TV
Tuesday, July 4, 2006
Four day Weekend
Well it's been an interesting four day fourth of July weekend. It started off really good.. going up to my Mom's cabin in Green Valley Lake for four days relaxing getaway with Harry and Daisy. Got up their Saturday night, relaxed all day Sunday, walked around the Lake and had a really nice time. Monday we went off-roading, which was alot of fun and did some more relaxing. But while off-roading I got a message on my cell phone, it doesn’t work in Green Valley but where we were off-roading we got reception. So I checked it and it was the EP of the show I'm working on panicking about getting a bunch of things done by Wednesday night. So I called him and tried to calm him down a bit. But of course now I'm worrying about work and getting all this stuff done before Wednesday night. I asked Harry if we could go home a bit earlier because I wanted to go into work today on the fourth and try and get a headstart on things. He was fine with that, both of us aren't really into fireworks and we wanted to beat the traffic home. So we got up Tuesday and started to pack up the jeep and head home. We got out of the mountains and was about 80 miles or so from home when the temperature gauge on the jeep started to rise and kept rising until it was in the red and I started to pull to the side of the road when I realized that I was losing horsepower. Well we managed to get to the side of the road and I called AAA. Come to find out that I have the basic AAA and they only tow 7 miles for free and for every mile after that it's $8 a mile. Well us still being 80 miles from home it would cost be about $640.00 to tow the jeep to our place. I called my brother who lives in Corona and talked with him and told him what has happened. He suggest I bring the jeep to his place about 20 miles and he can have his friends take a look at it and he would give us a ride home. Well after waiting in the 100 + temp, which Daisy was just dying in, the tow truck came and towed the jeep to my brother's house. I'm still not sure what the problem is. But the jeep overheated and may have cause the head gasket to blow, which is bad but even worse it may have cracked the engine block, which would mean we would need a new engine. Anyways we got home about 5pm and just crashed on the couch. What started out as being a great relaxing weekend turned into a stressful and costly weekend and I’m still waiting to hear the worst of it. Oh and I didn't go into work to get that head start like I wanted to. So tomorrow is going to be one hell of a day.
Saturday, July 1, 2006
A New "little" Brother??
Oh I forgot to mention in my last blog that when I picked Sean up he mentioned that we only had two more outings left. I asked him why he said this and come to find out that his mom got a job in Idaho and his family is moving mid August. He knows it's for the best but was very upset that we just started to get to know each other and he has to leave. He very sweetly asked if I can move there too. I assured him that he'll get another big brother from idaho to hang out with. Not sure what I'm going to do next. I assume once he leaves I'll have to start again with another "little' brother, but I'm sure there are plenty of kids out there who need a mentors.